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SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Measurement: Inch-by-Inch
Name: Katelyn Williams
Time Allotted: 40 Minutes
Grade Level: 2 Grade
Subject(s): Math
Materials Required:
Inch-by-Inch worksheet
Estimation box (with something in it; recyclable manipulative)
Fairness Cup
KWL Chart
Measuring tools (ruler, yard stick, measuring tape, meter stick)
Estimation directions
Behavioral Expectations
Website: Sid Recycling Video
o This video engages students helping them to understand the value of recycling
and the importance of classifying materials. If students are struggling to
understand how to classify materials this video can help model what exactly
classifying materials looks like.
Fish Bowl
Ticket out the door (Exit Slip)
Michigan Content Expectations:
CCSS: 2.MD.A.1 - Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such
as rulers, yardstick, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
CCSS: 2.MD.A.3 - Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
Objective(s): A specific, measurable portion of a GLCE, HSCE, CCSS, or NGSS (may
more clearly state with Blooms taxonomy verb) including the level of proficiency.
The Learner will measure (evaluation) the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate
tools such as rulers, yardstick, meter sticks, and measuring tapes in a group by recording six out
of the eight recyclable object materials lengths on a research worksheet to demonstrate
The Learner will estimate (evaluation/comprehension) lengths using inches individually by
predicting the length of the ten objects of their choice on the research worksheet and recording
their predictions prior to measuring the object with 75% accuracy.
Student Friendly objective(s):
I can measure (evaluate) the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as
rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
I can estimate (evaluation/comprehension) lengths using inches.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Assessment: Throughout the entire lesson (For-formative and Of-Summative) how do you
assess that students are progressing towards or have mastered EACH objective?
Objective 1 Informal
As a group we would begin our investigation to determine how to properly measure items. I will
observe the students as they independently practice measuring a recyclable item to make sure
they understand how to use the appropriate tools.
Objective 1 Formal
The students will record their measurements on their Inch-by-Inch research form. Students are
required to record 6 of the 8 measurements in inches. I will use this form to review the students
progress and understanding of measurement.
Objective 2 Informal
To grab the students attention from the beginning I am going to ask them an inquiry based
question saying I have a box with many recyclable materials in it. Can we guess how many
there are? How can we figure it out? The students would begin to plan to make an educated
guess how many flowers are in the jar. As the students are coming up with ideas, I will have
them write them down on sticky notes. I will observe their discussion to make sure the students
are making accurate estimations.
Objective 2 Formal
Students will work to record estimations of items on their Inch-by-Inch research form. They
will receive an assessment research sheet and will record their educated guesses in inches. I will
later evaluate this document to see how the students predictions went.
If my students met the objectives and understood the requirements I would review the lesson and
proceed onward to the next lesson. If several students did not understand the material I would
review my teaching to determine if I need to make adaptations. As a teacher I would review the
students informal and formal assessment to get a better idea of what they were missing and to
determine how I could best assist them. After re-teaching the content I would re-assess the
student to see where they were. However, if a student had not met the objectives and assessment
then I would review the assessment to determine where the gap in learning occurred. I would
meet with the student one-onone. After determining the gap I would re-teach the material in a
way, which would benefit the learners learning style. After re-teaching the material in a way
that would benefit the learner I would re-assess them to see their progress.
Instructional Procedure: What information do students need to accomplish the objective?
1. Anticipatory Set: (Allotted Time 6 min)
a. Attention Getter: Today I brought in something and I need your help solving a
problem. Before us we can see this box of recyclable objects, however, without
picking it up, opening it, or shaking the box can we guess how many items are
inside? How would we do that? Write your prediction down on a sticky note.
b. Once you are ready to discuss your ideas, give me a quiet thumbs up.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

