Final Paper at Ulster CountyTourism

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Cassidy Scanlon

Internship Seminar
From the Trenches
Ulster County Tourism
The three professionals I chose to interview all work at the businesses where I
intern, Ulster County Tourism. These professionals include: Director of Tourism; Rick
Remsynder, Deputy of Director of Tourism; Fran DePetrillo-Savoca, and Tourism
Information Assistant; Annemarie Harms. I have worked closely with all three professionals
throughout my internship in order to gain maximum work experience for my future. Each
professional plays an important role in making Ulster County Tourism run efficiently and as
smoothly as possible.
Prior to the interviews I thought about the word tourism. Before I began my
internship I barely knew anything about tourism. I am lucky to have gotten this internship in
my own county because I get to learn about all the beautiful events and businesses right in
my own area. I have been able to help friends and family members out by explaining to
them local events going on or local businesses they can shop at for the things they
need. According to the article, Collaboration Theory and Community Tourism Planning, the
authors Tazim B. Jamal and Donald Getz explain tourism,
A destination community's assets and resources, such as its infrastructure and
recreational facilities, can be shared by its inhabitants, visitors, public, and private
sector interests. Tourism development then takes on the characteristics of a public

and social good whose benefit may be shared by the numerous stakeholders in the
local destination (Jamal and Getz, page 193).
As I began to prepare for my interviews, I wanted to make sure that my questions
were appropriate to the tourism industry and mutually beneficial for me and for the purpose
of this paper. I also wanted to make sure that I asked questions that would give the
individuals a chance to expand and go into more detail rather than just answering the
specific question. After interviewing the three professionals I believe that I asked the right
questions and I was able to look at each individuals backgrounds and compare and contrast
their professional work styles and choices.
The first interview I conducted was with Fran DePetrillo-Savoca, Deputy of Tourism
at Ulster County Tourism. Fran attended college at SUNY Ulster for two years and
completed her Bachelors Degree at SUNY New Paltz. Fran worked all through college and
most of high school. Fran said, I am thankful to have the knowledge that I gained from
both school and work because they both play an important role. Fran also believes that
she was fortunate to find a full-time position after graduation that provided the opportunity
for her to advance in the position as she gained work experience at a local not for profit.
After years of working in the community, Ulster County recognized that she would be
a good fit for the position when it opened. Tourism to Fran is very important and has always
interested her. She has always realized that we live and work in an amazing area that has
so much to experience and provides a great quality of life. When Fran first started working
for Ulster County Tourism she felt very challenged. She said that in her previous position
she learned a lot about dealing with the public and the area, which was very helpful since

starting a new job at any time in life is challenging. Since Fran is new to the company, in
five years she still sees herself working and growing at Ulster County Tourism.
Fran says that the tourism industry is changing and realizes that the internet plays a
large part in tourism today and it certainly didn't when she was growing up. Fran sees
tourism growing more in the direction of the internet and social media. But she feels that
there will always be the connectedness of personal contact. Fran says that anyone can
research where to go, what to do and see, and where to eat online, but once they get there
there will be personal contact in some manner. Fran strongly believes that Ulster County
Tourism will grow because there is so much to offer from our natural surroundings, to farms,
art, culture, history, shopping, incredible dining and lodging. Fran says that Ulster County is
a destination like no other and tourism in Ulster County will grow and become even more
popular through continued promotion of the quality of the experience people will have while
they are here.
The next person I interviewed was Rick Remsnyder, Director of Tourism at Ulster
County Tourism. Rick graduated from Drury College with a Bachelors Degree in History
and Journalism. Rick spent twenty-five years as an investigative reporter and sports writer
for three different daily newspapers. Rick took over as the marketing director of the Nevele
Grande Resort and Country Club in Ellenville in 2003. He was there for four and a half
years when the Tourism Director position opened up and Rick took over in the summer of
2007. Rick always enjoyed traveling so he thought it was an interesting field to get into as
a second career.
When Rick first started working after college he had the opportunity to work as a
newspaper reporter at the Middletown, NY Times Herald-Record. Rick said, It was a

