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Mohdazhar 1

Nurul Mohdazhar
CPCC ENG 112 79
Connie Douglas
6th October 2014
Annotated Bibliography

Brianna, Valleskey. "Minimum Wage Increase Could Mean Higher Family Income, Less Jobs."
Benzinga 20 Feb. 2014: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 20 Oct. 2014

Valleskey said in her article that The Congressional Budget Office has release a report saying
that increasing the minimum wage would result in increasing the family income but fewer jobs.
The report also said that increasing the minimum wage will increase the cost for the employers to
produce good and consumers with higher price, which then will lead the consumers to purchase
less. It will also affect the federal budget because wages for hourly federal employees and prices
of some goods will increase. Valleskeys article highlights more on giving different points and
effects if the minimum wage being increased.

This article gave reasons and effects on what is going to happen to the family income if the
minimum wage being increased. The information is reliable and useful because each points that
Valleskey mentioned came with its own details and explanation. Valleskeys article provides
more insight on why the minimum wage should not be increase.

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This article opened up my eyes to see how increasing the minimum wage could possibly mean
fewer jobs being given. It is a source that I can use to provide more evidence in my arguments.
Even though this article does not really touched more on the pros side, but this article did a good
job in explaining the consequences of increasing the minimum wage to the employers and
Curry, George E. "Time to Raise Minimum Wage." Washington Informer 21 Nov. 2013: 25+.
Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
George E. Curry, the guest columnist on Washington Informer, said in his article that the
minimum wage has been raised twenty two times since 1983. Curry insisted that it is already
time for the minimum wage to be increased for the twenty-third time, for $7.25 per hour to $10
per hour. Curry also mentioned in his article that Republican leaders oppose this opinions by
saying that raising the minimum wage will cost jobs. But opponents, such as Washington
columnist Jared Bernstein argued that rather than job loss, employers compensate by charging
higher prices and increasing productivity.

Currys articles mentioned generally on whose responsible to determine the minimum wage and
how the issue began to develop years by years. Currys article does not has any biased towards
any side since he considered both side of the opinions. It is an informative and useful source to
see two sides of a coin and the reader can make their judgment towards the issue. The goal of
this source is to provide information on raising the minimum wage that could be beneficial for
some and not for others.

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I believed that this article would help to shape my argument since it provides two different
views. As the reader, I enjoyed reading this article as this article does not have any biased and I
could view the issue from two different perspectives. This article does not change my thought
about my topic; instead, helps me to understand more on how different perspective could occur.

Furman, Jason, and Sharon Parrot. "Raising the Minimum Wage Will Reduce Poverty."
Poverty. Ed. Viqi Wagner. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints.
Rpt. from "A $7.25 Minimum Wage Would Be a Useful Step in Helping Working
Families Escape Poverty." 2007. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

Jason Furman, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Sharon Parrot, the director of the
Welfare Reform and Income Support Division of the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities in
Washington, both wrote this article in order to support in raising the minimum wage that they
believe will reduce poverty. Furman and Parrot used Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and food
stamps to measure whether the family of four earned enough or below poverty line. Furman and
Parrot also believed that larger families often struggles with their basic needs such as; housing,
health care, and child care. They said by building on a higher minimum wage would be an
important first step to provide additional benefits and support for lower income working families.

This article focus more in helping families with more children. Based on what Furman and Parrot
wrote, they believed that larger families need more support for their basic needs and it can be
done by increasing the minimum wage. The information in this article is reliable since Furman

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and Parrot elaborate more on how increasing the minimum wage will help larger families. The
goal is to increase the minimum wage in order to provide additional support in obtaining health
care, child care, and housing to these families.

It is a helpful source to me because I could see different ways on how increasing the minimum
wage could help these larger families to support their life. Furthermore, it helps to shape my
argument not only by mentioning on how increasing the minimum wage could benefit them in
child care and health care, but also provide them new opportunities for them to attend college
and upgrade their skills.

Katel, Peter. "Minimum Wage." CQ Researcher 16 Dec. 2005: 1053-76. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

This article wrote by Katel Peter represents three voices discussing about the issue of whether by
raising the minimum wage would reduce the poverty. The three voices are the employers,
workers, and the policy makers. Peter shared about a forty-year old woman who lives in
Columbus, Ohio, working as a low-wage job, and still not having a place to live. She urged the
government to increase the minimum wage in order for her to have a better living environment.
Peter also wrote about the employers who does not support the idea of increasing the minimum
wage based on the point that it would cost companies to lay off the lower-wage workers, while
there were two economists who studied the minimum wage earners drew the conclusion that
minimum wage have no effect on the careers of most workers.

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Peter showed three points of view from three different groups. Each group has their own
opinions on how increasing the minimum wage would either provide benefits to them or the
other way round. Peter does not have biased in any of the opinions; instead, he accepts every
points of view and provides data along his article as a proof to the points that different groups
were making. The goal in Peter articles is to make clear on the effect of the minimum wage if it
is increased and how will it effects every groups and society.

