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Cathey 1

Dorothy Cathey
English 112-79
Instructor: Connie Douglas
15 September 2014
Exercise 5.8

1. A, D
2. The Eagles fans cheered as the game ended.
In conclusion of the game, the Eagles fans engaged in a behavior that may be
unacceptable in any other setting.
3. The writer could have added additional information about the Dallas Cowboys fans as
well. No it wasnt necessary. Consequently it may have changed the ending in a more
positive way.
4. Yes, the writer could have mentioned how the Dallas Cowboys team displayed their team
5. Yes, the writer displayed several observations about the fans and how they shared their
team spirit. The details painted a picture of how committed the fans are to their team.

People act different in all types of situations. Sometimes they are put in an awkward or
uncomfortable atmosphere. We should all be on our best behavior when we are in the

Cathey 2

Dorothy Cathey
English 112-79
Instructor: Connie Douglas
p. 799-812
25, August 2014

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

1. Martin L. King, Jr., writes about the injustice of the Negro people. He also writes
about how people are mistreated for no reason. Though Dr. King and others
experienced injustice because of the color of their skin, they should be treated
fairly because they deserve the right to. Everyone should have the opportunity to
live a good life without prejudices.

2. On page 808, 1st paragraph, example (Let justice roll down like waters and
righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. He makes the comparisons because
he hopes that the law will change for the Negroes, and they will have the rights as
the white people, equality for all.

3. Dr. Kings direct action is making it known that he and others have been peaceful
and law abiding during their demonstrations. He felt that they held up their part of
always being peaceful that there should be a negation to show good faith.

4. Paragraph 16, Dr. King is stating that, segregation is not only political,
economically, and sociologically, it is also morally wrong. Yes, his language is
very effective to his readers/listeners. No, back in those days, only whites were
superior. They werent going to change until they were ready.

5. First, he admits his disappointment with the white moderator. Secondly, he agrees
with the methods of their goal, but he didnt agree with the methods of direct

Cathey 3

action of setting a time table for another mans freedom. There is a right and a
wring way to enforce laws with a positive affect an outcome.

Dr. King was a strong intelligent man; he was very wise before his years. In the midst of
him being in jail, he was always advocating for what was right. I truly admire him for his
courage, dedication, for equality for all people. He was a great man, and his memory will
live on for years and years.

Cathey 4

Dorothy Cathey
English 112-79
Instructor: Connie Douglas
29 September 2014

Should the Government legalize Medical Marijuana?

Cathey 5

Should the Government legalize Medical Marijuana?

My parents taught me and my siblings to never do drugs; it is a negative course of action

that could possibly have a detrimental effect in your life. To this day, I still abide by this way
life. Drugs can affect everyone differently, even if it is only cough medicine. The same medicine
can make someone else sleepy or create a bad side affect. It is always important to read the
instructions and directions before you take it or administer it to someone else. Certain types of
medicines may harmfully affect you, this can occur while taking a simple vitamin or iron pill.

Recently, I had an eye opening experience as I watched a YouTube clip about a little girl having
an epileptic seizure. I could only imagine how this affected her parents and siblings. The little
girls eyes were rolled back in her head as she twitched and jerked, as if she were a Raggedy Ann
doll during her seizure. It was so sad to see her suffer as she endured one of her daily seizures.
She was having up to 100 epileptic seizures in one day.

Epilepsy is one of many chronic illnesses that many people suffer with daily. It causes irregular
brain activity and can develop at any age. Some people are born with a defect in the structure of
their brain. Others have had a head injury, tumor, lead poisoning, stroke, or an infection causing
epilepsy. The seizure might not occur until years after the injury, but in all cases, a seizure is the
common symptom.

Cathey 6

The doctors treating the little girl had tried everything thing possible. One of their resorts were
prescribing such high dosages of medicines that it made the little girl stop breathing on several
occasions, and often leaving her in a comatose state. They also prescribed her seizure medication
for animals, hoping the medication would show signs of improvement. The family was at a point
of exhaustion and was willing to try almost everything possible.
The little girls father had been researching the benefits of Medical Marijuana, and he was
willing to try anything at this point. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the
United States, according to, "Medical Marijuana." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection.

Many advocates consider marijuana a harmless, or even beneficial, substance that should be
made legal. Marijuana is the term for the dried leaves, flowers, or stems of the Cannabis plant.
Some of the arguments for legalizing marijuana as its alleged value of treating symptoms of
chronic illnesses such as, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and other chronic pains.

