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Title/ Focus



Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Lesson #4 (of 4)


Jordan Cardamone

Thurs Nov 20
12:05- 12:40pm
35 min


General Learning
Specific Learning

NUMBER: Develop number sense

9. Demonstrate an understanding of addition (limited to 1- and 2-digit numerals)
with answers to 100 and the corresponding subtraction by:
Explaining that the order in which numbers are subtracted may affect the
difference. [C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]
10. Apply mental mathematics strategies, such as:
Make 10
Using doubles
One more, one less
Thinking addition for subtraction
For basic addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18. [C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]

Students will:
1. Use friendly numbers knowledge to complete their center activity
2. Use doubles and near doubles knowledge to complete their center activities
Taxonomic Level: Applying

Key Questions:


Observe students as they do the centers while circulating the room

What are the friendly numbers?
What are our doubles facts?
How can you relate doubles facts to one more or one less?
Centers as they work in groups


Alberta Math Program of Studies


Dominos (doubles and one more, one less)

Prior to lesson

Attention Grabber
Assessment of Prior
Expectations for
Learning and Behaviour

Transition to Body
Learning Activity #1

Students have learned about the make 10 strategy, doubles and near
doubles, friendly numbers, adding 10 and relating 9 to that, and that order
doesnt matter for addition but it does matter for subtraction in previous
- Write up groups on the board
- Have center instructions posted on board as students come in the
- This class will act as an assessment of prior knowledge, as it is a
review of the previous classes
- Students will be respectful and quiet when other people are talking
- Students will participate in class examples and ask questions when
they are unsure.
- Students will raise their hand if they know the answer to a class
- Centers explanation
- Questions
- Centers
- Direct students to the instructions on the board
Centers Explanation
10 min
- Divide students into 3 groups

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #2

Assessments/ Differentiation

Remember if you need help, get your group to help and support
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
3 students (names
4 students (names
3 students (names
have been removed)
have been removed)
have been removed)
- TIMER: GIVE 8 min per game
- Center #1: Doubles and Near Doubles Dominos
- 1) Pick one domino out of the bag
- 2) Add the numbers on each side of the domino
- 3) If you guess the number correctly you get to keep the domino
- 4) If you did not guess the answer correctly, put the domino back
in the jar
- 5) Whoever has the most dominos by the end of the time wins!
- Center #2: Doubles Memory Game
- 1) Take the cards and neatly line them up on table (model what
this looks like)
- 2) Take turns, and the person who is going will turn over 2 cards.
Your goal is to make them match! (Ex. 5+5 would match with 10)
- 3) If you dont make a match, turn the cards back over and its the
next persons turn
- 4) If you make a match then keep the cards and its the next
persons turn
- 5) Make sure you pay attention to the cards that are turned over
and try to remember where they were!
- Center #3: Roll-A-Friend
- 1) Each player rolls both dice and tries to make Best Friends of
Ten combos (friendly numbers).
- 2) For each correct roll, the player gets one point
- 3) If a combo to ten cannot be made, the player doesnt get a point
and its the next players turn
- 4) The player with the most points once the time is up wins!
- Assessments: Formatively assess students while going through
directions and asking class questions
- Differentiation: Focus on lower level students while circulating and
assist them if they need
- 8 minutes per center
- Circulate the classroom and formatively assess students as they
complete the activities in their centers
- Clean up materials once finished (put back into Ziploc bags)
- Assessments: Formatively assess students while circulating the
room during centers
- Differentiation:
- While circulating the room, provide assistance to students who are

25 min


Assessment of Learning:
Feedback From Students:
Feedback To Students
Transition To Next

Continue playing your favorite center until the end of class!

(a) How I felt about the lesson:
I was quite surprised at how smoothly this lesson went as it was quite successful.

Students enjoyed the activities I had for them and demonstrated that they understood
what had been covered in the previous few lessons, as the centers incorporated this
information. This was the first time that I had ever tried centers, and I was very pleased
with how it turned out. The preparation time for this lesson was a lot more than other
lessons, but it was definitely great to use. I definitely learned the importance of being
organized especially for a class like this, as well as the importance of giving clear
instructions so that students know exactly what they are to do and not be confused.
(b) What went well and why, or what went poorly and why:
Something that went very well that I was surprised about was my timing of the lesson. I
had 10 minutes for instructions, which was about the time it took. I then had 8 minutes
for each center, with one minute at the end of the lesson to clean up (pack up their last
After every center I would have students pack up that center into their Ziploc bag before
going on to the next center. I felt that this would help to save time at the end of the lesson
so that their third center would not be cut off.
I was also glad that I had timers set up on the SMARTboard. It not only helped me to keep
track of the time, but allowed my students to be able to see how much time they had left.
Throughout each center I would remind students how much time was remaining for them
to complete their center in attempts to avoid students getting upset if they didnt finish
since they didnt know how much longer they had. It also helped students to know when
they should begin packing up their current center so theyd be prepared for the upcoming
(c) What might be done to change or improve the lesson:
Looking back, something that I should have done was to make time for introducing the
topics that the centers would utilize during the centers right at the beginning of class.
Even a quick introduction of this could have acted as a reminder to students what we had
learned about in the past few days, as well as letting them know what theyd be expected
to know in order to complete the center.
I also should have tried to include a conclusion of the lesson to wrap up what has been
learned, and possibly to introduce what we will be starting on next class. This would have
helped to give the lesson and topics a sense of closure, rather than just having students
pack up their center and move on to the next subject of the day.
Something that I might not necessarily change in my lesson, but would be ensuring Im
aware of it would be my groupings of students. Although its tough, Id like to be able to
vary the groups a little bit and I know that the students would like this as well. However,
having a couple of students at a lower level who I have to differentiate for, makes it
difficult to have too many different options with how I can pair or group the students. So, I
will try to keep track of who I group with who and at least try to vary the groupings
somewhat, or as much as I am able to do, so that the students are feeling as though they
are getting the chance to work with different people.

Player #1:

Player #2:

Player #3:

Player #4:





Player #1:

Player #2:

Player #3:

Player #4:





Player #1:

Player #2:

Player #3:

Player #4:





Player #1:

Player #2:

Player #3:

Player #4:





1) Domino Doubles and Near Doubles

Step 1: Pick one domino out of the box
Step 2: Add the numbers on each side of the
Step 3: If you guess the answer correctly you
get to keep the domino.
Step 4: If you do not guess the answer correctly
put the domino back in the jar.

Step 5: Your Partner repeats steps 1-4. Continue

to the box runs out.

2) Doubles Memory Game

Step 1: Line up cards on table

Step 2: The 1st player will turn over 2 cards.

Your goal is to make them match!
Example: 5+5 matches with 10
Step 3: If a match is not made, turn the cards
back over and its the next players turn
Step 4: If a match is made, keep the cards and
its the next persons turn
Step 5: Make sure you pay attention to the cards
that are turned around and try to remember
where they are!

3) Roll-A-Friend
Step 1: Each player rolls both dice and tries to
make Best Friends of Ten combos (friendly
Step 2: For each correct pair, the player gets
one point
Step 3: If a combo of ten cannot be made, the
player doesnt get a point and its the next
players turn
Step 4: The player with the most point once the
time is up wins!
Remember The Friendly Number Pairs are
10, 0
9, 1
8, 2
7, 3
6, 4
5, 5

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