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AAE 451

System Requirements Review

February 11, 2010

Team 1
Alex Mondal
Beth Grilliot
Brien Piersol
Heath Cheung
Jason Liu
Jeff Cohen
Jeremy Wightman
Kit Fransen
Lauren Hansen
Nick Walls
Ryan Foley
Tim Fechner

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................3
MISSION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................4
MARKET ANALYSIS .....................................................................................................................4
CUSTOMERS ...............................................................................................................................7
BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................................ 10

CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................14
REPRESENTATIVE CITY-PAIRS ................................................................................................................. 14
DESTINATION FLEXIBILITY ...................................................................................................................... 16
DESIGN MISSION .................................................................................................................................... 18
MISSION SKETCH .................................................................................................................................... 19
TYPICAL OPERATING MISSION................................................................................................................ 20

SYSTEM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................21

ADVANCED TOPICS UNDER CONSIDERATION ...........................................................................22
CABIN LAYOUTS ........................................................................................................................27
SIZING ESTIMATES ....................................................................................................................31
SUMMARY AND NEXT STEPS ....................................................................................................38
WORKS CITED ...........................................................................................................................39
APPENDIX A: AIRPLANE DATABASE ..........................................................................................42
APPENDIX B: HOUSE OF QUALITY .............................................................................................43

The goal of the project is to design a business aircraft for the year 2020. Special
considerations are to be made for the customers needs, which include environmental impact.
It is expected that medium sized and long range aircraft will sell larger quantities than other
classes of business aircraft between now and 2028. Currently there is a decreasing trend in
sales of business aircraft due to worldwide economic downturn. Forecasts of market trends
state that although the near future market is expected to shrink, the business aircraft market is
expected to grow in the next 20 years. This market growth is projected to occur because of
rejuvenated economies as well as expanding markets overseas.
Although the majority of customers are expected to be from North America and Europe,
the emerging economies in Asia are expected to play a pivotal role in general aviation
purchases. In the future, customers will require an aircraft design that reduces both emission
and noise pollution. As the world becomes more conscientious of the effect of burning fossil
fuels in our environment, standards for aircraft efficiency will have a factor in how attractive an
aircraft is to a customer.
Evaluating the customer desires through means of a house of quality, we determined
that fuel weight, range, and cruise speed are the greatest factors in the aircrafts design. In
regards to the weight of the aircraft, we used a database of similar sized aircraft and
computational algorithm in order to estimate the aircrafts weight. The equation for
determining the gross and empty weight ratios evaluates based on aircrafts design
consideration such as cruise Mach, thrust to weight, and aspect ratio along with the gross
weight estimate. As air travel begins to expand prolifically, the importance of minimizing
environmental impacts will better adhere to consumer desires. Coupled with the ability to
provide rapid and flexible long distance travel, our aircraft is ideal for satisfying future air
transportation needs.

To engineer a conceptual business jet solution capable of transporting esteemed
passengers, in luxury, while adhering to NASAs N+2 environmental goals.
In order to abide by NASAs N+2 environmental standards, our concept will provide
reduced NOx emissions, reduced noise pollution, increased fuel efficiency, and an increased
percentage of recyclable materials used in construction. These key topics will help address the
primary concerns of environmentally conscious groups.

The market for business jets was examined in order to properly discern the most
profitable business jet class to construct. Multiple trends throughout the market were
observed from market studies. The first trend of the market is that more lightweight sized jets
will be sold than the other classes of jets over the next 20 years. The second trend of the
market is that the economic situation of Asian countries will remain at a level where aircraft
purchase is an option for consumers. In addition to the Asian countries, America and Europe
are expected to have an economic rise in the next 20 years. A third trend of the market is that
consumers will continue to desire larger cabins and faster speeds, while now desiring an
environmentally friendly aircraft.
The medium and large-weight business jets are expected to be sold in larger quantities
than the other types of business jets, as seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Project Sales of Business Jets

Aircraft Delivery Summary 2009-2018 2019-2028

Very Light Jets
Small Business Jets
Medium Business Jets
Large Business Jets
Business Jet Totals




This projection takes into consideration the economic problems of the large countries as
well as the assumption that more of the world will become more environmentally conscious in

the coming years. To illustrate these factors, a recent survey conducted by Bombardier stated
that customers attach importance to:
1. Time savings and convenience
2. Direct access, even to remote destinations
3. Relatively new aircraft adapted to customers personal tastes (colors and equipment)
4. Easy booking, payment and service provision
5. Safety of the jets and quality of the operators
6. Usage concepts that do not require users to own the jet
7. Avoiding public attention or criticism for using business jets
Examining surveys conducted by aerospace companies, as well as market trends, formulates
the conclusion that the long-range business jets will remain dominant within the market. As
seen in Figure 1 below, although more medium-size jets will be sold, the net income will
approximately be the same for all classes of jets. This is the reason our team has chosen a longrange class of business jet.

Figure 1: Business Jet Forecast for 2009-2018(Bombardier Business Aircraft Market Forecast)

Within the long-range field of the business jets lies a competition with the commercial
airlines as well as technological developments that threaten to obsolete the business jet.
However, since the target customer is a proven base, the competition is factored into the
number of planes sold per year. Due to the current state of the economy, commercial airlines
may begin to encroach upon the business of jet providers; nevertheless, the business jet will
still have its pool of buyers. As environmentally conscientious groups advocate more forcefully,
the populous will demand that the transportation services become environmentally friendly.
This will spur the business owners to indulge in new aircraft. The underlying concern that
computer technology will become more prevalent in communication and more companies will
hold internet conferences in lieu of traveling by business aircraft. However, it is evident that
the availability of cost effective communications devices today has not halted production of
long-range aircraft. Quite the contrary, the market projection for long range aircraft will nearly
double in size over the next decade. Because of the capabilities of long-range business jets
have the ability to fly trans-continental non-stop without refueling, a business can reach their
destination of interest in an efficient amount of time.
The size of the market, however, is not the only considerations when choosing the class
of aircraft for the company to invest in. The competition in each market also affects the chance
of selling aircraft. For the smaller, lightweight business jets, many companies have embedded
themselves within the market. These companies include Bombardier, Gulfstream and Cessna.
As for the long range market, companies such as Boeing, Airbus and Gulfstream compete for
sales; even if they all do not sell business jets, the long range (trans-Pacific) flights compete
between commercial flights and private ones. A sample of these companies can be seen below
in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Business Jet Market Segmentation(Bombardier Business Aircraft Market Forecast)

The conclusion made from inspecting the trends of the business jet markets is that the
market will rise due to the stabilizing world economies. However, an economic crisis is not
prominent everywhere. The economic situation in Asian countries such as China and Japan are
not as poor as they are currently in the United States. In addition, more consumers from these
countries are buying aircraft. This will to be a promising factor in the sales of business jets over
the next decade. While sales forecasts are never absolute, there is a risk that the market for
long range jets will decrease. Historical data, as well as a few major companies predictions,
suggest the market will remain stable. Moreover, the expansion of businesses to countries
outside of America is expected to cause a consistent market for the longer range jets.

