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Instructions to candidates:

Task A: Individual presentation

Study the stimulus or topic given.
You are given two minutes to prepare your responses.
You are given two minutes to present.
Listen to the others while they are making their presentations and take down notes for
the group discussion in Task B.
Task B: Group discussion
You are given two minutes to prepare points to support or oppose the other
candidates views.
After you have listened to everyone, try to come to a decision as to which of the four
suggestions is the best.
Your group is given ten minutes for the discussion.
Task A and Task B will be carried out consecutively.
Your brother has been given the opportunity to study in England on a government
scholarship. You and your family are very proud of him. Decide on a special gift for him to
prepare for his trip abroad.
Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why.
Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful.
i. cash
ii. a computer
iii. some suitable clothing
iv. some Malaysian foodstuff

Candidate A
Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why.
Good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. Im very happy that my
brother has just received a scholarship to study in England. My relatives and I would like to
give him a special gift. We all think that the best gift is money because it will be very useful
for him.
The first reason is with cash he can buy the things that he needs when he gets there.
There will me a lot of things that he will need like new books, stationery, clothes and food.
He will also need to pay for transportation like taking the bus or train to go to the university
campus. As we know, it is very expensive in England so any money we give him will be very
Secondly, my brother can use the money to buy a mobile phone when he gets to
England. I think this is very important in case of emergencies so we can contact him easily.
Furthermore, he can sms us and keep us updated with his progress in his studies there. Hence,
if we really miss him we can just give him a call.
Finally, I also think giving him money is the best choice because it is light and
doesnt take up a lot of space. If we were to give him a computer, books or winter clothes it
will be very heavy and bulky for him to bring to England. Therefore, I think that it is much
easier to bring money and buy those things when he gets there.
In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why I think giving him cash is the best
choice. To me, it is the most useful gift we can give him. Thank you.
Candidate B
Task A: You suggest that they give him a computer. Say why.
A very good morning I bid to one and all. My relatives and I are very proud of my brother.
He has just received a scholarship to study in England and so we would like to give him a
special gift. We believe that the best present for him is a laptop computer.
Firstly, as a university student, my brother will have to do many assignments. If he has a
laptop computer he can bring it everywhere and consequently, do his work anytime and
anywhere. Thus, he will not have to share the computers at the computer room with other
students and he will be able to do his work more quickly and efficiently.
Another point is that when he boards the plane from KLIA to London, he will be able to
bring the laptop with him easily because it is compact and light compared to a desktop
computer. Hence, it will not be too much trouble to transport it to England.
Last but not least, if he has a laptop he will be able to connect to the internet. This has two
main advantages as firstly, he can do a lot of research online. The world wide web is a
fountain of information so it will be very useful for him to make full use of this technology.
Furthermore, he can keep in touch with friends and family here in Malaysiaby e-mail.
In short, a laptop computer will prove to be very useful to my brother. He can do his
assignments, research for information and keep in touch with us using it therefore it will
make the best gift. Thank you for listening.