fantastic experience working my way up the ladder from taking obits over the phone, to
eventually writing front-page stories for a newspaper with a circulation over one hundred
thousand. I quickly learned how to write concise, entertaining and informative stories with
the invaluable assistance of my editors. In Ricks first few years at Ulster Tourism he
thought it was a fun job with a different challenge every day and it remains so. He
discovered that we have many amazing properties and attractions in Ulster County and he
worked hard to find different ways to promote them in order to get as many visitors as
possible to visit the county.
Rick explains that Ulster County Tourism has changed over the years wIth the help
of the First County Executive Mike Hein. Mike Hein has been a huge supporter of tourism
and the Ulster County Tourism office since 2009. Ulster County Tourism has a budget that
is now very competitive with neighboring counties, and Ulster County Tourism has shifted
its emphasis from print advertising to a more diverse advertising campaign including TV,
radio and digital advertising. Rick explains that location is also important when it comes to
the target market. Ulster County Tourism has shifted their target market mostly to the New
York City metropolitan area, including the five boroughs, New Jersey, Long Island and
Rick feels strongly that the tourism industry will continue to grow over the next few
years. Rick said that there is a possibility of three major projects being approved in
Ellenville the Nevele Resort Casino and Spa, in Highmount the Belleayre Resort and in
Rosendale the Williams Lake Resort. Rick said, With the potential of just one of these
being approved the industry will continue to grow at a rapid rate. Rick believes that Ulster
County Tourism will continue to grow and become even more popular, because as a team,
they are always thinking of new ways to promote our tourism assets by keeping up with the

latest innovations in the advertising world such as social media (Twitter and Facebook),
new online advertising themes and campaigns and increased exposure in the New York
City market with television and radio advertising. Rick is enjoying his time working for Ulster
County Tourism and believes in five years he will continue to work in the exciting world of
tourism in Ulster County.
The final person I interviewed was Annemarie Harms, Tourism Information Assistant
at Ulster County Tourism. Annemarie graduated from SUNY Ulster with a Degree in Liberal
Arts. Annemarie got into the field of tourism because her family owned a service-related
business where she worked as well. Many customers were from other states and countries
and inquired about the area. Being able to help customers and gain knowledge about the
area really interested her.
Annemarie explains that when she worked since she was 13 in her parent's
business, then in retail and other businesses in the food industry. As she first started out
working after college, Annemarie said she learned right away that the best teacher was her
father. Annemarie believes that she inherited her parent's work ethic, and that sustained her
even through difficult times.
I was very fortunate to have a supportive staff teaching me what this office required.
Most of my training came from the previous Deputy Director, Lisa Berger. There are many
tasks that need immediate attention and never any "spare" time to squander. Beyond that, it
was the lessons from my parents that helped me in this and all previous employment. Our
family often had to figure things out with very little assistance rather than being shown every
step of an assignment.

Annemarie has received the position as the Tourism Information Assistant, which
she still holds, by taking a Civil Service Exam for Ulster County. She has been at Ulster
County for just over five years. She said that Ulster County Tourisms marketing has
changed over the years by more people are being reached and even farther away. She said
that she receives inquiries from all over the USA and around the world by telephone and email and it is busier than ever before. However, Annemarie is retiring in January of this
year. In the next five years, she would like to use her expertise from her experience to work
only part-time or to even develop her own business.
Annemarie said that tourism was very different when she was growing up.
Annemarie further explained that Ulster County had a department named Public
Information. Annemarie said, The brochures were small and basic. The industry has
evolved considerably, especially with the regional major changes of industry. Annemarie
believes that tourism has become a very competitive industry as each region in NYS is
vying for the tourism dollars due to financial need. Over the next five years, Annemarie sees
tourism as a significant industry in our region. She too explains that the NYS's decision with
casinos could affect tourism in the various regions of the state.
Annemarie feels that the Ulster County will continue to grow and become more
popular. She explains that the Ulster County is a very large county with so much to offer in
all four seasons. Annemarie said, The Ulster County is being discovered by younger
people from the metro area who are establishing businesses and roots to our
communities. Annemarie said that we will grow and become popular due to our increasing
dining establishments, art galleries, boutiques, music, filming, and so much more.

