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Music to the Feet

Written by Kevin Fauntleroy

Ah! Its about that time again Forty-Niners! Knee high boots, sledding down your favorite hill as
a child, gingerbread cookies, and Christmas carols. Christmas is here! Now for us this a little
different for us ON-campus students: we have to be jolly but not at home just get and still go to
class. Its almost break time and over for the first semester so the
best way to make your final days of walking are the tunes of the
season. Walking to Fretwell listening to Jingle Bells, speed-walking
all the way to Woodward in 5 minutes so you wont be late to The
Nutcracker, and running frantically to your STATS exam as All I
want for Christmas by Mariah Carey is blasting in your ear will
make your every move worthwhile. Not only will you be in the
holiday spirit, but you will also be in the work-hard mode for class,
less stressed and a little more fit. So put away all the Migos, Chris
Brown, and Beyonc for this season and pull out the candy cane
headphones and Christmas music!

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