Eng 112-79 Exercise 5 5 5 6

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Mohdazhar 1

Nurul Mohdazhar
CPCC ENG 112 79
Connie Douglas
1st September 2014
Chapter 5

Exercise 5.5

1. Essay thesis: Because a college education provides important benefits, such as

increased wages for our citizens and a stronger democracy for our nation, every U.S
citizen should have the opportunity to earn a college degree.
2. The writer presents three arguments as evidence to support her thesis, and those
arguments are everyone should have the opportunity to go to college because; college
education gives people an opportunity to discover what they are good at, more jobs are
being phased out or shipped overseas, and an education is an essential part of a
democratic society. In my opinion, the strongest argument would be college education
gives people an opportunity to discover what they are good at, while the weakest
argument would be an education is an essential part of a democratic society.
3. The opposing arguments that the writer address are educational resources are limited and
underprepared students will require so much help that they will take time and attention
away from better students. She could also address about how not all students can afford
to pay for the college tuition and know how to apply for the financial aid.
4. The conclusion emphasize about how college education provides many opportunities and
increased citizens value to the nation.

Mohdazhar 2

5. Major Premise : College helps people to discover their interest

Minor Premise: People having a hard time to find their interest
Conclusion: Therefore, people should go to college

Exercise 5.6
1. Inductive Argument
2. Deductive Argument
3. Deductive Argument
4. Inductive Argument
5. Deductive Argument

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