Candidate C
Task A: You suggest that they give him some suitable clothing. Say why.
To the examiners and my fellow candidates, a wonderful morning I bid you. My brother was
lucky enough to receive a scholarship to study overseas. We want to send him off with a nice
gift so we have decided to buy him some suitable clothing.
The main purpose for buying him some suitable clothing is because the weather inEngland is
very different from the weather in our country. There are four seasons there so he will need to
have different clothes for different situations. For example, we can buy him some sweaters,
cardigans, scarves, snowcaps, thick socks and gloves and many more. These will definitely
keep him warm in winter.
The second reason is we think that he should have clothes that reflect our Malaysian identity.
This is because he will be a young ambassador for our country so if he has a few sets of
traditional clothing like the Baju Melayu or formal Batik shirts, I am sure he will not only
look good but promote our culture overseas.
Lastly, neat clothes make a good impression. For instance, if we buy him some everyday
clothes like jeans and trousers with nice shirts and matching ties, this will give him a good
feeling about himself so he will walk a bit straighter and talk a bit wiser. Moreover, people
will look at him and have a good impression about Malaysian students.
To conclude, I think that the best present to give him is some suitable clothing because it will
be very useful and will reflect positively on him. Thank you very much.
Candidate D
Task A: You suggest that they give him some Malaysian foodstuff. Say why.
I would like to wish everyone here a very good morning. As we all know, my brother has
won a scholarship to study in England. Therefore, some relatives and I have decided to give
him some Malaysian foodstuff as a going away present.
First and foremost, one of the main problems Malaysians face when studying overseas is that
it is hard to find Halal food. We feel it is a good idea to give him some Malaysian foodstuff
because it will take time for him to get used to the place and find out where to buy Halal
food. Thus, in the meantime he can enjoy the Malaysian foodstuff that we have given to him.
The next reason is because some of the foodstuff we are used to having here in Malaysiais
quite hard to find in UK. Most students studying overseas really enjoy eating Maggi Mee
and sambal belacan. For instance, it is also hard to find the right spices
for curryand rendang and so on so if we supply him with enough Malaysian foodstuff, he can
eat it whenever he misses home.
The final point I have is that he can use the Malaysian foodstuff we give him and cook it for
the Westerners there. Sometimes, universities organise events like Malaysian Night and so he
and his friends can cook some Malaysian specialities for them to taste a bit of our way of life.
Hence, the Malaysian foodstuff will be very useful to promote our culture.
In a nutshell, giving my brother Malaysian foodstuff to take with him to England is a good
idea. This is because he will have some familiar food to eat when he misses home and he can
also share it with his new friends. Thank you for listening to my opinion.

Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful.

i. Cash
ii. A computer
iii. Some suitable clothing
iv. Some Malaysian foodstuff
* Work together in your respective groups and complete the following discussion.
A: Good morning once again to everyone. We are here to focus on the issue at hand which is
__________________________________________________________. I would like
to invite anyone of you to kickstart this discussion by giving us your point of view.
B: Allow me to begin. First of all, Im happy that our brother has won the scholarship to
study in England. Therefore, we must decide what would be the most useful gift for
him. In my opinion, I strongly believe that _______________
This is because I think he can _________________________________________
C: I see your point but how about getting him ______________________________. In this
way, he can use it to ___________________________________________
D: I dont quite agree with you because ____________________________________
think it would be more useful if we bought _______________________ for him.
Does anyone agree with me?
A: Yes, I agree with you. To add to your point, I feel that ______________________
This is so he will ___________________________________________________.
C: Im afraid I dont see eye to eye with both of you. Buying that as a present for him is not
the most useful gift because __________________________________
Moreover, ________________________________________________________.
Can you all understand what Im trying to say?
B: Indeed, I do see your point of view but I still feel that the most useful gift is
__________________ because it can ___________________________________.
Another reason is ___________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________. For
D: Thats an interesting perspective and I agree with you that ___________________
However, I think we should consider other points. We should also think about buying
him _______________________________________________________.
If he gets this as a present, he can ______________________________________ and
____________________________________________. Wouldnt you agree?

A: Im not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you explain it again, please.
D: What I mean is we should buy him _____________________________________ because
it will me more useful for him when he is studying in England. This is because
A: Aaah I see. Yes, I think it would be a very useful gift too. This way, he can
C: Thats a good point, but dont you think if we gave him _____________________ it will
be the most useful for him as a student. I still believe that this is the most useful
Remember, we need to think of the best and most useful choice.
B: I agree with you, Candidate C. In addition, he can use this gift to _____________
________________________. So candidates A & D, what do you guys think?
D: Now that youve explained it like that, I also agree that it will be the most useful. In fact,
he could also use it to _________________________________________
A: As for me, I feel that it is also the most useful. When he arrives at his university
inEngland, he will be able to ____________________________________________
C: Thats right. Well, after listening to all the points on the four choices we have, I think it is
time to make a conclusion.
D: Yes, I think so too. Does everyone agree that we should give our brother
_______________________________________ as a special going away present?
All: Yes, I agree.
B: In a nutshell, we all agree that _______________________________ is the best choice
because firstly, he can _________________________________________, secondly,
Thank you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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