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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Resource 2
Type: Website
Bibliography Information:
Linder, Douglas O. "The Emmett Till Murder Trial: An Account." Famous Trials. UMKC School of Law, 2012. Web. 20 Nov.
Author or Editor: Douglas O. Linder
Name of magazine, book, etc: Famous Trials
Title of article: The Emmett Till Murder Trial: An Account
Publishing Co: UMKC School of Law
City: Kansas City
Year: 2012
Internet address:
On December 1, 1955, a fourteen-year-old boy, Emmett Till, had been brutally murdered and his body thrown in the
Tallahatchie River, but despite clear evidence that two white men committed the crime, an all-white jury returned a
"Not Guilty" verdict after just an hour of deliberation. As the story goes, Emmett Till and 5 of his relatives went to a local
market. After a few minutes of talking outside of the store, Emmitt followed one of the other boys inside of the store.
After the other boy made his purchase, Emmett was left alone in the store for a minute with the white woman working
at the cashier. The white woman said that while alone, Till allegedly proceeded to say vulgar things towards her. One Till
had left she had told her husband what Till have allegedly said. Because of this, the white womans husband plotted and
proceeded to commit murder. To this day, that tragedy is known as one of the worst racial injustices.
Why is this source important?
This source is important because it directly relates to my topic of racial injustices in the law.

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