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Reflection on Education Philosophy

December 2, 2014
I felt like gathering more information and providing more information concerning
the classroom being student centered for learning. After reading more articles in
this area, I added more information to my philosophy concerning the student
taking ownership. Also, as I reread the paper about lifelong learning, I felt like
adding more specifics on the fact that sparking a desire for lifelong learning in a
student means that students begin an adventure in learning. This will increase
their passion for the subject matter. I couldnt help but think of a time when I
was at junior college. I had a professor who taught astronomy. I fell in love with
the subject. Now, more than 20 years later, I still strive to learn about astronomy.
The subject was no longer school work but it had become a hobby. I was driven
to find out more, and still do. I dont ever want to stop learning about astronomy.

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