The advice that Fran gave to me is, You continue with what you are doing. You
appear to have come into tourism with an open mind and appreciation for what we have
here. Continue to learn the deep history we have and to appreciate and promote all of the
tourism properties, from the parks and mountains to the shops, museums and all that
makes this such a great County to live, work and play in. The advice that Rick gave to me
Always arrive at work with a smile on your face and be ready to answer even
the most mundane question about Ulster County from a potential visitor. You
could be the first person to talk to a person considering a trip to Ulster County
and it is very important to create a positive impression if that person is going
to come to our county over and over. Also, you should take this opportunity to
talk to other people in the tourism industry and soak up as much knowledge
as you possibly can. People in the tourism industry are hard-working and they
aim to please because they know customer satisfaction is something that is
critical for their business to succeed. Other than that, have fun because its
the best job in the world! Keep up the great work. Youve been doing a
fantastic job.
The advice Annemarie gave to me is,
Listen carefully, absorb everything you can, never be afraid to ask a wellthought question, network, mind your manners, establish positive
relationships, learn how to read people for their character, be gracious under
fire, align yourself with people of good character. Eye contact is important, as
is grooming, appropriate wardrobe, voice modulation, paying attention to what

is going on around you - all of which you already do. Find a mentor who
would be willing to help you succeed. Be open to change and constant
learning. Know that each job has "grunt work", but nobody is above that. If
there is something you want, ask. If you don't ask, nobody will know you are
interested. There will always be good days and bad, good bosses and bad.
Analyze situations, then learn to follow your instincts. Remember to enjoy life
- it flies by! I want to wish the success in whatever you choose.
After conducting my three interviews, I have gained important knowledge about not
the tourism industry, but the work force as well. Hearing the words of advice from the three
people I work with and to hear them tell me I am doing a great job makes me really
appreciate my own personal experience, work experience, college experience, and the
connections that I have made so far. For all of them combined has made me the person I
am today, the worker I am today, and who I will continue to be.
I have learned that tourism has always been around. However, tourism is newly
becoming very competitive. Tourism everywhere draws people to the area. When people
come to any given area, they spend money and they talk to others about potential future
visits. This is very important in helping local businesses grow from art galleries to
restaurants. Tourism is the leading factor of economic growth in the Ulster County. It is
important for local business to support each other and come together and help each other
promote the county. Festivals really help and draw people to the area, once they are here,
they will sleep at a local B&B, they will visit local restaurants, and they will spend their free
time looking in local shops and boutiques.

With social media and online advertising becoming the fastest and easiest way to
reach people, I too agree with my three co-workers that the tourism industry will grow very
quickly. Even in my short time at Ulster County Tourism, I was able to get Ulster County
Tourism from 3,000 likes to almost 6,000 now. The more events that are promoted and the
more likes Ulster County Tourism reaches, the more people will see things and talk. This
will in turn draw people from out of the area here and the people already from the area will
attend local events and support local businesses.
After speaking with these three individuals I have realized that they all have gone to
college and have had plenty of experience in the work field. They all have a very strong
work ethic that have led them to having their great jobs in tourism. They all have lived and
worked in the Ulster County and they all appreciate the area we live in. I believe that this
helps them also like the jobs they have because they all are excited to tell people about the
area. I relate the most with Annemarie because I too have worked since a young age in my
parents business. I have learned so much from my father and he has taught me many
work and life lessons that have made me grow into the person that I am today.
After spending the past two months with Ulster County Tourism, I have grown to
really enjoy the industry of tourism and the company I intern for. I have had over seven
years of experience in customer service working for several businesses in Ulster County. As
a graduating senior majoring in Organizational Communication and my previous
Communication & Media Arts Associates Degree, I believe I am fit for the tourism industry.
My internship with Ulster County Tourism has allowed me the opportunity to explore and
learn about our area and it has been very exciting and rewarding to educate the public
about the special events taking place. I have been comfortable working independently and

also as a team member. I have seen my own potential and I have been very dedicated and
hardworking, as I contributed to the success of the Ulster County Tourism. I believe that I
will prove to be a valuable asset to whatever company I end up with in the future.

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