Writing Response 1

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Writing Response #1

After reading both Writing About Writing and Eats, Shoots and
Leaves it was clear that there were some definite similarities and
differences about the two. Writing About Writing seemed to be
more focused on the writers overall thoughts and ideas about what
they were writing and how the reader would perceive it, rather than
their correctness of grammar and punctuation. While on the other
hand, Eats, Shoots and Leaves couldn't stress the importance
enough about how critical it is to have the least amount of errors as
possible. Although Writing About Writing was all about not
following the "rules", because then you wouldn't have free range to
write your own thoughts and ideas, it also stated that sometimes it
was necessary for grammar and punctuation to be up to par
considering the situation or the reader reading it.
After reading both the traditional and the alternative stories it
reminded me of an experience I had while writing. My senior year
in high school I had an AP Language and Composition teacher that
only cared about the grammar and punctuation in our writing. He
didn't even bother to read the ideas we had put into our essay. I
remember getting my writing papers back with only grammar
mistakes and nothing about my main idea or thought i put into it. I
firmly believe that shaped my viewpoint of writing in a way that
the overall idea doesn't matter, but its all about the least amount of
erros as stated in Eats, Shoots and Leaves.

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