The 2009 Honeywell Projections, shown in Figure 3, show that the two greatest factors
for current business jet owners to purchase an aircraft were age and the need for greater
capacity. Age is the predicted number one reason for customers in North America and Europe
to purchase a new aircraft. Older aircraft can be replaced by any new model so this does not

constrain our design. Additionally, Asia and the Middle East considered a bigger cabin to be a
driving factor for a business jet. For this reason, designing a high-capacity business aircraft is a
logical approach. As emerging economies like Brazil, China and India grow and become more
stable, more business aircraft purchases will come from overseas. Therefore, the majority of
the market will be looking to buy newer aircraft with large cabins.

Figure 3: Honeywell Jet Purchasing Survey (2009 Business Aviation Outlook - Honeywell)

Narrowing down the market necessitates a more specific definition of who the
customers are; the customers include: Large International Corporations, Fractional Providers,
and Individuals. These customers have shifted away from North America, and primarily will
focus on Asia. According to the FAA Aerospace Forecasts of the Fiscal Years 2009-2025,
significant growth is expected in Asia and Latin America.
The Asia/Pacific and Latin America regions will continue to have the worlds highest
economic growth rates. These regions are expected to see their economic activity grow at
annual rates of 4.4 and 3.7 percent a year over the forecast period. In Asia, China, with a
population of 1.3 billion, is forecast to grow 7.7 percent a year, becoming the worlds second
largest economy. India, with a population of 1.2 billion, is projected to see its GDP triple in size,
growing at an average rate of 6.6 percent a year during the forecast period. The economic
growth in Asia will fuel the use of the business jets. Bombardier produced a split of the

billionaires in the world and it concluded that 13% of the worlds billionaires live in the
continent of Asia. With China, India, and Japan all represented in the worlds billionaires,
individuals will desire to purchase the business jets.

Figure 4: Country split of Billionaires by Bombardier

Currently, the Asian market is underrepresented in the business jet market. Due to
economic growth and looser government regulations on business jet aircraft however, Asian
companies will strive to improve their status. As stated earlier, the main reason that the
business jet owners in Asia want to purchase a new business jet is cabin space. This is because
larger cabins in these regions can be used as a status symbol when flying business jets. Even
though the companies or individuals will not need to fly at maximum capacity, a larger jet
equates to company wealth. The Asian market has not been fully realized in todays jet market;
due to their economic growth, the amount of aircraft being bought is expected to be
exponentially higher in 20 years.
For customers beyond 2020, emissions and noise pollution will also be factors in
purchases due to new environmental measures that are expected to be taken to curb the
effects of climate change. One benefit of a business jet is the capability of using smaller
airports; however these airports may have strict noise pollution laws, such as Teeterboro, New
York. Therefore, the customer will need an aircraft that produces fewer emissions, both in

terms of noise levels and emissions. From the evidence above, it is determined that offering an
aircraft capable of traveling overseas and the ability to carry the most passengers will help
meet the needs of the 2020 customer and beyond.
The designed business jet will be able to meet customers needs in ways that other business
jets cannot. First, the business jet will provide a productive workspace to allow executives a
reasonable environment to work. This would allow for less downtime during the flight as well
as an incentive for the executives to buy the jet. A complete on-board computer system will
also enhance the amount of work that can be completed while en route to other meetings or
events. In order to ensure a working environment similar to that of an office, multiple
commodities will be provided as a selling point for the jet.
Second, the business jet will also be the most environmentally friendly in the industry.
Measures will be taken to ensure the business jet will be fuel efficient with little emissions.
Another requirement placed on the jet is the amount of recyclable material in the production of
the jet. This is to ensure that the jet can be disposed of in an environmental fashion once it has
been decommissioned.
Third, the business jet will provide flexibility to the destinations that the jet can operate;
this is unmatched by any other business jet. The business jet will have a take-off and landing
distance that allows secondary airports to be used when flying in the United States as well as
Europe and Asia. The ability to land at secondary airports will reduce the amount of time spent
waiting at larger airports. The flexibility to land at smaller airports will also allow company
executives to utilize airports closer to their final destination.

In order to understand the market which will purchase this aircraft, it is important to
consider current options which consumers have. Company executives can choose to fly on
commercial airlines or to purchase fractional ownership of a jet. However, the main competitor
with our aircraft will be business jets produced by other companies. There are several current

business jets and as well as jets under development with which the designed jet will compete;
these business jets are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Comparison of Business Jets

Aircraft Name
No of Passengers Market Price (Million $) Still-Air Range (nmi)
Bombardier Global 5000
Bombardier Global Express
Gulfstream G500
Gulfstream G550
Gulfstream G650
Embraer Legacy 600
Dassault Falcon 7X
Dassault Falcon 900DX

