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Abad 1

Daniella Abad Carnero

ENG 112-79
Connie S. Douglas, Instructor
Reader Letter

Dear Reader:
My Project is based in the questionable issue of birthright citizenship and my inquiry is
should birthright citizenship be eliminated? As an immigrant I feel in the obligation to research
as much as I can in order to give you enough information so you can make your own opinion
about the issue. I based all my research in facts and opinions of people who is involved in the
birthright citizenship issue. In order to give you an introduction to the birthright citizenship
issue I would like you to know what the Fourteen Amendment says which is All persons born
or naturalized in the United States (US), and subject of the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of
the United States and of the State where they reside (Meese).
There are some people like Republican Congressman Lindsey Graham who want to
amend the fourteen amendment in order to eliminate the birthright citizenship which I
consider a violation of what the founder fathers wanted for this country when they wrote the
constitution. In the other hand there is people like me and Margaret Stock, a retired military
attorney and professor of the Department of Political Science at the University of Arizona as a
who believe that the birthright citizenship should not be eliminated. My research will try to
help you understand the birthright citizen issue and will show you both points of view, the ones

Abad 2

in favor of birthright citizenship and the ones against it , in order for you to make your own
opinion about the matter.
I believe that the research will benefit the people that will be affected with the
elimination of the birthright citizenship like the undocumented people that live in the US, the
people that is living in the states with a visa and the ones that have a green card because it will
provide them up to date information of the issue. Additionally, my project will affect
government officials and US citizens. Furthermore, I will unveil those who try to say the
fourteen amendment is been misinterpret in order to favor illegal immigrants who take
advantage of it.
Finally, I hope that my multi-genre project helps everybody to understand that the
birthright citizenship has been part of the constitution for a long time and it would be insane
to try to take away the right of been a citizen to un unborn baby who does not have fault of his
parents decisions.

-Daniella Abad Carnero

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Work cited

Meese III, Edwin,David F. Forte, Matthew Spalding. The Heritage Guide to the Constitution.
Regnery Pub, 2005.

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