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Final Presentation
Uni 150

Thomaz Martins
December 2, 2014
Uni 150

Past Career Development

Childhood Adolescence
So when I was young I really wanted to be a soccer player just
like everyone else in Brazil. But then I changed my mind when I saw
my dad (my hero), working as an engineer. So during my childhood I
wanted to be an engineer as well.
Favorite subjects at High School?
My favorites when I was in high school subjects were math, history,
and geography.

Family values related to education and work

My parents have always put my education above everything else, so

I went to a really good high school back in Brazil, and I got such a
good education which provided me the opportunity to come here.

Kuder Assessment Results

My interests:

How do your interests relate to the Kuder results?

It was surprisingly, I didnt expect technology to be my major
characteristic. But other then that, I feel like it was pretty accurate
for the questions that were made.
How do the results relate to how you view your interests?
Integrate information from previous classes
As it was said before, my major characteristic according to Kuder
is Information and Technology, I personally dont agree with that.
But the second and the third one Science/Math and Government
and Public administration can easily be on my top 3 characteritics.


Explain your values, as discovered through in-class worksheets

and the Kuder assessment

I discovered with Kuder that I might have some facility working

with information, something that I didnt know. And also that my
communication skills have been improving a loti in the past few
years and I think it will help me a lot.

How do your values from the Kuder assessment fit into the

My values from the Kuder fit into the work place really well
because I feel like I can use all of my attributes and qualities to
help other people succeed on their work.

Informational Interview

Who did you interview? Valerio Marega

Pheonix, AZ
How did you find them
My father had to work with them for a while.
What did you learn about the occupation?
Basically that is a lot of work, using numbers and a lot of communication, and it is
basically based on connections, so the most important part to be successful in this
career is to have as many connections as you can.

How has this influenced your career path?

It basically made me change my mind, because I thought his work was really
boring and monotonous, but meeting with him made me realize that it is not.
Because her interacts with a lot of people and travels a lot to know his clients
better. What I personally think that is pretty interesting.

ASU Majors

Describe three (3) possible majors that fit your previous

information (for example):

Description of major
Business Management
Interesting classes you would have to take for each major
Introduction to Environmental Design
Public Speaking
Diversity in career, long term school

Career Paths

Pick one major from the previous slide

Business Management

Career for that major

Career description: Help companies to fund their operations by structuring and

helping to sell a bond (debt) or even issuing shares (equity).

Salary: It is possible to make in between U$72,000 and U$108,000

Educational requirements:
Initially an undergrad in business; later a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and a
MBA may be desirable

Personal views about the career:

I feel like this career would be perfect for me, because I am a creative person,
and I can work with people really well.


What did you learn about yourself from this class?

I learned that sometimes I need to think more about what I want, because I feel like most of
the time I make my decisions impulsively, what not always is a good idea.

What will you take away from this class?

I remember the first day of class when the teacher show a video of a man that was talking that
you will fail in life, basically because you are afraid of taking risks and make decision that will
take more effort to accomplish. So I think Ill take away the idea that if you really want
something you must try your best and to accomplish it, and you should not be afraid of taking

What steps do you have to take next for choosing a major and/or obtaining the career you

Ive already chosen my major, it is Communications, but to make sure that I wanted to do
that, I talked to a lot of people and made some researches about the major and the careers
that Ill be able to follow.

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