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Strategies of Market Leader,

Challengers and Followers.

Strategies of Market Leader.

The Nonengagement Strategy

Trade space for time


Accomplish by
doing nothing




The Desert Sands

In the desert there is nothing to feed on and nothing to
use for war:
. Retreat to the
desert occasionally, to think and see with clarity.

Space I can recover. Time, never.

- Napolean Bonaparte (1769 1821)

War is Deceptive
Advancing is not always good; retreating is not always weak.

Proponents of Non
Symbolically the retreat is
engagement Strategy

religious, or mythological.

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

Moses (PBUH) and Jews, escaped

to desert and able to solidify their
identity and reemerge as a social
and political force.
Mao Tse-tung (1893 1976)
Lieutenant General Jan Smuths Vs
Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
(World War I, 1915, Africa war
Frederick the Great of Prussia,
Seven Years War (1756 63),
Faced with Austrian, French and
Russian armies.

Counter Offensive
Attacking Competitive Territory.

Mobile defense
Leaving Territory as competition is strong.

Market Challenger Strategies.

Frontal Attack
Attacking four Ps.

Flank Attack

By Pass Attack
Ignoring main territory and attacking small places.

Gorilla Warfare
Different attack in different areas.

Market Followers Strategies.

Counterfeiter strategy.
Exact copy but not original copy.
Scold in black Market.

Cloner strategy
Related Names.
For example moulnex, and moolinex.

Imitator Strategy
Same product but differentiated.
Spout and Freshup. .

Least way of copying.
Take only idea of the product.

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