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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Source 3
Type: Website
Bibliography Information:
Nov. 2014.
Author or Editor: Not Noted
Name of magazine, book, etc: Democracy Defined
Title of article: Jury Nullification: Illegal Jury Selection
Publishing Co: Not Noted
City: Not Noted
Year: Not Noted
Internet address:
At jury-selection interviews or in questionnaires, the educated citizen understands that the choosing of people
prejudiced in favor of one party (litigant) or the other, is against the common law fairness of Trial by Jury The ostensible
purpose of jury selection is to ensure that the Jurors are impartial and fair to both the defense and prosecution in
judging on the facts and evidence. It would not be fair, for example, if a guilty dangerous criminal being tried, had
friends, family and accomplices within the Jury! Likewise, it is unfair and called packing a jury when the prosecution or
court (judge) selects jurors who are predisposed to find guilt, regardless of whether this verdict would be unjust. Yet,
prejudiced packing takes place in countless cases to produce the verdict desired by the prosecution and government.
To see that justice is done and to avoid being excluded from jury service, all citizens are justified in responding at
interviews or in questionnaires, with discretion and intelligence, and the prosecution and court have the greatest
difficulty discerning, and therefore disqualifying, them. Generally, the less said the better. Do not volunteer your
feelings: keep your responses to the very brief polite minimum. The more enlightened jurors that there are, the more
the unjust prosecutions will be annulled.
Why is this source important?
This source is important because it focuses on the choosing of a biased jury.

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