c. Review: Most recently we have been learning about addition, however, today we
are going to jump to a different subject called measurement. We need to recall the
information we have learned so we can properly add different measurements to
determine how long objects are.
d. Today learning to measure properly and make good educated guesses can help us
in the future as we complete school, and focus on work. Many forms of work use
measurement as a tool.
e. What occupations use measurement regularly? What are jobs you can think of that
needs to use measurements? (Ex: Architects, designers, construction workers,
etc.). Why/how do they use measurement?
f. Fairness cup: As I select a student to share I will draw a popsicle stick out of the
cup to determine who gets to share first. (Select four popsicle sticks before
moving on).
g. Behavior: Today I need your help to listen carefully (point to your ear), respect
your neighbor (point to several neighbors), and strive to do your best (superman
2. State Purpose and Objective of Lesson: (Allotted Time 4 min)
a. KWL chart: Before we watch a brief video about recycling we as a class will
determine what we already know, and want we want to learn through completing
a KWL chart.
b. Sid recycling video (to introduce recycling)
c. KWL chart: After watching the video we will take a moment to determine what
else we learned and see if any of our questions were answered.
d. I will state my objectives by saying today we are going to learn to estimate (make
an educated guess) and measuring objects accurately.
e. This information is important because we need to take time to learn how to
measure an object properly. Many jobs do involve making measurements at times
(Examples: designing clothes, making cars, making a basketball, with a doll and
many other items).
f. Learning to measure properly will help us in our future science lessons as we
move into further investigations and as I mentioned before many jobs rely on the
size, value, and more. However, learning how to measure properly can help you
as your parents are moving or redecorating so they can figure out where to move
3. Instruction: (Allotted Time 15 min)
a. Direct Interactive Instruction:
TTW Explain the how to make an estimation. Earlier we practiced
estimation and many of you may not have even known it. As we tried to
determine how to predict how many recycling objects were in the box
and we began to determine how we could estimate more accurately.
Key words to look for: When looking at a problem or question and you
are asked to estimate we are trying to create an educated guess. When
determining if a question is looking for estimation or the actual number
is by looking for key words. Two key words to keep an eye out for are

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

about, and is. These two words can help distinguish between an
estimation question or factual question.
Modeling: if I were to take the box we used earlier I would not just
throw a random number out there but would try to get a close educated
guess. Therefore, if I am to guess how many objects are in this box I
would estimate that there are about 10 because from the top I can see
about 5 so I am going to double that to make my estimation. After you
make your prediction we can pour out the box and actually figure out
how many recyclable objects there are. There are actually 12.
Estimations will rarely be the exact number, however, that is why it is
called estimation. We are guessing the right answer we are trying our
best to guess how many there, therefore the answer may not be exact.
Adapting an estimate: You can change your estimate as you gather new
ideas, however the correct number will never change unless an item is
added or taken away.
The learner will practice along side the teacher as she models several
practice problems.
Inches: Inches or in which stands for inches cover a bigger areas then
centimeters do. If we are measuring small to medium size objects a ruler
will work just fine. However, if you wanted to measure a house, would a
ruler be a good tool? We have other measurement tools and units, which
we will later discuss that can be used to measure big objects. However
today we are going to focus on inches. We must do our best now so that
when we move on to measuring larger objects we have the basics to help
us succeed.
On a ruler we are going to look for the side that goes up to 12 and that
most likely says in and use that side today as we measure in inches.
Measurement start: Next I will discuss how to measure an item properly.
I will explain the importance beginning your measurement from the zero
line, not the end of the ruler or the one. You start at the zero line.
Accuracy: To measure more accurately it helps if you mark where you
left off if you use a ruler to make sure your dont loose your point. If you
are measuring an object you cannot mark up you can use your finger or a
small object to help guide you.
Adding measurements: If an object is bigger then one ruler, you may
need a piece of paper to record how many inches that object is. For
example, if we were to measure this desk, I would use my ruler to
measure the length and see that the distance is farther then my ruler.
Therefore, I would count how many times I use my ruler and each time I
move it I would add 12 inches to the addition problem. Next I will
demonstrate how the students would use their addition skills to measure
items that may be longer then a ruler.

b. Guided Practice:
Model #1: After the students understand how to measure items properly,
the teacher will model the first problem on the Inch-by-Inch sheet.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

