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Limestone and chalk landforms

Limestone and chalk organic origin

Pure limestone = calcite (Calcium carbonate); when magnesium is present = Dolomite
Limestone = soluble in water this solution forms a weak acid by reaction with CO2 such
topography known as Karst region Karst = A district in Yugoslavia.

Characteristics of Karst:

Bleak landscape, broken by precipitous slope.

Least surface drainage water goes underground through joins and fissure wears out an
underground channel dry surface valley
Cracks enlarged by rain water solution limestone pavement developed enlarged joins =
Grikes and isolated rectangular blocks = Clints.
Swallow holes/sink holes: small depression carved out b solution and rain water sinks into the
limestone. Gaping Ghyll in Yorkshire.
A number of swallow holes coalesce larger hole (Doline) is formed.
Several Doline may merge as a larger depression = Uvala might be miles across.
Polije: very large depression in Yugoslavia (As large as hundred sq. miles) during rainy season
water table accents temporary lakes formed.
Limestone gorge: water sunk into limestone passages along joints underground tunnel
formed roof of the tunnel is broken limestone gorge (Cheddar gorge) is formed.

Stalactite and Stalagmite

Stalactite = ceiling; stalagmite = ground.

Both = dripstone.
Water flows down through the ground into a cave dissolves calcite carries it through cracks
in the ceiling dripping water leaves behind traces of calcite slowly builds up on the ceiling
stalactite forms.
Water leaves more calcite in a pile on the cave floor from the end of the stalactite stalagmite
forms. Sometimes they grow together to form a pillar or column.

Karst region Not much vegetation grass/turf could grow sheep grazing is possible.
But in tropical region abundant rainfall luxurious vegetation
Only mineral that could be found: Lead; used as building material, cement.

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