Writing Response 16

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Writing Response #16

I personally think texts simply recognize and make use of certain

conditions and respond to them. They provide an easier way to react to
any situation, question, advice and help.The major elements of
rhetorical theory are the rhetorical situation, the audience, the proofs,
and the 5 cannons of rhetoric: invention, argument, style, memory and
delivery. For example, in class my group had the example where there
was an tree. On that tree, trunk was the "argument" and then the
branches were all the possible results of what the outcome could be
from the argument like, fighting, walking away, blaming someone else,
let it go, forgive and forget, etc. Without the argument, there wouldn't
be any of those outcomes. The outcomes are in response to the
argument that happened. They are the reactions people would have in
the situation of an argument. You can't have someone walk away or
blame it on someone else before the argument even happens, because
that wouldn't make any sense. Richard Vatz's says exigences, audiences
and constraints are created by rhetors who choose to activate them by
inscribing them into their texts, but Bitzer thinks exigences, audiences,
and constraints exist as a priori categories, before a rhetor chooses to
produce a text. Think about it, would there be any reason to writing if
you knew nobody would ever read it? There wouldn't really be a point.
The text is in response to something that will help or give advice in
some type of situation or another.

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