In addition to the aircraft listed in Table 2, there are several other categories of jets
which businesses have the option of purchasing. The initial step in designing a long range
business jet is to analyze the business jets which currently exist or are being developed. The
aircraft listed in Table 2 will be discussed further in this section to determine the distinguishing
features each aircraft provides. In order for a new jet to compete with these aircraft, the jet
must at least match the qualifications and amenities provided by the competition.
The Bombardier Global business jets are designed to be super large to ultra-range jets.
The two jets in Bombardiers Global section are the Global 5000 and the Global Express XRS. As
seen from the costs shown in Table 2, the Global Express XRS is a more high-class jet than the
Global 5000; but both have key features they market. The Global 5000 business jet has the
widest cross section, the longest seating area, and the option to have a stateroom.
Additionally, the Global 5000 can fly from Continental Europe to the West Coast without
stopping. The Global Express XRS offers a built in private stateroom, temperature zones for
personal comfort, lowest cabin altitude, windows which improve passengers range of vision up
to 40 to 44% more usable area than the nearest competitor, and an optional humidifier to
reduce passenger fatigue.
Similar to Bombardiers Global jets, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation produces highend luxury jets. The three jets which will likely compete with this new business jet are the
G500, G550, and the G650. Each of the Gulfstream jets allows the ability for the customer to
choose the passenger layout, has three temperature zones, and continually supplied 100%

fresh air. The G500 has an advanced flight deck, long rang and impressive speed. The
Gulfstream G550 provides a fax machine, printer, wireless local area network, satellite
communications, comprehensive entertainment show, two galleys, two lavatories, and the
option for a crew rest area. The Gulfstream G650 flies at the fastest cruise speed and the
furthest range of any business jets, the cabin is eight feet wide and six feet high, 28 windows, a
five year parts and labor for production components warranty, 20 year parts and labor on the
structure, and 2 year parts and labor for the interior components.
The Embraer Legacy 600 is a mid-priced jet which has an engine start up time of 10
minutes, three cabin zones, six foot tall cabin. This jet is marketed as having the largest cabin in
this category. Dassault Falcon jets are distinguishable by the three-engine design used on these
jets. The Dassault Falcon 900DX utilizes the shortest takeoff distance of any other Falcon in
production, consumes 40% less fuel than its nearest competitor, and has a high landing weight
to allow for fully loaded short hops with as well as a long range mission without refueling. The
Dassault Falcon 7X flies at a high speed and features a long range, and includes quieting
acoustics for customer satisfaction.
In order to ensure our design can surpass the competition, we will have to provide
additional benefits to avoid only imitating a design already in production. Although we would
like to exceed the competition in every aspect of the business jet by providing the same range
and speed while offering the same comfort and volume, we understand that this is simply
impossible with the design trade-offs that need to be made. Thus, the design will be
competitive through offering a business jet that is environmentally friendly, fuel efficient, and
flexible in landing destinations.
The jets displayed in Table 2 were used to ensure the business jet being designed follow
the current trends. Figure 5 shows the trend between the market price and the range of the
business jet. The blue oval shows where the jet is forecasted to lie. This price estimate
depends upon several factors and assumptions. It is assumed that although the material used
for the jet is currently new, it will be fully developed by the jets time of release. Furthermore,
it was assumed that the manufacturing costs for the material will be fairly low, since the
material will be in development. Additionally, a developed engine will be used; therefore, no

funding needs to go towards research and development of an engine. The last major
assumption is that a high number of jets will be sold. This allows a lowering of the price of each
jet. The designed business jet is projected to enter the market at the approximate price range
of a Bombardier jet; however, a more precise pricing will be calculated later on in the design

Figure 5: Market price as a function of aircraft range.

Figure 6 shows the trend between the number of passengers and the range of the jets
shown in Table 2. Currently, the designed business jet will have a maximum passenger capacity
of 19; this places the jet even with the competition while still remaining within the limit of 20
passengers set by the FAA. As seen in Figure 5 and Figure 6, the aircraft closest to the designed
business jet are the Bombardier Global Express and the Gulfstream G550.


Figure 6: Number of passengers versus range of the business jet.

The jet designed by the analysis in this paper will account for the benefits of each of the
competition of business jets listed above to ensure a proper market share. The designed
business jet will have four main selling points; customer comfort, productivity, environmental
safety, and the ability to be flexible in destination choice.

Current economic predictions show that the Asian markets will continue to grow rapidly
through the next 20 years. Economists have determined that there are eight main countries
whose economies are on the rise. These countries are: China, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea,
Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. In addition, many economists
believe that these countries will continue to contribute to the economic growth over the next
few decades. The designed business jet will aim to appeal to this ever growing market along
with customers in North America and Western Europe.
To appeal to the United States market, the jet must be able to fly trans-Atlantic and
trans-Pacific flights without layover. Table 3 shows the ability to fly both trans-Atlantic and
trans-Pacific from Los Angeles, California. Since trans-Atlantic flights can be flown from Los

Angeles, it is possible for the business jet to fly trans-Atlantic from any destination city in the
domestic United States.
Table 3: Trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific capabilities out of Los Angeles.

Departure City: Los Angeles, California

Arrival City:
Beijing, China
Hong Kong
Tokyo, Japan
Wewak, Papua, New Guinea
Florence, Italy
Paris, France
Barcelona, Spain
Zurich, Switzerland


Still-air Range (nmi):


In order to display the useable secondary airports, Table 4 shows the distances from
domestic secondary airports to secondary airports in trans-Atlantic destinations.
Table 4: Secondary Airport trans-Atlantic Capabilities.

Trans-Atlantic Flights
Daytona Beach, FL to Milan, Italy
Daytona Beach, FL to Nice, France
Teterboro, NJ to Rome, Italy
Dekalb Peachtree, GA to Nice, France
Dekalb Peachtree, GA to London, England
Fort Lauderdale, FL to Geneva, Switzerland
Fort Lauderdale, FL to Paris, France



Still-air Range (nmi):


For the business jet to appeal to Asian markets, it must be able to perform flights from
one Asian country to another. Shenyang, China is chosen to display the range of the jet to more
southern cities in Asia. Shenyang was chosen because it is the northernmost major city in
China. Any city south of Shenyang can be used as a departure city to reach any of the arrival
cities shown below; and these cities include Beijing, Delhi, Hong Kong, and Bangkok. Table 5
displays the range from Shenyang to each city listed as an arrival city; and demonstrates the
ability to fly around Asia out of any of the cities listed above.


