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Sillitoe 1

Colton Sillitoe
Mr. Hall
English 1010
Sept.27, 2014

V-J Day in Times Square

I would like to argue that the composition of this photograph is a symbol of what America was
fighting for during the second world war and war in the pacific ocean. The symbol is that American
service men and women are fighting for the protection of their family and loved ones, that America
protects it's own. This iconic photograph would not have made it to the pages of Life magazine or what
Americans viewed what we were fighting for without the use of a skilled photographer by the name of
Alfred Eisenstaedt who work as staff for Life magazine.
The photograph depicts an American sailor kissing a women in white surround by a crowed just
as the announcement that the war was over, given by President Truman. People are taking to the streets
to celebrate the close of the war. Some are Grabbing women and kissing them,others are viewing the
event. The composition of the scene is New York City is surrounding its citizens and it's citizens
surrounding the sailor and women in white, this symbolical image allows us to view America as a
proctor of family values.
The title of the photograph is V-J Day in Times Square taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt on August
fourteenth nineteen forty five in New York Citys Time Square.. A week later was published in Life
magazine in a mulit page feature titled Victory Celebrations. It's important to note that Alfred
Eisenstaedt is a well known German photographer and photojournalist for his ability to capture candid
photographs of movie stars, politicians, and everyday people using a 35mm Leica camera.

Sillitoe 2

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