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1. How often do you see your significant other?

Every day
2. How often do you wish you could see your significant other?
Every day
3. When you see him or her, what is your first reaction?
A hug or a kiss
4. How do you feel when they touch you?
Happy and energetic
5. Have you and your partner had sex?
6. How has this changed your relationship and the way you feel about your partner?
Yes it has made is more intimate and open to one another
7. When you are with your partner do you feel the need to touch him or her?
8. If you are upset, what do you want your partner to do, what does this entail?
Console me and do something physical as in hold me
9. How does your partner make you feel secure?
By always being there for me and supporting me.
10. How do you and your partner show love?
Through touch and by the way we can talk to each other
11. How often do you feel the need to have physical contact with your significant other?
Very often throughout the day
12. Do you feel more attached to your partner since sex was brought into the relationship?
13. What aspects of your relationship have changed since having sex?
That there is not much to hide about each other anymore
14. Do you feel there are any downsides to having physical contact in a relationship?

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