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Jenn Babcock

Activity: 1

Is this your action?

Energizes group and gets them to be playful
Can help with learning names

3-10 min.

Group Size: 6+

Supplies: Just an imagination and their physical body

Activity Flow:

Have group form a circle facing towards the center

We are going to play a game called Act It Out. The first
time we go around the circle we are going to say our name
and pick an action that will be our personal action. After our
actions our picked we can no longer use each others
names. Make sure you remember some peoples actions as
well as your own. These actions cannot change throughout
the game.

Everyone says name and picks an action (such as

moose antlers, playing an invisible trombone, throwing a
football, etc ).

Now that we all have picked our actions I will start first. I
will do someone elses action and when they notice they
then have to act out another persons action and we keep
trading off.

You dont have to go in order around the circle, try

bouncing around
-It may take a round or two for people to get into it and really
understand. The more times you play the more the group will
recall the actions and the pace can pick up.
-Be sure everyone gets a chance to go if you are only doing
one round
-If the group is shy try going around the circle in order once
with the person doing the action of the person next to them to
get them comfortable
Debriefing Points:

Experience, Recall, Analysis, Generalization (ERAG)

See if anyone can go around the circle and do

everyones actions

See if someone can go around the circle and say

everyones name

Tips / Variations:
-If the group seems to get it you
can start it off again so that two
people are passing actions at the
same time
-If they really get it try another
round and switch up actions
-Do a round where they cant make
eye contact with the person.

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