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Both Clare and Matthew explain in their articles what unless means in their articles. While one
is trying to defend curriculum from technology and the other is trying to explain what Dr. Seuss
story can actually do, both authors use unless as the means to draw the readers in based on the
education of young children.

Lowell, Clare. "Beyond The Lorax? The Greening of American Curriculum." Phi Delta
Kappan Inc. Vol.90. No.3. Nov. 2008. Web. Nov. 2014.

o In this article, Clare discusses how children should be able to experience Mother
Nature. That having children explore their natural enviroment could be good for
their health and well-being. She explains how children nowadays are being
entertained by electronics; saying that "Videophilia" is the new way to grab
children's attention. Lowell brings examples in order to show how children can
explore nature by being inspired.

Teorey, Matthew. "The Lorax and Wallace Stegner: Inspiring Children's Environmental
Activism." Children's Literature in Education. Vol.45. Issue 4. Springer Netherlands.
Apr. 2014. Web. Nov. 2014.

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o Matthew explains in his article how Dr. Seuss and Mr. Stegner began inspiring
activism through children's stories. He then questions whether or not children
should actually be taught like this at an early age. Even though Stegner's story
was not as popular as Dr.Seuss' was, it was still teaching children a sense of
activism through words and pictures that children could understand. Furthermore,
with these stories, they help inspire children to become known about their
environmental surroundings. Matthew explains how that even when children do
not know who they really want to be at a young age, these stories help create the
people they are going to become through inspiration.

Enviromental Issues
In Michaels article, he was writing about how unless could be simple rather than difficult
based on peoples choices. Whereas, in Roberts article, the unless that is being used is based
on a more political issue in order to save the environment. Both authors want to help save the
environment and that by doing so, unless needs to be taken into account by everyone.

Maniates, Michael F. "Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World?"
Massachusetts Institue of Technology. Vol.1 No.3. Aug. 2001. Web. Nov. 2014.

o Maniates' article explains how the hardest problems can be solved by the simplest
solutions. That environmental problems are only caused through individualism.
He shows how it all depends on the one person who would change something or

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do nothing. He also explains how working together as a group can change

something as well. The problems that Michael discusses could be solved when
everyone has a plan and sticks to it until the very end.

Weinstock, Robert A. "The Lorax State: Parens Patriae and the Provision of Public
Goods." Columbian Review. Vol.109. No.4. May 2009. Web. Nov. 2014.

o Weinstock was writing about how Massachusetts' public power is being used
unfairly. After the public's petition to control greenhouse gasses was denied, they
later came again to discuss the same matter. The EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) was the one who wanted to deny the petition, based on the understanding
of nothing being completely wrong. The reason being is because of the industries
who make these gases; that if they cannot create their products, then supply would
be down. Weinstock also takes the economy into account because of how
industries also fall into this matter as well.

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