Table 5: Asian flights out of Shevang

Departure City: Shenyang, China

Arrival City:
Still-air Range (nmi):
Wewak, Papua New Guinea
Bandung, Indonesia
Bangkok, Indonesia
Sydney, Austrailia
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Delhi, India

In addition to Asian travel, the business jet must also be able to fly from Asia to Europe.
Tokyo, Japan is chosen to display the range of the jet to European cities. Tokyo was chosen
because it is the easternmost major city in Asia. Any city west of Tokyo can be used as a
departure city to reach any of the arrival cities shown below; and these cities include Beijing,
Delhi, Hong Kong, and Bangkok. Table 6 displays the range from Tokyo to each city listed as an
arrival city; and demonstrates the ability to fly from Asia to any city in Europe.
Table 6: European Flights out of Tokyo

Departure City: Tokyo, Japan

Arrival City:
Still-air Range (nmi):
Florence, Italy
Paris, France
Barcelona, Spain
Zurich, Switzerland
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Moscow, Russia
London, England

The capability for the business jet to travel long distances without stopping is extremely
important to the customer satisfaction of the jet. The information presented above does not
completely cover the flight possibilities of the business jet, but it does show the distances the
jet will be able to fly. Much thought went into the city-pairs described above and these cities
were determined to be the most important to customers. With this business jet, the customer
will be able to fly anywhere in the world.
The designed business jet will have the ability to land at secondary airports and major
airports. The largest constraint on which airports the jet can land at is the length of the runway

that the business jet requires to operate. To ensure the aircraft can operate at many airports,
the takeoff distance of the jet must be lower than the amount of runway which various airports
already have built. Major airports are not included in this analysis because our aircraft is
smaller and quieter than commercial aircraft, thus expected to fit well within the constraints
set at large international airports.
It is important for a business jet to be able to land at major airports. However, it is much
more desirable for the jet to be able to land at regional airports. Landing at regional airports
will reduce the time which a jet waits in line to land compared to major airports. This ability
will allow the passengers onboard the flight to spend less time traveling to meetings. In
addition, landing at regional airports allows a faster turnaround time; the customers will be
able to get in and out of airports quicker than the competition that cannot land at secondary
airports. Examples of the competition include the Gulfstream G550 which has a takeoff distance
of 5900 ft and the Global Express which has a takeoff distance of almost 6200 ft. With a target
takeoff distance of 4700 ft, the designed jet will be able to utilize airports which these other
jets cannot. Examples of the airports which the jet will be able to use and the competition
cannot are shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Secondary airport runway lengths

United States:
Daytona Beach, FL
Santa Ana, CA
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Dekalb Peachtree, GA
Cincinnati, OH
Bourges, France
Florence, Italy
San Sebastian, Spain
Copenhagen, Denmark
Lubeck, Germany


Max Runway Length (ft):


Max Runway Length (ft):



Overall, the destination flexibility which can be provided by this business jet far
surpasses the flexibility by the competition. This business jet will be able to accommodate


customers from across the world by providing a long range jet which is environmentally friendly
and has more destination flexibility than any other jet can provide.
As discussed previously, the benchmarks set for our design represent a long-range
business aircraft. From the above analyses, a design mission, summarized below, was created
to accommodate these desired mission goals.

12 19 Passengers + 4 Crew

Cruise Altitude > 40,000 ft

Cruise Speed 0.85 Mach

Range of 7,100 nmi

Takeoff range 4,700 5,000 ft

Landing Distance 2,500 3,000 ft

A high operating ceiling has many benefits. By choosing a cruise altitude of greater

than 40,000 feet, our business jet will operate above the majority of air traffic allowing for
higher speeds and a cruise-climb method, increasing altitude as the aircraft becomes lighter
from burning fuel. This method improves the overall efficiency of the engines and decreases
fuel usage.
Timely flights are a desirable characteristic that consumers desire in a business jet. High
cruise speed directly correlates to the flight duration. Therefore, the cruise speed of 0.85 Mach
was chosen primarily from historical data and would offer a high speed while maintaining fuel
A range of 7,100 nmi, a conservative distance from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, China
with a 50 kts headwind, was chosen as the design mission range for our aircraft. Destination
flexibility is also important for a desirable business jet solution. With a takeoff field length of
4,700 5,200 feet and a landing field length of 2,500 3,000 feet, our aircraft will have access
to many small airports, bypassing many of the larger and more congested terminals.


A mission profile is needed for determining the necessary capabilities of an aircraft
design. This mission sketch is broken into several segments and outlines the important
procedures that our aircraft might encounter during a normal missions operation. A basic
mission profile is shown below as Figure 7. The steps of the mission are described in detail
below Figure 7.

Figure 7 : Basic Mission Profile

0 1: Taxi
1 2: Takeoff
2 3: Climb to > 40,000 feet
3 4: Cruise at 0.85 Mach
4 5: Descent
5 6: Loiter (45 minutes)
6 7: Approach
7 8: Land
6 7: Missed Approach
7 9: Secondary Climb to > 40,000 feet
9 10: Divert
10 11: Descent
11 12: Loiter (30 minutes)
12 13: Approach
13 14: Land at Secondary Airport
Initially, the aircraft taxis onto the runway once filled with its payload. Takeoff involves
the aircrafts acceleration to initial climb speed. This value will be determined after further

sizing and design. The next segment, shown as 2 3, is the aircrafts climb to cruise altitude.
The climb to above the design missions 40,000 feet will be performed at the maximum climb
rate available. After the cruise altitude is reached, the aircraft will cruise at 0.85 Mach for the
duration of the primary mission. The high operation ceiling allows the business jet to cruise as
a cruise-climb. From this point, the majority of the travel time consists of sustaining the cruise
speed. When the aircraft nears the airspace of the destination airport, the aircraft will descend
into the holding pattern. This descent is represented with a no-range credit. The loiter period
at the primary airport is represented as segment 5 6. To ensure that the aircraft maintains
fuel reserves to complete this procedure, a 45 minute buffer is designed into the fuel weight.
Descent from loiter to the landing pattern, is the approach. As with the descent from cruise
altitude, the approach is shown with no-range credit. The final step of the primary mission is
the landing and taxi to terminal.
Due to weather, a busy airport, or any other externality capable of preventing an
aircrafts landing, an aircraft may be forced to divert to a secondary airport. The reserve
mission from 6 14 represents the contingency plan in case of an inability to land. It is included
in the mission sketch to ensure that adequate fuel is stored for a diversion. Segment 6 7
represents the missed approach. Similar to the primary climb, the secondary climb is performed
at maximum climb rate to cruise altitude. The FAA requires that an aircraft is capable of a 200
nmi divert in the event of a missed approach. The aircraft will travel to the closest available
airport while maintaining cruise-climb to the secondary airspace. Following the diversion, a norange credit descent is performed to loiter. As part of the FAAs missed approach contingency
requirement, an aircraft design must be capable of a 30 minute loiter in the secondary airspace.
After the required loiter duration, segment 12 13 represents the no-range credit approach to
the secondary landing pattern. The final segment of the mission is the land at the secondary
It is not reasonable to expect the designed jet to be required to operate at the full
design mission at all times. Therefore, the decision was to have a typical operating mission of
carrying 6 8 passengers, with 3 crew, over approximately 2,500 nmi. This mission allows for

