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Alma Vargas

Professor Hunter
November 18, 2014

Bulletin Theme: Sea Animals


Goal: To teach children about sea animals

Objective: Children will learn about the different sea animals in the
ocean, they each have different body parts and they are different colors.
Transition Plan: We can read books or sing a song to transition the
children into an activity or during the activity.
Procedure: The procedures are different for each activity.
Advanced Preparation: Depending on the activity the teacher will need
to prepare accordingly.
List Materials: Depending on the activity the teacher will need to gather
the materials enough for each child.
Developmental Benefits: The children will enhance in each of the
development domains, cognitive, social/emotional, physical motor (fine
and gross, creativity and language depending on the activity.
Future Plans: The octopus math for example can be used for addition
and subtraction. We can also take the children to the Acquarium to see
the actual sea animals and admire their colors. The song activity can also
be used as a math activity.

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