Controversy Paper

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Colton Lambert

Biology 1010

Human beings so far have legally genetically modified crops and animals. But is
it time to pull out the big guns move onto genetically modifying the human species?
Genetically modifying babies is a very controversial subject in the biological and
scientific world in the present day and both views, opposing and proposing, have very
pressing points. So, how can you decide if you are for or against it? First, let us clarify
what the process of genetic modification entails.
The DNA in the mitochondria is inherited from mother to child. If the mother
carries defective mitochondrial DNA, then she will pass down a mitochondrial disease
that will be inherited by the child. This is where the genetic modification steps in.
The New York Times explains the procedure involves the removal of nuclear DNA from a
womans egg, in this case the mothers egg, that also carries defective DNA in the
mitochondria and inserting that nuclear DNA into an egg from a donor who has healthy
DNA in the mitochondria. The nuclear DNA of the donors egg has been discarded and
replaced with the mothers DNA. So, now the embryo carries the nuclear DNA of the
mother and father and the mitochondrial DNA of the donor, preventing the biological
mothers defective mitochondrial DNA from being inherited by the child. Being that the
child carries DNA from three sources, that child is the start of a new line of human

Although many scientists are against the idea of genetically modifying humans,
there are those that believe these modifications can save lives. The mitochondrial
manipulation technologies can prevent one from living with lifelong health issues and
sometimes death. The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation states the symptoms of
mitochondrial diseases include loss of motor function and control, muscle weakness and
pain, digestive difficulties, poor growth, cardiac disease, liver disease, diabetes, seizures,
visual and hearing problems, susceptibility to infection and more. These types of health
issues can completely ruin ones quality of life. A debate on Intelligence Squared states
that this type of genetic modification would create a world free of genetic diseases.
According to Live Science, Lee Silver, a professor of molecular biology and public policy
at Princeton University, supports genetic modification and believes parents should have
the power to give their children healthy lives. He asked his audience to look at the person
next to them and stated, That person and you differ at over 1 million locations in your
DNA. Most don't do anything. Even if you are a healthy adult, 100 can cause deadly
childhood disease in your children or grandchildren.
Many have voiced their concerns about the designer baby. This concept is based
on the fact that genetic modifications can do much more than prevent mitochondrial
diseases. We have the power, by genetically modifying, to create a person with specified
and modified enhancements such as muscle mass, intelligence, height, eye and hair color,
etc. We have the technology to essentially create the perfect being, a super human.
Maybe the day will come when only the wealthy can afford the genetic modifications and
the rest of the human population will wallow at the bottom of society.


modifications can lead to eugenics, the idea of selective breeding the Nazis once
embraced. It can lead to creating soldiers, more or less, with more instilling violent and
cruel traits into embryos. Most important of all, we dont know the side effects and the
outcome of genetically modifying human beings. Will these GM babies live full and
healthy lives? And what if they dont? We cant discard them like we would a failed
GM crop. I fully believe the prevention of one genetic disease will only create another
genetic disease. I believe genetic modifications will be used for much more than
preventing genetic diseases. The technology as a whole can be extremely dangerous and

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