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42/04/2016 THU 15:14 PAX 717 597 6123 Dintrict Court 39-3-05 Qoossor7 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT (CONMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF: FRANKLIN. ‘Sa? v8, Magitadal Oistiet Number: 30-305 (NAME and ADDRESS): DUANE CUNNINGHAM, PATRICK JONES wi 401 S. WASHINGTON ST GREENCASTLE, PA 17225 ‘aaa ame 728 CENTER DR, ‘CHAMBERSBURG, Pa 17202 “Teiopnone: 717-587-8584 NGIG EXTRADITION CODE TYPE |B Felony Fur T+Fetony no ee, Tle sademeunar Les TIE tidemeanor Pending |] 2-Fetony Ld, eee Pend, (C1 c-Miademesnor Surrounding Statew Distance: |3-Felony Surrounding Staiae A-Miudemnoanor Full 1 D-ntedemaance tio Exradlvon BEFEROATIOENTFICATION NFORUATION Paap PByeta fencer ies ian CRS O~14¢- eye, Tiosanenet 7605267 GENDER | pos 07/10/66 front ‘NEW: esis [asa1n08 [co Defendenne) 52 aie, [axa estar Widder Tan Na Gen. RACE Lhe TlAsian By asc Tinie american T Unknown [ETHNICITY oO ie Edd Non-Hispanic TD vaKnown HAIR COLOR] GRY (Grey) C1 Re0(Red/Auim.) — C] so (Sandyy C1 Bu (bie) TIPLE (Purpie) L] Bro Crown) Dex wick Done (omege) Clwwicesiiey — Balrcoc (unk sala) C)GRN (Orem) C) PNK (Pink) haw (Blend /Svanbery) EYE COLOR Deek eieck BLU (Aue) Hd RO (Bromn) Daan (Green) ‘GRY (Grty) Dhxtaz crtezct) | MAR (NMsroon) CO) peak (Pini) Coun catuticolored) XXX (Unknown) ae Sie PA” cms er OST ie 706 WET) ‘DNA ves No [DNA Location 320 ee a aa RST en rae — Tv Bw o [a Fingerprint iention ‘DEFENDANT VEHICLE INFORMATION Pim Tae [Reames [Rouivaton ar er Gomme veh ne, | Segal ee Code van Your ze Modo lesa le fice ofthe Aoinay Paths Somanweath J PAM hth PY EPA wrnenne ape “FRAN GARIBARE of fue Pennayanla Site Pale, Toop H, Cher PAPSEI200, da horeby state: check appropiate box) 1:12 acouso the above named dfendant who vee at he‘adeross se forth above | accuve the defendent whose nam is unknown o ma but who ie descibad as C1 | accuse the defendant whose name and popular designation or nickname is unknown to me and whom | have therefore designated 85 John Doo or Jane Doe. ‘with volotng the penal laws ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at: 208... 2B GENTERLRR, in FRANKLIN. County "=" 29 on or about 11/28-26/14 AOPC 412A Rev. 09/12 12/0a/2016 mHU 15: 4 PAX 717 597 6123 District Court 39-3-05 oos/017 2 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Or Tags ype Compiler Namba [ceaae re | Take |e PS TET vanaeenet Pr wae a eee wee Stes The acte committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate. When there is more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically, ‘Skane Ear sme rte eon acs aavae a ears fas res Salen ote Hey ego wae, ean mer et ME. Na may ete, yur leh a Yo In atten ysl usy eur and ran aaa (oF) ahi nl sa7i34-2187) g incon Aion Sonera [a contr tense 16018 190024 10009 Lae 4_j2s0t | A” | tne | Tile 18, PA Crimes Code 1_|F1_|oo00 1018 ‘fenan—__Saton Sibeeton PA Sie i) Caan Gado NCIC OFene Code _UORMIBAS Gade PennDOT Dae ar (tapptenbiy ono Coimaree Ceatay zone Derk zone ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): Criminal Homicide ‘Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: lin that on about said date, the defendant did intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently causes the death another human being. TO WIT: Barton JONES did shoot Lucas COON in the chest causing death. ncrowe E ‘Aeon I sotereran [ conprecy tease 190014 santa e903 tener 2 Joos ]iact) | arm [Twe1,Pacrimes cone | 1__|r2_| s2v0 1801520 Ofenweh___Seefon_ Subsection PA Ste To) Gai Gray_ NCIC Otani Code UORNIBRS Cae PennDOT Data esa (apoio Number imareate Dest 2000 Clea zane ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance); Persons Not to Possess/Use/Manufacture, control, sell, transfer Firaarms [Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: On the above time and date, the defendant, who has been convicted of aggravated indecent assault within or thout this Commonwealth, ragardless of the length of sentence or whose conduct meets the criteria in subsection (0) shall not possess, use, control, sell, transfer or manufacture or obtain a license to possess, use, contro}, sell transfer or manufacture a firearm In this Commonwealth, in violation of PA Crime Code, 6105(a)(1). AOPC 442A Rev. 08/12 Page _of, 12/04/2014 THU 15:15 PAX 7117 597 6123 District Court 39-3-05 @or0/017 Ed POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Digs [one pies, | opuagpeeenanbe ees ese [Usha | Peery caren Defendant Nerve BARTON PATRICK JONES The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate fonge should be numbered chronologically net a Sy ouree Actatsn ana ae steam ee ‘unary ans, youu et Pw pete m,n sot earner and anal matan (eg Ps) abn ed eal acount be ann, ei 219.1-207) howe meen [eaten Conepiney renee rmso1a tera e009 Fe] ver 2 |4915.1 [eo | ort [rite 10, PACtimes Coto [1 [rd | set2 2a01002 Orman Sean Stencton PaSwate i) ei Grde_ NOI ORewaGoin VERNIARS Cede Perabo Bi eit (trppteanio Neat Ctra Diseaty x00 Clwone zone ‘Statute Description (include the name of elatute or ordinance): Fallure to Comply with Registration Requirements ‘Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: IN THAT, on or about sald date, THE DEFENDANT who Is subjact to registration under 42 Pa.C.S. 9799.19 did knowingly fail to provide accurate information when registering under 42 Pa.C.S. 9799.15, 9799.19, or 709.25. ncKone (Atom — [D coveiacy lonenes 109014 tom02 sews oO Mand? 4A | 5510 ofthe | Title 18 , PA Crimes Code 1 m2 ‘(260 Ofna Saeton Session FAC) ‘Ceara Grady_NOIOfewe Gade UCRIRS Cote PennDOT Daa ation (apni) amaer Citrate Ti atey Zane Cover zone ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): ‘Abuse of Corpse = ‘Acts of the accused associated with thie Offense: |IN THAT, on or about sald date, THE DEFENDANT did treat a corpse In a way that he knows would outrage rdinary family sensibilities, AOPC 412A ~ Rev, 09/12 Page _of _ 12/04/2014 THU 15:15 PAX 117 597 9123 Diatrict Court 39-3-05 ousos7 as POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Dockgt Num Date Filed YLiyeStan Number Complaint/incident Number sasene | Pilaley | PSs gery Hop asdezat Fit Mia Lt Defendant Name BARTON PATRICK JONES The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriste, there is more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically. rit mays eas cious aie eT one as ete a van) angel Woes, femeieon rts bebe eee 08) las To ten nad, toll wc menbor and rar late (og PN) shel tbe i dnl of an acne mlb onlalad ey a oe fh em a hr tne weenie) hoa Fae Ic aaa beanie anne on tesaza 10800 Q Cana? 5 |6610 ofthe [Title 18, PA Crimea Code 1 |e (260 Giant Selon” Sibeclon PAS Gein Grae NE Gteee Cole UCRNIGRS Com WesnbOT Oe Tet tanita ander —— Cite zone CWenzane ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): Abuse of Corpse ‘Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did treat a corpse in a way that he knows would outrage lordinary family sensibilities. inchoate Anmee Toletaton [Comply onenee $9008 1e0024 roses go tana? 6 _|4008 | cottme | Tle 18, PA Crimes Code 1 wa 280/002 fens Geeton Gubeason PAS (Te) Gouna Geage NCIC Otome Cade UCRINIBRE Goce PennDOT Date ‘eel (Or aplleable) Number Ditrtratate Lowey zone Cowie zone ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities ‘Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did knowingly give false information to a law enforcement loficer, namely, Franklin County 911, with intent to implicate another, in violation of Section 4906(a) of the PA [crimes Code. AOPG 412A~ Rov. 09/12 Page _ot__

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