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Name: Lazaro Lopez

Grade: 9-12

Date: 10/6/2014

Title: Interpreting and Changing Music

sic Focus:concepts/skills to emphasize


-Playing instruments

In the introductory lesson the following will be covered

-Expressive Qualities

-Introduction to musical expression


-Sheet music for piece


-Introduce techniques for expression/self-interpretation


-Groups assigned by groups of 3 maximum/or individual


Process & Personalization: (teaching sequence & student participation)


1. The class will sit in their seats and be demonstrated the videos of Jose

-Sheet music

Feliciano and Renne Fleming on their version/interpretations of the

-Tablet/phone/computer(to re-watch

National Anthem. (6 minutes)

the videos)

2. Give students background knowledge about both performances and

then your own opinion on the performances, then students will be asked

Standards Addressed:
Arts: 9-12

what they thought about the performances.(5 minutes)

3. Students will then be asked to identify which of the two performances


was a cover and which was a version and what led them to that


conclusion. (5 minutes)

Enduring Understanding 1: Analyze

4. Speak about the controversy of Felicianos performances at the debut

expressive elements in a musical work

time and how common it is to hear performances like Flemings in

and describe how the choices and

contemporary times and explain how each of the performances and

manipulations of the elements support,

interpretations ties into identity.(10 minutes)

for the listener, the implied meaning of

5. Break down the differences between a cover and a version further and

the composer/performer.

briefly touch up on techniques for self-expression on instruments or


voice.(10 minutes)

Big Idea: Skills, techniques, and

6. Groups/individuals will go off on their own and figure out whether they


want to cover the Anthem or do a version of it. After they figure out what

Enduring Understanding 1: Transfer

they want to do, they will take the remaining time and figure out a

expressive elements and performance

performance that include ideas from the videos, identity, and the

techniques from one piece of music to

techniques for self-expression . (15 minutes)

another. MU.912.S.2.2

7. Students will use the remainder of class to perform what they arranged
and after each group/individual is done performing students will be asked
to identify whether the performance was a version or cover and give
feedback on what they saw and heard. (15 minutes)

- How to interpret music
-The difference between a cover and a version of a
-Expressive elements and how they are used to
change/add to a piece.
-Working in groups(if applicable) and musical
-Using multiple interpretations and ideas to change a
song and create a version or to add to a song and do a
-Perform what they came up with as a group
-Know the difference between a version and a cover

Next Class:
1. During the next class the students will be briefed on the videos
of the performances and be reminded about their own
2. Students will be talked about who has the authority to
change music as a whole and how what they did last class proves
that there is no such thing as authority needed to change/reinterpret music.
3. Students will then be introduced to next lesson which talks
about how the styles and techniques of interpretation can be used
in Jazz improvisations during their performances.

- Students will be asked to email me two videos of different
performers do a cover of a song in one video and a version of the
song in another.
-This will help students further understand what key factors make
a performance of a piece a cover or version.

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