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Korean War as a Cold War Conflict

In 1910, Korea was put under Japanese rule and was still ruling when World War 2 ended. When
Japan surrendered to the allies, the US and USSR agreed to split Korea into two temporary
occupation zones, with the USSR occupying the north and the USA occupying the south. This
was meant to be for a short time. These superpowers agreed on the Koreas having a provisional
government. Relations between the two occupying powers were bad, and when China become
communist in Fall 1949, the western countries were afraid that other countries such as Japan
might fall to communism through the domino effect. Stalin believed that America didnt think
Korea was important to them and so in June 1950, North Korea attacked the south. This stunned
pentagon officials, and they had no immediate response plan in effect. This marked the
beginning of the Korean War.

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