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Curriculum Plan

Title of Lesson: My Hands Mural

Learning Center Art

Targeted Domain: Social-Emotional

Age of Child (ren) 5

Multicultural Awareness

Children will recognize similarities and differences in people by creating a hand print and color
it similar to their skin color.

Transition Plan:
Shades of People by Shelley Rotner

Mix paint to match each child's skin color. Paint the child's
hands and have the child press their hands onto a large piece of butcher
paper .Write the child's name near their hand prints. Repeat the process for each child.

Advanced Preparation:
Gather all needed material

List Materials:
Book, Paper, liquid tempera, brushes, painting bowls, scissors , Markers

Developmental Benefits:
During this multicultural activity preschool children will use eye-hand coordination and fine
motor skills it will enhance their: Cognitive, Language, Social, and Creativity Domains

Future Plans:
Multicultural Day Celebration at School

Your Name: Tonanzit R. Sanchez

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