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Figure 2-5 Typical ISRM profiles and Suggested

nomenclatures. The length of each profile is in
the range of 1 to 10m. (ISRM, 1978).

Figure 2- 4 Typical roughness profiles for a range

of JRC. (after Barton and Choubey, 1977) Laubschers Roughness Curves

Laubscher (1990) in Geomechanics classification
system for rating of rock mass in mine design has
developed a set of descriptive terms for discontinuity
surface roughness determination with factors rating
the influence on the stability of underground
excavations. The description of the profiles is partly
based on the profiles of ISRM (1978) and (1981). The
roughness is categorized in to two roughnesses that
can be seen at different scales and can not be seen, but
can be felt by using fingers (so called tactile
roughness). See Figure 2-6.
This is developed and applicable for underground
excavations, hence it is not applied in this study.
Figure 2- 6 Laubschers roughness
profiles (after Laubscher, 1990) Method used in SSPC System

Hack et al. (1998) have developed an empirical relation between tactile and visible roughness based
on the (ISRM, 1978, 1981; Laubscher, 1990) profiles and the friction along discontinuity plane
resulting from roughness for his slope stability probability classification (SSPC) system for the slopes.
Hack et al. (1998), categorized the roughness in to two (large scale and small scale) roughness. The

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