About how long is a soda can? What does the word about mean, or
signal? Thats right! The question is asking me to predict. I am going to
predict my can is 6 inches long because its seems like it would be about
half of a ruler. Since I know that a ruler contains 12 inches, I can figure
out that half of a ruler would be 6 inches. Now, when I say how long is
it means I am looking for the actual number. When I measure my soda
can I can see that it is 6 and inches long when I measure it. How do I
know that my can is 6 and inches? Because my can does not fully
reach the 7 inch mark.
Directions: Now that I have showed you what I am looking for take time
to practice the first estimation and measurement.
I will walk around the room to make sure the students are following the

c. Independent Practice:
Predict: Now that we have practiced the first one, take time to
individually predict how many inches each measurement will be.
Instruct students to complete practice problems individually or with
another student while support/guidance is given.
If you finish early I would like you to find and measure an item within
the classroom that is recyclable. You can choose a big box or other item
and practice adding as you measure to get your final measurement.
Remember, to predict its size, and then measure the item.
Tip, if you finish early: If you use a whole ruler or 12 inches its called a
foot. So if you have time to select an object of your choosing to measure
after the inch-by-inch worksheet and choose a big one it may be easier
if you use five whole rulers and 11 inches to say 5 ft 11 in.
4. Differentiated Consideration
a. If a student finishes early, I will allow them to take more time to complete their
measurements and review their findings. If the student has completed the
assignment and does not desire to work on it anymore they may read a book
silently until everyone is done.
b. If the student struggles to complete the activity I would provide them with the
scaffolding necessary to help them be successful through prompting with
questions and interaction. If the student simply needs more time I will allow them
to take their assignment home and finish it for homework.
c. If a student demonstrated proficiency early on I would allow the learner to take
the experiment one step further and allow them to measure an item of their choice
in inches like they did for class as they complete the current investigation they
could also develop their own understanding.
d. If the student were still not proficient at the end of the lesson I would pull them
aside and work with them one-on-one. I would reflect through their assignments
to see where they are struggling and address the issue through a variety of
learning styles. I would give them an opportunity to explain what they know and

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

when they demonstrate understanding I would allow them to complete their
scientific journal entries.
5. Closure: (Allotted Time 5 min)
a. Fish bowl To begin to summarize what we have learned I would have the
studnets form an inner and outer circle to dicuss key questions.
I would ask the students:
1. How do you make a good estimation?
2. Were your estimations close to the measurement results?
3. What would you do differently next time.
b. Reinforce/Restate the objectives
Today we learned that we can measure (evaluate) the length of an object
by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter
sticks, and measuring tapes and that we can estimate
(evaluation/comprehension) lengths using inches.
c. You all did a great job and I saw massive improvement and accuracy as your
practiced measuring the recyclable materials. You all did fantastic. It was exciting
to see you all become so comfortable and confident with our measuring tools.
You got a lot of practice, before class is over are there any questions I missed?
d. Summary: Before you leave today either write a response on your ticket out the
door to me at the door one thing you learned today that you did not know before.
6. Rubric:


The student
between 6 and
8 out of the 8

The student
between 5 and
6 out of the 8

The student
between 3 and
4 out of the 8

The student
between 1 and
2 out of the 8

The student
between 6 and
8 out of the 8
The student
between 6 and
8 out of the 8
objects units.

The student
between 5 and
6 out of the 8
The student
between 5 and
6 out of the 8
objects units

The student
between 3 and
4 out of the 8
The student
between 3 and
4 out of the 8
objects units

The student
between 1 and
2 out of the 8
The student
between 1 and
2 out of the 8
objects units

7. References:

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Printable Paper Rulers. (n.d.). Vendian. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
"UGA Recyclable-Items Poster 2012[1] | UGA Office of Sustainability." UGA
Office of Sustainability. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Research Worksheet: Measurement (Inch-by-Inch)

Directions: Complete 8 out of the 10 objects. Predict the measurement of the object
and write it done, then measure the object and record its actual measurement.
1) Pop can
My pop can is about ________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
My pop can is _____________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
2) Cardboard
My cardboard is about _____________________ (Unit) ________ wide.
My cardboard is ___________________________ (Unit) ________ wide.
3) Plastic
My plastic is about ________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
My plastic is _____________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
4) Glass jar
My glass jar is about ______________________ (Unit) ________ wide.
My glass jar is ____________________________ (Unit) ________ wide.
5) Juice carton
My juice carton is about_____________________ (Unit) ________ long.
My juice carton is _________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
6) Cans
My can is about __________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
My can is _______________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
7) Paper
My paper is about _______________________ (Unit) ________ around.
My paper is ____________________________ (Unit) ________ around.
8) Books
My book is about __________________________ (Unit) ________
My book is _______________________________ (Unit) ________ long.
If you have extra time: find a material within the classroom that is recyclable and
record the following information.
9) My object I found is ________________________________________
My _____________ is about __________________(Unit) _________long.
My _____________ is _______________________(Unit) _________long.
10) My object I found is ________________________________________
My _____________ is about __________________(Unit) _________long.
My _____________ is _______________________(Unit) _________long.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

I can measure (evaluate) the
length of an object by
selecting and using
appropriate tools such as
rulers, yardsticks, meter
sticks, and measuring tapes.
I can estimate
lengths using inches.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Estimating Lengths
1.Estimate the length of the
2.Record your estimate.
3.Check your estimate by
measuring the object with a
4.How close was your
5.Repeat with other objects.

