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1.)This is the presentation for the google apps. We are group number 5.

The pres
entation is composed of three google apps. The three google apps are sketchup, p
anoramio and Google Talk Back.
2.)The people who contributed to the presentation are Gene, Roland, Zach and Kev
3.) Concerning the google app, sketchup, the purpose of this app is to allow the
user to create a figure design for a three-dimensional object. The target audie
nce for this app are Engineers, architechs, video game designers and those peopl
e out there who are interested in three dimensional objects. Some of the key fea
tures of this app are that it allows the user to create a 3D warehouse, it s user
friendly and that it offers a free and pro version of the app.
4.) Here is a picture produced by the sketch up app.
5.)The second google app is panoramio. The purpose of this app is to allow the u
ser to share photos about locations around the world allowing people to see and
experience what the user experiences during that moment and thus bring some life
to the photo. The target audience for this app are people who enjoy traveling o
r who just enjoy viewing beautiful pictures.
6.)Some of the key features for Panoramio is that it allows the user to organize
images via using tags. Also, it incorporates tag clouds in its app which allows
the user to access certain images via typing in key words.
7.)This is an image produced by Panoramio. Look at its beauty.
8.) This is the google app called Google Talk Back. The purpose of this app is t
o let the user know what is on the screen without looking at the phone screen. T
he intended target audience for this app are people who are visually impaired. O
ne of the unique key features of this app is that the phone vibrates and has aud
io feedback to let the user know what is on the screen.
9.) Here is a picture of a cellphone that has Google Talk Back.
10.) Here are all of our references for the presentation
11.) There you have it, google apps! Thank you so much for paying attention.

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