many of the trans-continental destination pairs previously mentioned to be utilized. Though

this typical mission does not fully utilize this designs capabilities, the airport flexibility of the
design will allow for many shorter range flight opportunities. The versatility for transcontinental and trans-Pacific flights will be highly desirable for corporate and private operations
and increase our market share.


From the definition of the target customer, the assumptions concerning desired
characteristics for the business jet were categorized by performance, aesthetics, service, and
extraneous attributes. After evaluating these characteristics, it was found that range, speed,
and comfort are of highest priority, followed shortly by destination flexibility and
environmental image. While range, speed, and comfort are regularly desired qualities for a
trans-Pacific personal business jet, destination flexibility and environmental image are
developing concerns. In countries and locations where smaller airports are constructed, the
ability for a business jet to avoid landing at the busier airports gives the customer the ability to
make deadlines without worry of external factors preventing prompt landings.

To address

these factors, a variety of performance characteristics were selected. The house of quality is a
graphic tool that defines a relationship between customer desires and the business jets
capabilities. From its results, we prioritized range velocity and fuel weight.
Comparing the designed jet to the current competitors, the range, price and speed are
comparable, as seen in the House of Quality that is located in Appendix B. However, it is
forecasted that a desire for technology less harmful to the environment will progress in the
future. As such, the specific attempts to adhere to the NASA Subsonic Fixed Wing Project N+2
goals will place the designed jet well ahead of current competitors in the categories of noise
pollution, nitrous oxide emissions, and recyclable materials. Currently, the designed jet is
targeting the 42 decibel sound reduction based on engine choice and engine location. For
greater fuel efficiency, the choice of engine also provides approximately 15% improved fuel
efficiency, which coupled with other design choices, is estimated to match the 40% fuel
efficiency desired by the N+2 goals. While it is assumed that other competitors will attempt to

improve during this time. If the N+2 goals are met along with the previously mentioned
conveniences of destination flexibility and high speed, it is assumed that the jet will have a
stable place in the market.
In the creation of the compliance matrix, Table 8, threshold values were taken from
historical data or perceptions on the customer desires. Because of the desire to create a long
range vehicle, the threshold range was set so that the aircraft could fly from Los Angeles to
Tokyo. The target value was determined to be longer in order to bypass landing in Japan, and
land directly in airports in China. Volume and height are based on cabin layout, and may
increase dramatically based on the choice of aircraft configuration. The payload is currently
based on the typical mission, and the speed is based on the engine choice. The values in the
asterisks are currently historical estimates, and further calculations are necessary in order to
determine the accuracy of these values.
Table 8: Compliance Matrix

APU Capacity [kVA]

Cabin Height [in]
Cabin Volume [ft^3]
Cruise Speed [Mach]
Cumulative Certification Noise Level[dB]
Empty Weight [lb]
Fuel Weight [lb]
Interior Decibel Level [dB]
Life [yr]
Maintenance hours/Service Hours
Payload [lb]
Range - Still-air [nmi]
Recyclable Material %
Sill Height [ft]
Take off Distance <# [ft]





NASAs N+2 goals are a driving factor for the design of the business jet. The main areas
for improvement in an aircraft to meet these goals are in drag reduction and improvements in
fuel economy. It is unlikely that currently implemented technologies will be able to successfully
meet the N+2 goals and simultaneously provide desired performance characteristics for a long

range business jet. Todays aircraft have already been extensively optimized and further
improvements necessitate either a major technological breakthrough or a shift in design
philosophy. Technological breakthroughs have drastic effects but are slow to implement
because of required research and development before implementation. Therefore, a large shift
in design methodology while still using what are essentially current technologies would be the
best candidate to effectively meet N+2 and FAR regulations. This shift could include
implementing different propulsion methods or aircraft geometry while using current materials
and processes.
In the 1980s, General Electric and NASAs Lewis Research Center studied a concept
called an Unducted Fan (UDF). This concept was developed in response to rising fuel costs at
the time. It initially began as a study to increase the efficiency of a geared turbofan engine. The
higher bypass ratios corresponded to higher engine fuel efficiency. However, the weight and
size of the gearing caused operating costs to increase as the diameter of the fan increased.
Aircraft manufacturers also pressured the researchers to decrease the diameter of the engine.
The increased fan speed made it possible to eliminate the gearing linkages between the power
plant and the propulsion fans. Reducing the overall complexity of the engine and weight by
also eliminating the necessary cooling equipment associated with a mechanical gearbox. The
resulting test model consisted of a turbojet engine linked to a pair of highly swept, thin, contrarotating fans. The dual fan arrangement allowed the engine to recover some of the air flows
angular momentum generated by the first fan with the second. Shown below is the basic setup
of this engine type.

Figure 8: The original UDF concept demonstrator(NASA, 2009).


