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€.$. () Exam, 20h. DO. NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL, YOU ARE ASKED TQ DG SO ‘T.B.C. : P-DTQ-M-QB TEST BOORLET SERIES: Serial TEST BOOKLET PAPER - IL Tune Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY.AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS THST BOOKLET DORS NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN, OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SQ, CRT IP REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET, 2, #NCODE CLEARLY THE TesT BOOKLET SERIES a, B, C OR D 4S-THS CASE MAY BH IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE. IN THE ANSWER SHEET, Se You have to. enter your Rell Numker-on the Vest Heoklet in {he Box provided alongeide: BO NOT write anyéhing else on. thé-Tast Booklet, 4, ‘This Test Bucket contains 80 items (questions). Fach itera is. pririted both. in Hadi and, English, ‘except for Questions rolating'té English Language Comprchension which are in English only. ash item comprises out responses’ (anawers). You will seleck the response whieh you want te mark onthe Answer Shoot. In eave, yau feel thet thero is oiore than one korroct aesponso, mark the response which you. consider the besi. 14 any case, choose ONLY ONE sesponse for each iter. 5. You have te mark all your responses ONLY on-the separate Answer Sheet provided. See dingetion: the Answer Shoct . 6. AN items carry equall. marke 1%, Belore you, progeed bo inark in, the Answer Shost the: roepoaso to various iLems isi th Tost Booklet, yeu have to fill in some pavticalars in the Answer Shect as per instructions sent to you wiih your Aduiissien Certificate, 8 “After you kave completed filling ir all your responses op the Answer Sheol und the examination has conclided, you should hand over te the Invigilaler ondy ihe Answer Sheet, You are permitted to take away with you the Tost Booklet, 9. ‘Sheets for rough work ard appended in the"Vest’ Rooklet at the end. 10, Pondliy for wrong answers: ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WROKG ANSWERS MARKED BY ‘TITS CANDIDATE, EXCEPT FOR QUESTIONS FROM 74 TO 80, WHICH DO NOT CARRY ANY PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWER. 41) ‘There ate four alternatives for the answer'to every yuestion. For each question which “has a penalty for which a wrong anawer has boen given, by tho condidate, one-third ef the marks aasigried to thet question will-be deducted as penalty, (iH) Ifa candidate wives more then ane enswer, it Will bo treated ax a wrong answor even if-one of ‘the given anéwors happens. to be corzoct and there will he same penalty as abeve ts hat question, ie it has.a penalty, {iii} Tv a question is left baak, ie, no enawor i8.given by the candidate, there will bene penalty for ‘that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTH. YOU ARK ASKED TO DO SO casi &: oe or RD son ga ghar S Rea ys K wre | Directions, for the following 15 {fifleen)|1, What do you understand. hy. the items: ‘instrumentalist’ view of education? * Read the following’ three paseuges (a) Education, is faristional and and, answer the items that foilow each utilitarian in‘its purposes passage: Your answers tu these ttems ~ should be based on the passcges only. fb) Education is meant-to fulfil human Passage -1 needs. Rduestion, without a doubt; haa an (2) ‘The purpose of eduction is to train important, functional, Instrumental ‘and " ea the human intellect. utilitarian dimension, ‘This ia revealed when one asks quéslions such as ‘what is (4) Education is meant to achieve inoral the purpose of eilucation 7. The answers, dovalopment tao’ affen, are ‘to acquire qualifications for employment/upward mobihty’, 2, According to the pasiage, odueatioa ‘widewhigher Gin terme af income) must’ be respected in tiself because opportunities’, and ‘te meeti the needs for (a) it helps to acquire qualifications for Hained homan power in diverse fields for | omployrieint national development’. Bub in its deepest sense education is Hot instrumentalist (b) it helps ia upward mobility and That is to say, it fa not fo be justified acquiring social status: outside of itself because it leads to: the acquisition of firmal ‘skills or of certain fé) it is an inner process of moral and desired-psychological ~ social -aitribates. it intellectual development, ast be fied in itself, Education i inast be rospected in itself. Education is fd) All the Ga), th} and (c) given above thus not 2 cammodity to he acquired or in thie content possessed and then used, but a process of are correct in this comtles! inestimable importance to individuals aad ! . ; society, altlioigh it can and does have {3 Education is a proctss in which enormous usé-value. Education then, is 3 is) students are converted. into trained process of expansion and conversion, not professionals. in the sense of converting or turning (b} opportunities for higher income ave students into doctors or engineers, Inst the goterated vidoning and turing out of the mind — SCGRING Snel Bening gut of tho miu (©) individuals develop —_self-eritieal the creation, stistenance and development , ! awareness and independence of of selferitical awatencas and hough independence of thought It is -an thought. iamer process “of more] intellectual (@ qualifications for upward mobility davolopment, are agquired. P-DTO-M-O8 (2-al P-BTO-M-QE Preveritaar 15 corae) suefell dy Bre Peter PoaGifier ate aftedal a alge site seb) sueia gedes qRede a were ox fae ae werie| a sae Ge 1 tweet & onmb ere ret oftegal oe af anemia ah? RE aftede - 1 fran a1, Preite, wes Hecregh odo, Sifts aan seehPienatt gare kere | ae at saute der 8 ae BS ga mee we WW, AT fe Ben or stom wa BY | eee SS eR.8, Rorysehit alae. 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