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The relevance of discovery learning to ICT mediated instruction (Graded Discussion 2)

Bruner (1915) posited that discovery learning is an inquiry based, constructivist learning
theory that takes place in problem solving situations. He stated that the learner draws on his or
her own experiences and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationship about what is to
be learned. ICT mediated teaching and learning provides hands on experiences to learners. It is
relevant to discovery learning which encourages active engagement and promotes motivation
leading to a sense of autonomy, responsibility and independence. The learner develops creativity
and problem solving skills which leads to tailored learning experiences.
Here is a link for a science lesson plan on the senses showing the relevance of ICT and discovery
learning. It involves the use of a video as an ICT tool in delivering the lesson. Link available at .The children had the opportunity to listen a story about senses and work in
small groups to participate actively using whatever instrument they which to use to make
sound. They sing along to the video and learn the concept of hearing and listening where they
were to discriminate the different sound whether it is loud or quiet. They also had to identify the
body part responsible for hearing.
The children listened and use their problem solving skills to discriminate the different sound
and identify the instruments. In one of the activity they actively participated in making musical
instruments. They were allowed to express themselves talking about what they heard and made
in the class.
Australian Curriculum lessons, 20th August 2013. Exploring our senses lesson plan-HearingFoundation
Retrieved from lesson-hearing-foundation

Bruner, J., (1915) Discovery Learning (Bruner): Constructivist theories, Learning Theories and
Models. Retrieved from

ICT in Early Childhood Education (Graded Discussion 3)

The following is a wiki site that I have chosen to examine. I am currently working in a preschool
hence the reason for the choice of the wiki page.
In choosing a wiki page it is very important that the authenticity of the page be
verified. Educational wikis helps to evoke critical thinking and reflection on part of the user
(EDTK 2030 Unit 4). The page is edited it is kept for future reference so that one can reflect on
previous information. Users of the wiki page are able to collaborate with each other and
develop attitudes towards understanding how to work together on projects.
The objective of the Pre-kindergarten wiki is to make persons aware of the educational
programs that are offered in the Pre-kindergarten setting. It is also educating persons about the
terminologies used in the setting about child development and the different domains. Moreover,
it informs about the qualification that is required for a child to enter such setting. Furthermore,
this wiki is intended to educate persons within the field of early childhood education or persons
with interest in that area.
User Friendliness and Features
This wiki is user friendly as it allows anyone to edit any part of it so that the collaborative
work of the persons involved is reflected EDTK 2030 Unit 4. It can track of every editing that
occur and keep a history of changes. Therefore, changes made on this wiki can be retrieved in
the future for reference or reflection. The page that is currently displayed has been updated
recently hence, persons can keep abreast of the changes that were made. There is an area where
language can be edited and the log in area is not restricted. This wiki allows searches to be
conducted where navigation assistance can be accessed on the front of the page. Therefore
persons are able to read and edit due to the permission structure that is available to users. On the
front page there is a talk button, an area for editing, reading as well as an area for the viewing of
How could it be improved?
It is a good wiki as it serves its intended purpose. The various topics and the depth to which the
issues were covered were clearly described. There is also information recorded on the time and

date of the last update of this wiki page. However, there is no link for persons to make

EDTK 2030: Information and Communication Technology in Education: Unit 4-Educational

Applications for Web 2.0 Tools, Essentials Readings. UWI Open Campus

ICT-based instruction to develop critical thinking (Graded Discussion 4)

The theory of cognitive development places prominence on how children think and reason while
they are actively involved in making meaning of their environment (Swim (2008). They
therefore use their critical thinking skills to make meaning or solve whatever problem they may
encounter. Critical thinking means that students are able to solve problems and make decisions
that are significant according to (Lau (2011) pg1. The children are able to think clearly and
rationally and also able to reason logically (Lau (2011).
Analysis is a concept of critical thinking in Bloom's Taxonomy development of learning. It is
the way we are able to break down and understand what is being taught (EDTK2030 Unit 5). As
practitioners we have to allow children to be actively involved in activities. However, they must
be monitored and guided so that they can achieve success. This is evident by the response that
they make. Moreover, children should be stimulated to be able to think critically.
Teachers in the classroom can encourage children to develop this skill. They can ask open ended
questions which will allow them to think critically and problem solve to come to a conclusion.
Therefore they will be able to find a solution to the problem or question to be answered. They
can also provide material for them to work with that are stimulating.
ICT plays a very important role in children learning and is very effective in the classroom when
used correctly. The computer as an ICT tool can be used to tell stories to pre-schoolers. It will
make the lesson interactive by following the story from the beginning to the end. This will assist
them in developing their analytical skills as they follow the progress of the story. The children
will be able to think about what will happen next, ask questions why did this happen why did it
happen this way and not the other way. Teachers can use camera to take pictures and display
different people's culture. The computer or tablet can also be used so that the children can
discuss them among themselves. The use of white board is very important in helping children to
develop the skill to be able to analyse information. Teacher can draw picture and ask the
children to make comparison and or copy what is on the board. It will help to build selfconfidence and self-esteem as children feel empowered at the end of their activities.

EDTK 2030 Information and Communication Technologies in Education Unit 5: Developing
Higher Order Thinking Skills [Essential Readings] UWI Open Campus.
Lau J.Y.F., (2011) An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity: Think More Think
Better. John Wiley and sons 2011 (pg 1)
Swim T. Early childhood News (2008) The Theories of Child Development: Building Blocks of
Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Retrieved from

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