Present Simple Vs Present Continuous - Handout PDF

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Complete the following diary entry with the correct forms of the Present

Dear Diary,
It 1. (be) only September, the beginning of the school year and I 2..(feel) really tired
already! I 3. (have) so many classes and so much homework every day! My new teacher,
Miss Smiley, although nice, she 4... (be) rather strict!
At least my friends Anne and Joyce 5.... (be) in the same class with me and we
6...(have) fun together. We normally 7... (go) to school by bus all together, but
Anne sometimes 8...(go) by car when her mother 9... (not/have) to go
to work very early in the morning.
Oh! And by the way, Tom, the new student 10... (be) very handsome! I 11... (like)
him a lot! He 12.. (not/like) me, however, because when I 13... (try) to talk to
him, he 14. (not/seem) too happy about it. Anne 15... (say) that he is
stupid because of this, but I 16. (know) he 17... (be) just shy so I
18. (not/hold) a grudge against him!
What 19.....(think) dear diary???
That 20.. (be) all for this week!
Love, Katy

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the Present Continuous.
1. Oh my God! That child .. (run) around in the middle of the street!
2. . (wash) your teeth Peter?
No, .... mum, I .. (comb) my hair now
3. They (visit) their aunt in London next week.
4. The dog (chew) on the carpet! Stop it now!
5. .... (we/go) to the cinema tonight? Theres that new film I
want to watch.
6. Listen! Laura (play) the piano beautifully!


Complete the following dialogue with the correct forms of either the Present
Simple OR the Present Continuous.


Hi, Jack! Where 1.. (you/go) in such a hurry?


Hey Vicky! I 2... (go) to college, I

3. (have) an early lecture today. What
4.. (you/do) today?


I 5. (go) to the dentist, I 6... (have) a

really bad toothache Im afraid.


Oh, no, that .. (be) terrible. I 7. (hope) you feel

better soon. 8. (you/want) to meet up for a
cup of coffee later this afternoon, if you 9..
(feel) better, of course?


Sure! That 10. (sound) great! See you later, then!


See you!

Circle the correct answer A, B or C.

1. ..
Yes, I am. I love it!
a. Do you like school?

b. Are you learning English?

c. Do you

b. Yes, she is a lovely cook.

c. Yes, she cook

2. Does she like cooking?

a. Yes, she is.

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