Figure 9: The original UDF concept demonstrator (Nichols, 1988)

The UDF is lighter than a comparable ducted turbofan because of the lack of the outer
cowling. This also causes a reduction in drag penalty. Greater airflow is achievable using the
dual fans which nets greater fuel efficiency. The project demonstrated an uninstalled SFC of
0.24 lbm/hr/lbf during the ground testing phase of the project. The high blade count allows for
most vibration to be eliminated or reduced below acceptable levels. Additional measures are
taken to damp out vibration caused by the turbojet power plant as well (NASA, 2009). The
highly swept and thin blades allow for flutter free operation of the fans up to Mach .9. During
flight tests, the UDF engine performed well within FAR noise regulations for both external and
internal noise. The worst seat cabin noise level was 82 dB (Reid, 1988). Fan noise was largely
controlled by blade spacing and tip speed rather than through the addition of heavy acoustic
insulation to the aircraft. Still, the rotating fan blades could cause potential acoustic fatigue.
Acoustic treatment would be necessary to shield the structural components (NASA, 2009). The
study expected further improvements in noise abatement through quieter fan blades and
designing improvements in vibration transmission from the power plant to the cabin (NASA,
2009). Unfortunately, the project was dropped in the late 80s when fuel prices declined and
the potential remained undeveloped. All the initial work was done in making this a viable
technology to be implemented in the 90s.
Unfortunately, no production model yet exists for data analysis. Given that this
technology was pioneered in the 1980s, one expects that by using modern technology and
tools, a new model now would surpass this initial design. It is difficult to validate that claim
because the majority of the specifications of the engine were withheld from the AIAA papers.
Specifically, the high altitude performance of the UDF is largely unknown; only 4 AIAA papers
could be found on the subject at the time during this research. The papers listed a max

operation height during flight test of 35000 feet MSL at Mach .86 (Reid, 1988). This was the last
height that they took measurements at and it is unclear if this is the actual operating ceiling of
the engine. Literature dealing with engine structural failure, such as a fan blade breaking off in
flight, was not published either. The exterior of fuselage in the affected zone around the fans
would have to be protected from possible catastrophic blade failure. Further research is
necessary before proceeding with UDF engine usage on the business jet.
Drag reduction is accomplished in a number of different ways. Reduction of the overall
wetted area of the aircraft reduces the parasite drag of the aircraft. Conventional wing and
fuselage aircraft have a large amount of non-lifting wetted surface area. This is due to the
surface area of the fuselage itself, which is typically constrained by the desired payload of the
aircraft. There are also large stress concentrations where the wings attach to the fuselage. One
approach to reduce both the drag and the stress is to use a hybrid structure in which the wings
and the fuselage are smoothly joined. This results in a concept known as a Blended-Wing-Body
(BWB) airframe. A BWB design allows for a reduced wetted area compared to a conventional
design of similar capabilities. There is more lateral space in the fuselage allowing for increased
seating and fuel storage. The airframe is also more evenly loaded than a traditional wing and
tube design. This is known as span loading and an illustration of this concept is shown below.

Figure 10: Comparison of Conventional and BWB loading (Liebeck, 2004)


Distributing the load of the aircraft smoothly across the span of the aircraft decreases
the size of the structural components of the airframe, thereby making the plane lighter. There
is much less interference drag between the fuselage and the wing which also makes the aircraft
quieter because the airflow is smoother. A BWB aircraft is a strong candidate for meeting
NASAs N+2 goals.
All of these benefits come with a drawback potentially making the BWB concept
unviable for a business jet. The first concern is that the cabin of the aircraft needs to be
pressurized when flying at the cruise altitude. A large wide cabin, such as the one in a BWB,
would be difficult to pressurize and would add weight to the aircraft. Structural supports may
be necessary in the cabin itself to hold the top and bottom surfaces together (Cho, Bil, &
Bayandor, 2008). This may prove problematic because that would detract from a spacious cabin
which could be a potential selling point. Secondly, business jet passengers and owners typically
view window number and size as important selling points. A BWB aircraft places the wings
where windows are to be placed. One solution to this issue is to have screens in the cabin to
act as surrogate windows so that the passengers could still view the exterior of the plane.
Another option would be to place transparent or translucent panels on the top of the cabin
section of the plane to act as skylights. These would not allow the passengers to see much but
would at least let in some natural light. Lastly, BWB designs need to maintain a reasonable
thickness to chord ratio, which may be difficult to match. To accommodate a six to seven foot
cabin height would require at least a 70 to 80 foot chord on the fuselage airfoil shape. It may be
difficult to accommodate the necessary cabin volume and still have less wetted area than a
conventional aircraft. Stability and emergency egress could also prove to be problematic with a
BWB business jet. Once again, further trade studies will need to be conducted to see if these
obstacles can be successfully overcome.
In addition to the BWB and unducted turbofans, other technologies are presently being
considered. These include alternate wing geometries and wing tip treatments such as winglets.
Some alternate wing geometries under consideration are a tandem wing design and a joined
wing. The joined wing design consists of two wings that are swept in such a way as to have co
located wingtips. This could include a swept back wing joined to a straight or swept forward

wing. This geometry is reminiscent of biplanes except that the wings are not on top of each
other. Winglets are used to decrease induced drag caused by the wingtip vortices present on all
aircraft. They can be upright, slanted, endplates, or even manufactured in such a way that they
double back into themselves, known as a spiroid. The joined wing and the winglets are intended
to reduce drag but it is unsure whether or not the gains will merit the additional cost of
manufacturing them.
All of the technologies mentioned above require further investigation before they can
be used on this design. Among other things the unducted fan needs to be proven at the cruise
altitude of the aircraft and further research is needed into its compliance with current
regulations. The blended wing body design needs to be thoroughly researched and proven to
be feasible for a business jet sized plane. Trade studies will need to be conducted to
demonstrate the feasibility of all of the technologies. A determination will be made to see
which provide a sufficient benefit to merit the research and development costs necessary to
implement them on this business jet design.

There are certain design constraints to which we must adhere to while beginning to
design the jet. The cabin layout is one of these major constraints. The basis of the design
philosophy was to start from the inside and design outward; this was done to ensure that there
was sufficient floor space and volume to accommodate the passengers and all of their
amenities. Passenger comfort is one of the main selling points for a business jet, and as such,
the designs shown below were meant to maximize this. Further refinement and detail will be
added later as more specific dimensions are determined.

Figure 11: Floor plan for a conventional wing and tube aircraft.


Figure 12: Secondary floor plan for the conventional jet.

