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‘Microteaching Lesson Plan Template Name: Kristin Threw Date: 11/5/14 X Motor Sills and MovernentF a Movement Concepts (2) Health-Related Fitness (3) |_— Personal Social Behavior 4) Values Physical Activity (5) Tesson Pan Daily Role: |Health? Lesson lity | | Focus: Equioments_| Aglity ladder, cones Standards ‘SHAPE Standards for PE ‘CA Standards for PE Addressed arms | X Motor Skills and Movement Forms (a) Health Related Fitness (b) Peycho-Social (e) Tesson Objectives Psychomotor: SWBAT properly demonstrate | and athletic stance while moving through agility latters and cones 100% of the time Cognitive: SWBAT to accurately be able to remember the cues of the athletic stance the whole time Affective: SWBAT demonstrate good social benaviors such as encouragement of thelr peers forthe duration of the lesson Health-related fitness: SWB active and ‘engaged inthe lesson 50% of the time Safety considerations: Body and spatial ‘awareness of classmates. One person going at time to complete the agility course. Behavioral Contingencies: Students wil be listening while | am giving instructions and they will be respectful of me and thelr peers, pat Tne Kx ira you will run through s the agility latter(going side to side through the ladder with both feet going into each box), and ‘once you finish this you move onto the second course which is moving through the set up cones (when you get toacone you get in athletic stance and jump straight up, as if you ware trying to block 2 volleybal) Everyone will go through these two courses three times, then we will switch up the way we go through the courses iftime permits. At the end we will have a closure to review what we did and how it pertains to volleyball censure that everyone ‘understands the Cots for an athletic stance, and ‘understands why these aglity dil will help with playing volleyball ‘Organization The agility ladder is already painted on the fioor, and the students will form a single line behind it Then cones will either be set upright behind or beside the ladder depending, ‘on the space available and where it would be safer. The cones will be set up about 5 ee ea eet tree al naa oaeey eee cree . 1 Wworetia weld Llp =a To Goal Orenation or ree ee Time Fis dos everyone undertand the les? | Ts ask addreses WASPE Ieee ae era Teenie Lessor coed ear Trrc a fl 3 min, 1. Encouragement: give praise to the | students 2, Feedback: Provide general feedback to the students about how they are performing the sil 3, Student Questioning: Do you understand the cues and what you are suppose to be The goal ofthistask isto make sure the students understand how to un the course and dot correctly se they do not get hurt. [eoing 4 Rule Adherence: Remember the rules, ‘Only go when I tell you to go. a Organization For the lesson core willbe standing in the middle ofthe course where lean see both the agility ladder and the cones. Also so| will be able to send the students off on my go 10.g0 through the course. Progression | Communication of Tasks ~ Time “Goal Orientation or ‘Assessment (Okay dass everyone stop and come gather around me. Who can tell me the different This task will address SHAPE standards 1, 4 and Lesson | ways weran through the course? What are | CA standards a Closure: | the Cots ofan athietic stance? How do min. these drills pertain to volleyball? Good job | The goal ofthis taskis to ‘everyone, go ahead and walktothenext | reflect on what we did, and station. ‘what the Cots of an athletic | stance were. Also how these drills pertain to volleyball. (Organization ‘Students willbe gathered around me in cir.

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