The medical benefit of legalizing marijuana has had some positive public support. Marijuana
contains more than 400 chemicals, of which 80 have been identified as unique to Cannabis.
These are known as cannabinoids. Of these, the most pharmacologically active is delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have found THC to
be safe and effective. Nevertheless, some medical practitioners and lawmakers continue to argue
against legalization. Cannabinoids appear to play a key role in the bodys pain mechanisms.

Cathey 7

According to the US Society for Neuroscience, evidence shows that cannabinoids directly
interfere with pain signaling in the nervous system.

Another benefit would be, knowing that marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active
substances known. It can relieve nausea, muscle spasm, glaucoma, and it can prevent epileptic
seizures in some patients.

The legal perspective of legalizing Medical Marijuana is seen as legalizing a potential abusive
substance which will not have any medical value. The presidents Affordable Care Act continues
to struggle with how to control and govern medical marijuana, if at all. Attorney General Eric
Holder stated in 2009 that It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients
with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical

It was interesting to know, the effects of Legal Marijuana can ease pain without the risk of
addiction that other painkillers. Whether it's in the form of a pill or oil, it can help young children
who suffer seizures two or three times a day."

As a result of the support of Legalizing Marijuana, As of 2012 sixteen states, including Alaska,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New
Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, and the District of
Columbia have legalized medical marijuana.

In concluding, I hope the government will see the benefits of legalizing marijuana can help
minimize someones pain. I would also like to see the cost of the legalized marijuana be

Cathey 8

affordable for patients. It would defeat the purpose of legalizing marijuana, and not being able to
afford it. Many people in society have to choose between eating and taking their prescribed
medication on a weekly basis. This shouldnt be an option for them, if the government provided
reduced or free medicine for patients with chronic illnesses; the benefits would outweigh the
oppositions. Patients wouldnt suffer, and they would be able to use prescribed marijuana
without the fear of being arrested or imprisoned. Which is more important, the health and well
being of a human being or denying them needed resources for their chronic illnesses?

Cathey 9

Medical Marijuana

Cathey 10

Work Source Citation

Detroit, Gale, Medical Marijuana.. 2014. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context Database. Web. 26 September 2014.

*Shafer PO, Sirven, JI. What is epilepsy?., Web. 8 August 2014.

Anna Whitelaw, Caroline Zielinski, Medical marijuana campaign gathers momentum. Age,
The (Melbourne)., First Edition, Section News page 2,. First Edition, Section: Web 25 August,

The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) Visit The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) at Distributed
by MCT Information Services, . Source: Blade, The (OH), Sep 12, 2014
Item: 2W63030699622

I have learned so much about the good and bad attributes about legalized medical marijuana.
Many people view the thought of someone using medical marijuana as a bad thing. With all
types of medicines, there are positive and negatives effects. I believe in trying to cure someones
illness, or relieving their pain. You only have one life, you should be able to have a quality of


Cathey 11

Dorothy Cathey
English 112-79
Instructor: Connie Douglas
14 September 2014

What is a reflective learner?

A reflective learner is a person that will need to pay attention and concentrate on
your subject at hand.

Understanding your material, and taking notes to help you understand a subject.
Continue reading and reviewing topics and assignments. Find out what the
purpose is.

Everyone learns at a different pace. To fully understand something, you should stay focused and
take plenty of notes. Learning is limitless, take advantage of it.


Cathey 12

Dorothy Cathey
English 112-79
Instructor: Connie Douglas
22 September 2014
Exercise 15.5
Teacher your Teachers Well

Teaching can be a great experience if you have the right foundation. The educational system
requires a teacher to have a specific degree in order to teach, although they should be required to
learn as much as possible. Teaching children requires passion, expertise and talents. The more
knowledge they obtain the better, the child will benefit as well. All children learn differently and
at their own pace. Some children may need 1 to-1 help to understand a specific topic.

A teacher would need to come up with a plan to evaluate a students challenges. The teacher
would also need to talk with the student to see what type of problem they may be having. After
the issue has been determined, a series of things would need to be put in place.

The plan will need to be explained to the student. Then the student would go through the process
with the help of the teacher and possibly a parent. Everyone would work together until there is
some type of change or improvement with the child.

The positive results would be a improvement in the childs grades or attitudes, and possibly a
stronger relationship between the student and the teacher.
Some other objectives maybe the child not knowing that they are having a problem, or the child
may think he or she is being picked on.

Teachers bring more to the classroom than their education. They bring compassion as they work
with the children; the results are shown in their grades. They make a difference in many ways.


Cathey 13

Teaching is a great profession. So many teachers give effortlessly of their time and talents. It is
unfortunate that they are under paid for what they do for societys children. They could never be
paid enough for what they do daily.


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