The above two layouts are for a conventional wing and tube aircraft design, seating 16
and 12 respectively. Both layouts occupy the same amount of space, thereby allowing for a
standard fuselage design. The aerodynamics and structural aspects would remain the same.
This will reduce the amount of additional tooling and equipment needed for different
variations. Windows are not marked out in Figure 11 or Figure 12, but would be placed evenly
down the length of the cabin approximately adjacent to the bucket seats. Both layouts offer a
galley, dual restrooms, crew rest for a reserve pilot, and additional storage spaces denoted as
cabinets. The crew rest is in place for trans-Oceanic flights in which the flight time exceeds
the work day of a single pilot. The cockpit, though not specifically shown in either design, would
be a typical layout seen in most business jets. The tail section (to the right of the figures)
would be largely empty, possibly housing a baggage compartment. Emergency exits would be
located on the starboard side of the plane and out the aft pressure bulkhead of the cabin.
The cabinets and galley will provide ample storage for food, beverages, blankets,
pillows, and other desired commodities. The single seats in the cabin will have the ability to
swivel, which would facilitate conferencing and other tasks. The red rectangles and ellipses
denote tables which can be stored inside the side walls when not in use. This will allow for
increased personal space during other activities when desk space is not needed. To the rear of
the passenger cabin is a pair of joined seats. These are intended to be used for high capacity
flights to fit the last two passengers at the cost of some personal space. Overall, the designs are
fairly typical of business jets in this class of operations.
The design of the cabin space in a blended wing concept varies greatly, thus, additional
layouts were created. A BWB offers a large amount of additional lateral volume that could be


utilized as cabin space. Shown below, in Figure 13, is a silhouette of a BWB with an approximate
cabin layout superimposed onto it.

Figure 13: BWB silhouette with cabin layout.

A BWB design offers one and a half to two times the cabin width as compared to a
conventional design. The same features are available with the BWB concept as the conventional
layout. One of the main benefits of the concept is that it offers two aisles and increased volume
per passenger as compared to a conventional wing and tube design. Twin doors are present for
entry and exit. Additional emergency exits could be positioned to the aft of the cabin area or
out across the wing. These would be dependent on later design considerations. In both BWB
layouts the forward restroom is positioned essentially in the cockpit. This was done based on
the thought that crew quarters could be separated from the passengers more than usual. This is
not particularly uncommon in some of the larger business jets on the market today. Shown
below are the two conceptual layouts for the blended wing body.


Figure 14: Parallel side BWB cabin layout concept.

This first layout consists of a cabin with twin aisles and seating for 19 passengers. There
are some possible FAR regulations limiting the number of passengers in this size business jet, so
this number may be reduced accordingly. As stated before, this design offers similar
accommodations as the conventional design, but with more personal space. No tables are
shown in this design at the current time, but will be added in later designs. The tables would
likely swing up from the sides of the chairs, similar to a student desk in a lecture hall. This
design also features a locker which would offer additional storage.

Figure 15: Flared aft BWB cabin layout concept.

Most blended wing concepts have a large amount of internal volume, especially towards
the back of the aircraft. This second layout concept features a flared aft section in order to

utilize this additional space efficiently. This flared back allows for a theater-style seating
arrangement. A screen could be installed just to the aft of the cockpit bulkhead to allow an inflight movie or meeting presentation. Once again, the tables can be stored in the side wall to
allow for more space. A full galley and storage areas are once again employed to house all of
the amenities.
There are some issues that will need to be resolved later in the design process. Among
these issues would be the cabin height. It is likely that the cabin will slope down from the
middle somewhat towards the sides. This should not be a major concern because the aisles will
still have a full standing height. Probably the biggest concern about a BWB concept is its
inherent lack of windows in the passenger cabin. The wings are typically mounted along the
area where the windows would be placed. This could be a large problem if an acceptable
alternative is not available. As mentioned earlier, transparent panels or screens that act as
surrogate windows could be used to counteract the lack of windows. Obviously there are some
design considerations that must be accounted for before finalizing a design. It may turn out that
the blended wing concept is not viable for a business jet sized aircraft. Until that decision is
made, it is still wise to keep all options in mind.

With the aircraft requirements and design missions largely laid out, a basic sizing
analysis of the aircraft was undertaken. The entire design method contains many iterative
methods, sizing being one such instance. By having a general idea of the weight of the aircraft,
design variables such as thrust and wing geometry can be approximated. Refinement of these
variables will lead to changes in the aircraft weight. However, this initial step is required in
order to begin making design choices.



Top of Climb (1g Steady,

Level Flight, M = 0.85 @
h=40K, Service Ceiling)
Subsonic 2.5g Manuever,
250kts @ h =10K



Takeoff Ground Roll 3,500 ft

@ h = 5K, +15 Hot Day

Landing Ground Roll 2,500 ft

@ h = 5K, +15 Hot Day
Second Segment Climb
Gradient Above h = 5K, +15
Hot Day











W0/S [lb/ft2]
Figure 16: Constraint Diagram

A constraint diagram was generated to determine which segments of flights are the
most crucial in sizing the business jet. This diagram was generated by choosing our service
ceiling, cruise Mach number, and aspect ratio. As seen in Figure 16, our business jet was
constrained by the Second Segment Climb and Takeoff Ground Roll for high and hot days, which
were developed by our initial sizing estimates. Our ideal flight envelope would have a Thrust to
Weight ratio above 0.344 with Wing Loading at approximately 80 lb/ft 2. However, due to
further research, it was found that our business jet will be constrained by the Top of Climb
instead of the Second Segment Climb. With these initial estimates for our jet, we developed a
sizing algorithm.
A MATLAB subroutine was assembled in order to provide weight estimates for the
aircraft. The algorithm used was a first order design method outlined in Aircraft Design: A
Conceptual Approach Fourth Edition. The method involves estimating empty weight and fuel
weight fractions of the aircraft and iterating until an appropriate value is reached. The following
simple flowchart gives a general outline of the algorithm:

Figure 17: Code Flowchart

W0 is takeoff gross weight, We is the empty weight of the aircraft, and Wf is the fuel
weight of the aircraft. The empty weight fraction was determined from a database of aircraft
flying today. The database, shown in Appendix A, tabulated characteristics such as takeoff
gross weight, aspect ratio, wing area, etc. The only aircraft considered were those with similar
design mission:
Table 9: Aircraft Database



Global 5000
Global Express
Falcon 7X
Falcon 900B



With this database, a least squares regression was created in order to generate an
empty weight fraction approximation. The regression took into account takeoff gross weight,
aspect ratio, thrust to weight at sea level, and maximum Mach the aircraft is capable of. The
following was the form of the equation used in the final calculations:

