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1 Summary

In the chapter Authors Note, the author expresses the purpose of writing this novel. The
novel is written of Brandos determination to find Aurora after her disappear. This chapter mainly focus
on Brando and Aurora Esperanza during their sixth grade in a class of American-born Mexican and firstgeneration Vietnamese immigrants. Both groups separate themselves. Unfortunately, the barrier in his
class are broken down by same interests, MTV. Ms. ONeill, a teacher, announces plans for MTV dance
party before spring break and require students to bring a song record. Every student brings same types
of record except Aurora. After first song began, Aurora invite Brando to dance with her, but he decline
his Mexican heritage by refusing to dance with her. Before he has change to apologize, Aurora is
2 Response
This chapter clearly demonstrate how children behave to racism. They separate themselves
depending on their background. I, too, used to attend to a class similar to that class. I attended to an
English class that full of Japanese and Korean students. I am Thai, so I was belong to neither groups. My
seat was in the middle of 2 groups. Its hard for my teacher to teach that class and for me to learn as
well. In the end, I learned nothing from that class. Also I cant dance with because youre Mexican is
very strong phase. Its very rude to call someone like that. When I first living here, someone called me
Asian. I was very upset about that even now.
3 Open-ended Questions
*Why does Aurora choose that sound, Boarderline? Does it have any deep meaning on her background?

*Why does Aurora disappear without contacting anyone even her best friend? How does it led to the
author phase Ive changed some details to protect to those who drifted in and through this project over
the duration of its writing?
*Why does the teacher say that phase Youll have to find another way to do it to Brando instead of
other phases? Does she want Brando to find Aurora? Why?
4 Reading process
I read this book in the library, but I didnt catch anything from it. So I changed the place to
home, still too much entertainments at home. In the end I putted my technology devices away from me,
so I would be able to read it seriously. While I was reading, I got stuck in a scenario between the
announcement and the party because of vocabulary problems. I reread that particular part several
times, but I still dont understand details of that part.
5 Vocabularies
*Hypnotize: (verb) to influence, control, as by personal charm, words, or domination. The author used
this word in an interesting way because boys didnt get control by any personal charm, words, or
domination but situation.
*catastrophic: (adj) a nature of sudden and widespread disaster. The author used it to lead with a
human activity. Before I had read this phase, I only think of earthquake, storm, or another natural
*curious: (adj) interested; attention or feeling of getting into something.
*accusatory: (adj) refer something/ someone in a bad way. The author used these two adjective words
around the end of the chapter which give us an idea how the authors mother rise him

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