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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

9:00-9:50 WRITING
CC: W.5.5

OBJECTIVE: I can develop and strengthen my writing with support from adults
and peers through the writing process.
FOCUS QUESTION/ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do I use the writing process to
develop and strengthen my writing?

WHOLE GROUP: Discuss and look at a video to introduce peer conferencing in

the writing process
Expectation Board:
1. Sentences
2. My Big Campus Discussion
3. Rough Copy of Locked In
4. Small Group with Mr. Newcomer
5. Simulated Peer Conference
Small Group: Pull Students in three groups based on need
1. Group 1: Peer Editing Checklist: Grammar and Mechanics
2. Group 2: Grammar and Mechanics, Flow and Logic
3. Group 3: Grammar and Mechanics, Flow and Logic, Discussion


Review sentences from beginning of period


Peer Editing Checklist

Group 1

Grammar and Mechanics

Group 2

Grammar and Mechanics,

Flow and Logic

Group 3

Grammar and Mechanics,

Flow and Logic, Discussion

Nathan, Raven, Leah, Zach,

Malaki, Juliana, Nevaeh, Hannah
Kayla, Daesyn, Bra Dajah, Justin

Tyler, Ashiya, Miguel, Blake

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