(Eqn. 1)

The takeoff gross weight was an arbitrary value chosen to start the sizing iteration
process. The aspect ratio chosen was 7.5 with comparison to aircraft in the database. The
thrust to weight value used in the sizing iteration was 0.34 which derived from both the
historical database as well as the constraint diagram. The maximum Mach used in the analysis
was determined from research of unducted turbofans. A detailed discussion of unducted
turbofan technology is outlined in the advanced topics section. Early research by General
Electric shows that the design is capable of efficient speeds up to Mach 0.9. However, this
decision was made before considering the high cruise altitudes effects on the propfans
capabilities. The propulsion choice will have to be re-evaluated; however, the maximum Mach
is likely to remain in a similar range as other aircraft in the long-range category. In observing
trends of business aircraft, the consumer desires vehicles capable of offering speeds greater
than other civilian aircraft.
The fuel weight fraction was calculated by a combination of historical estimates as well
as using the Breguet range equation:
(Eqn. 2)

In the previous equation, the variable R is range, u is aircraft velocity, c is specific fuel
consumption, and L/D is lift to drag ratio. The equation was rewritten in terms of the weight
fraction within the natural logarithm to form the following:
(Eqn. 3)

The equation was also modified for loiter by replacing the range term by loiter time as
well as removing the aircraft velocity term. With these equations, the fuel weight breakdown
was done as follows:


Table 10: Fuel Weight Fraction Estimates

Mission Segment
Takeoff (0-1)
Climb (1-2)
Descent no range credit (3-4)
Missed approach (4-5)
Climb (5-6)
Cruise to alternate (6-7)
Loiter (7-8)
Descent no range credit (8-9)

Eqn 2
Eqn 2
Eqn 3

An additional 1% was added to the fraction in order to account for trapped fuel. The
design variables used in the Breguet range equation would play significant roles in the final
weight estimate of the aircraft, as the cruise segments would consume the majority of the fuel.
The range used for the weight estimate was 6,700 nautical miles with 200 nautical miles being
the distance to the alternate airport. A loiter time of 0.75 hours was chosen for the design. The
previous values for range and loiter were determined by NBAA fuel reserve requirements. A
cruise Mach of 0.85 was chosen in order to conserve fuel, but the justification behind this value
is fairly weak without more detailed data about the propulsion system and aircraft geometry.
Two factors with large impacts on the fuel weight were specific fuel consumption (SFC)
and maximum lift to drag ratio. The SFC estimate was made using the following figure:


Figure 18: SFC trends in the past 60 years (Zelina & Ballal, 2004)

The above figure estimates fairly low SFC for our initial operating period. If the trend
line is liberally extrapolated, it is observed that a SFC of 0.25 is possible by 2020. This was not
the value selected for several reasons. Primarily the most efficient engines are high bypass
turbofans with very large diameters such as Rolls Royces Trent 1000 and General Electrics
GENx. These engines were deemed too large to use for the aircraft. Secondly, these values are
most likely uninstalled SFC that do not account for inefficiencies due to nacelles and power
required by aircraft systems. Since this is a forecast the SFC value used for cruise was 0.35 lb/hr
and 0.4 lb/hr for loiter. Further research will be required since these values are considered very
The maximum lift to drag ratio was estimated using an empirical formula found from
Fundamentals of Aircraft Design, which states:
(Eqn. 4)

An aspect ratio of 7.5, as specified earlier, produces a maximum lift to drag value of
17.6. This value was compared to other aircraft to confirm the magnitude. A L/D of 18 was

found for Boeings 747 while the Gulfstream G550 was reported to have a L/D of 14.7 at Mach
0.854 and 18.68 at Mach 0.7. The cruise L/D ratio was approximated to be 0.87 of the
maximum L/D, as mentioned during a lecture by Dr. Crossley. The lift over drag value used for
the missions loiter phase was assumed to be the maximum lift to drag ratio. The values used in
the analysis were typical of aircraft with similar size.
Equation 5 was used in order to estimate the takeoff gross weight as a function of both
empty weight and fuel fractions.
(Eqn. 5)

As mentioned previously, a crew of 4 and 19 passengers was used for the payload
weights. Each person was allotted 225 pounds which takes into account for their luggage. The
previous estimate of 200 pounds used for passenger weight was deemed too low by
Gulfstreams design team.
Technology factors were considered for the sizing estimates; however none were
implemented for the lack of data to correctly assess their impact.

Alternate wing geometries and composite materials have the ability to lower the empty
weight of the aircraft.

Improved gas turbine engines can lower specific fuel consumption, reduce emissions,
and reduce noise. The first point will contribute to fuel weight required.

Alternative fuels have shown promise in lower emissions of gas turbine engines in
recent studies; however, these should not have much of an effect on aircraft weight.
In approaching the desired trade studies, algorithms were created to perform initial

calculations. Preliminary results for a standard tube-and-wing configuration are as follows:

Table 11: Initial sizing results

Takeoff Gross Weight
Empty Weight
Fuel Weight
Empty Weight Fraction
Fuel Weight Fraction

90,300 lb
52,100 lb
34,400 lb



Considering the aforementioned topics, an opportunity for a new business jet to capture
a portion of the market and proactively prepare for the eventual changes as the new decade
begins. Market analysis has shown that the demand for this type of business jet will continue to
grow. As the concerns of executives and business employees increase, a timely and efficient
form of travel will increase in demand. Along with heightened awareness and concern for the
global environment, todays business jet features will continue to persist. To meet this need,
initial requirements have been established based on current aircraft designs. Now that the
benchmark figures and goals have been concisely described, further trade-offs must be
investigated in order to increase the marketability of our aircraft.
Since the steps for preliminary design have been completed, our team will begin the
conceptual design phase. The first step for conceptual design is to complete a more
comprehensive trade study of the technologies available. The trade studies will be researched
based on the ideas conceptualized from a brainstorming session along with an iterated process
for design selection. After the selection process for the design is completed, an updated version
of the sizing code will be created. This version of the code will implement the chosen design
characteristics from the brainstorming session as well as updated sizing equations and
technology factors from the trade studies.


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