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Grade Three and Four ASA opportunity for Jan 2015

Dear parents,

I have been consulting with a representative from Bounce, the indoor trampoline center in Dubai,
about the possibility of running an ASA there in the spring term. We confirmed today that this is a
possibility and we will run a trial ASA from the week beginning 18th January to the week beginning 1st
The ASA will run on a Monday, we will leave school at 2:45pm and return to the school premises by
4:30pm. We will travel to Bounce using STS School Bus.
This will therefore be an 8 week ASA and will obviously incur an entry and transport cost. The ASA will
be run as a hosted group session and will involve structured movement around the center with
specialist staff providing training, tricks and tips for improvement in the various zones in Bounce. The
students will be closely supervised at all times.
The students will be performing general trampoline skills, learning Parkour moves on the wall, playing
dodgeball and ultimate Frisbee on trampolines. The emphasis will be exercise and healthy lifestyle while
having lots of fun.
If you are interested in your child being part of this trial ASA I will need the attached slip returned to me
as a hard copy (not emailed) as soon as possible after Sunday 7th December. The places on this ASA are
limited and will be allocated according to the order I receive the slips of paper.
When the group has been finalized the total cost of the experience will need to be paid before Thursday
11th December. The total cost will be AED700.
If the response to this trial is positive we will definitely look to extend the opportunity and develop the
program into the summer term.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Joanne Cleland

I would like my child _______________________________ (enter childs name) to be considered for the
BOUNCE ASA in the spring term.
My child is in ______________________ (enter Grade and class)
I understand that places are limited and that if chosen this ASA will incur a cost of AED700 which has to
be paid by Thursday 11th December.
Singed _________________________________ (parent signature)

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