Inquiry Question

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Andrew Tilghman

Inquiry Question
-How does the media affect the social outlook towards war?

Is it more positive or negative, explain?

How has the use of media to change the view on war changed over the past 50 years?
Do you believe the use of media is a good/bad thing, and why?

Although its not WWII, America is still at war and it doesnt feel like we are. In the days of the draft men
were scared to be picked and didnt want to go to war. I am curious to find out why we view war as a
cool job and so many are eager to join in todays society. Not taking anything away from those who
serve or have served, it is the most honorable and courageous thing one can do for his/her country, but
its far from a good job/life. Youre away from your family, being shot at (which is scary not fun), food
and water isnt as good, sanitation is poor, etc the list goes on. I have family members who have
served and said it was the worst time of his life. I want to better understand why others see it as a job
they want.
1. I dont understand why the youth in America are eager to serve, especially in a time of war like
2. This question pertains to 16-30 year olds. Many dont seem to sign up for the military if theyre
older than 30.
I plan to interview my uncle as a primary source. He served in the Navy on a battleship and he is part of
the reason I am interested in the question.
For secondary sources I plan to use the internet obviously, but also find articles on ISIS and also during
9/11 to see how the media portrayed the war. I am also thinking of finding statistics on mood charts for
the military and also the rate on boot camp trainees who drop out.

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