This article is a helpful source because it makes me think critically to see on different points of
view by different groups. Furthermore, Peters articles provide data and statistics about minimum
wage based on gender, occupation, education, and marital status. I found that the statistics and
data that Peter gave show how there are pros and cons in increasing the minimum wage to
different groups. Peters articles is very informative, easy to read, and full of explanation.
PR, Newswire. "Majority of Workers in Favor of Giving America a Raise." PR Newswire US 16
Sept. 2014: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

In this article, a survey has been conducted by the American Payroll Association. Based on the
results of Getting Paid in America survey, nearly 68 percent of the employees are in favor of
raising the minimum wage for all American workers, and not just federal employees. Majority of
them would support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour for all employees. The
respondents said that they would rather receive higher wages than better health benefits.

Compared to my other source, even though this article does not elaborate more on why the
minimum wage should be increased, but the survey that has been conducted shows that majority

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of the employees are supporting the move to increase the minimum wage. It is a reliable
information since the survey has been conducted by a trusted association. The goal of this source
is to provide proof of the result on numbers of employees that are supporting in this move.

This source is helpful and I can use this source ad one of my evidence to show that a survey has
been conducted to support increasing the minimum wage and the result of the survey is positive.
This article does not change my point of view about increasing the minimum wage, instead
makes me aware of how many employees are actually supporting this issue.

Sowell, Thomas. "Increasing the Minimum Wage Is Counterproductive." Poverty. Ed. Karen
Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Minimum Wage
Misrepresented, Misnamed by Politically Correct." Insight on the News 17 (20 Aug. 2001): 46.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Sept. 2014

Thomas Sowell who is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, wrote in this article about how
increasing the minimum wage would be counterproductive especially for young workers. Sowell
argues that if the minimum wage is raised, low-skilled people will be excluded from the job
market because employers who have to pay higher wages will want more experienced workers
with better skills. The minority workers will suffer most since they have least skilled and least
experienced. Furthermore, Sowell said that most minimum wages earners are still young and
entry-level that needs more experience in order for them to have a better paid job.

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Sowell article is a useful source because he focus more on minimum wage workers who are still
young and needs more experience. Sowell has a point when he said that employers would only
want more experience workers with better skills to work for them. This source of article only
focus on young earners workers and the effects on their job if the minimum wage is increased.
Sowell did not provide any evidence or data, it is solely based on his opinions.

Sowells article change my point of view to see from another side of opinion which is young
earners workers who will not get any attention since they have the least experience. It occurs to
me that not all people will get the benefits from increasing the minimum wage. This article is
good to read, but it does not comes with strong evidence.

Sherk, James. "Raising the Minimum Wage Will Not Help the Poor." Social Justice. Ed. William
Dudley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Raising the
Minimum Wage Will Not Reduce Poverty." Heritage Foundation, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints in
Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

James Sherk, a fellow in labor policy in the Center for Data Analysis at the Heritage Foundation,
argues that raising the minimum wage will not help the poor. In this article, Sherk explains that
raising the minimum wage will not eliminate poverty based on three reasons; only reduce
workers job opportunities and working hours, few minimum wage earners actually come from
poor households, and majority of poor Americans do not work at all. Sherk also claims that a
majority of minimum wage earners are between the ages of 16 and 24, and most of them work as

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a part time job. Sherk strongly believes that raising the minimum wage is an ineffective solution
because few individuals living in poverty work at minimum wage jobs or any job.

This article is a strong source that provides the argument of why raising the minimum wage will
not help people who lives in poverty. It is a reliable information because the analysis and
percentage that Sherk gave are based on the research that he gathered himself. The goal of this
article is to proof that raising the minimum wage is an ineffective solution to help the poor.

As I read this article, I think that Sherk has a strong argument and reasons in opposing this issue.
I could see how the argument that Sherk provided has its own points and value to the life of the
poor. This article helps me to see different view on how raising the minimum wage would not
help the poor. I am eager to explore more and read more arguments as I read this article.

Sklar, Holly. "Raising Minimum Wage Does Not Increase Unemployment." Unemployment. Ed.
David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt.
from "Raising the Minimum Wage in Hard Times." Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign.
2009. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

Sklar, who is an author and syndicated columnist, policy analyst, and strategist, claim in her
article that raising the minimum wage will not increase unemployment. Instead, raising the
minimum wages will speed the recovery from economic recessions by giving more spending
money to lower income families. She is also the director of the Let Justice Roll Living Wage
Campaign, an organization that seeks to raise the minimum wage. Sklar has provided a research

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made by the Fiscal Policy Institute that shows state that raised their minimum wages above the
federal level experienced better employment and small business trend than state that did not.
Regarding to Sklar, increasing the minimum wage will not only help the lower income workers,
but also help to boost the state of the economy because the lower income workers who are also
considered to be the consumer will recycle their raises back into local business and economy to
buy goods and necessities.

Sklar arguments is reliable and consistent. Compared to my other source, Skylars article
provides a specific number of research that I am sure will makes the reader eager to read more on
her point of view even though they will probably not agree with her. This article questioned the
reader, and at the same time provides the answer to the question which I find very interesting.
The goal of this article is to convince the reader that raising the minimum wage of the lower
income workers will not increase the unemployment; as what to many of the opposition have

This article is a very helpful source, and I can use it as one of the evidence on how raising the
minimum wage will not increase the unemployment. Based on the researched in this article, this
article can help to shape my argument to convince the reader that the economy can be improve
by raising the minimum wage to the lower income workers.

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