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

1) Listen carefully
2) Respect your
3) Strive to do your
Ticket out the door: What is one new thing you learned or a
question you still have from today ________________________

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Ticket out the door: What is one new thing you learned or a
question you still have from today ________________________
Ticket out the door: What is one new thing you learned or a
question you still have from today ________________________
Ticket out the door: What is one new thing you learned or a
question you still have from today ________________________
Ticket out the door: What is one new thing you learned or a
question you still have from today ________________________

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Explanation of Identified Instructional strategies

Strategy #5 Manipulative
Why: For my lesson plan on recycling I desired to include some sort of manipulative and
to help my students be able to interact with the theme of recycling. I needed to teach to
the objectives and decided that recycling materials would be what was best for students to
see what they would in real life. Students quickly got into the activity and began to
measure and compare different recyclable items. The students received a manipulative
and used it to help solve a problem of measuring and comparing.
Benefit: It was great to be able to use materials that were the focus on my lesson.
Throughout the unit students learned to measure, sort and recycle items. I believe that
using real recyclable items were much better to use then toy cans and boxes because then
student s got to interact with real recyclable material.
Cons: By using real recyclable materials I had to disallow cans to be brought in unless
they were unopened because of the sharp edges. Cans are a major part of recycling, so
that inhibited some activities.
Strategy # 14 Exit Slip (Ticket Out the Door)
Why: Having a exit slip was beneficial for me as the teacher because I was able to
prepare my question which was a reflection of what students were to learn. As a result of
receiving the students thoughts, and understanding I would be able to determine if
students understood the main focus of the lesson.
Benefit: The exit slips help the teacher adapt their future lesson. If majority of the
students revealed understanding then I would be able to move on, however, if students
do not demonstrate understanding or proficiency in their exit slip then I would continue
to work with the students and reteach the objective until they show mastery.
Cons: The exit slip or ticket out the door that I created only had one question. Depending
on how much time students take their response may or may not be completely authentic.
Therefore, it is important that the teacher provides adequate time for the exit slip to be
Strategy #18 - Fairness cup
Why: I desired to implement the fairness cup idea to help engage students and ensure
students are listening incase they are called on. I believe that using a tool like the
fairness cup can save time and help students not feel as hurt when they are not selected.
Benefit: The fairness cup ensures that everyone gets a chance to participate within the
discussion. Students do not know when they will be called so they need to be ready.
Cons: Using a fairness cup can inhibit students from joining in to sharing about
something that the students is passionate about. Therefore I believe it is important to use
a strategy like the fairness cup but not to let that drive every discussion. If students are
engaged they will jump into a discussion and do not need to be called from a cup.
Strategy #26 KWL Chart

SAU School of Education Lesson Plan

Why: I would use the KWL chart as a way to determine what students already know
about recycling and to lead into the lesson. After watching an educational video we
would reflect back upon what we learned before diving into our hands on activity.
Benefit: A KWL chart allows me to see what my students know and helps me see where I
should go next. If I see that my students have no knowledge of recycling then I would
take more time to discuss recycling.
Cons: A KWL chart can become a distraction to students if they are so concerned with
filling our a chart out and miss the content of a book, or video.

Strategy # 35 Fish Bowl Why: By having a fish bowl discussion at the end of the lesson I am preparing students to
think about what they learned before they are asked to write an exit slip or ticket out
the door. A fish bowl also helps me determine what students learned in more depth as I
listen and monitor the discussion to make sure it remains on task.
Benefit: Having students dicuss the content allows for students to practice both
discussion and listening skills as students continue to learn from one another.
Cons: If the students on the outer circle are listening for a while, they will disengage and
loose interest in the discussion. Therefore it is important to switch up the inner and outer
circle often.

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