Anna's Daily Schedule - Part 1

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Hello. My name's Anna Conda.

Anna's Daily Schedule - Part 1

Level - Beginner
For 1 Person or Pair Work

I'm twenty-nine years old.

I'm a teacher in a local school and
I work five days a week.

Hello, my name is
Anna! It's very nice to
meet you!

I wake-up at seven o'clock.

For breakfast I like to eat fruit,
toast or cereal.
I drink a glass of orange juice.

I work until four o'clock and I feel

very tired.

I leave for work at eight o'clock

and arrive at eight-thirty.

I leave work before four-thirty and

arrive home at five-o'clock.

Then, I begin teaching from

nine o'clock.

I cook dinner and then watch T.V.

until about nine-thirty.

I eat lunch in the school's

cafeteria from twelve o'clock.

Then I take a bath until ten o'clock.

Then I go back to work at




English Is Your Global Passport!

1) Use the following questions to ask

Anna about her schedule.
2) Use the same questions to give
answers about your daily schedule.
3) Use the questions to ask someone
in your class about their daily schedule
and to practice simple conversation.
1) What's your name?
2) How old are you?
3) What do you do?
4) How many days a week do you do that?
5) What do you like to eat for breakfast?
6) What do you drink with breakfast?
7) What time do you leave for work or school?
8) What time do you arrive there?
9) What time do you have lunch?
10) Where do you eat lunch?
11) What time do you go back to work or class?
12) What time do you get home?
13) What do you like to do after dinner?
14) What time do you go to bed?
15) How many hours do you sleep everyday?

I go to bed at ten-thirty.

= preposition: expressing a location or time of something: At the shops at 1pm.

= used with a noun for the first time; one single unit of something: a cup; a table.
= preposition: in relation to something: I will go out for one hour.
= preposition & conjoiner: something ends at a time or place: until 1pm; until now.
= verb: in this case - to do something: She is going to take a bath.
= verb: to reach a place you were travelling to.


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