Jknathan-Gifted With The Journey V1i2

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Verse for the Month

Gifted With the Journey

Psalm 105:1

Oh give thanks to the
Lord, call upon His name;
Make known His deeds
among the peoples.

Volume 1, Issue 2


Prayer - Praises & Requests

- Katie cut her finger rather badly, had to
be glued, but it is healing
- Glad that the musical went so well!
- Glad for the opportunity to get away for
a weekend, Joshs B-day and 4th month
- Adjustment to serving as a married
couple and just being married.
- Staffing is being decided for next year
for the right people to be sent
- We need an excusal for Joshs HMA to
pass, to be able to stay and serve at BFA
next year.for His leading.
- To Be Bold Lights!!!
- Josh and Katies upcoming conferences
(Katies is in March), and the plans for
them.for them as they are involved.
- A few students have left BFA recently

some for disciplinary issues and some in
the best interest of the studentfor
them, their families
and us in it all.

The Month Ahead

December 7 - BFAs Concert
December 13 - Katies Kandern
City Band Concert
December 21 - Joshs Kandern
Mens Choir Concert
January 7 - Staff Breakfast
January 8 - Classes Resume
February 2-7 - Joshs
International Computing
Conference on Computing and
March 11-16 BFA hosting Honors
Music Groups, Katie is organizing
**Game Night - every Sunday

Our Last Months in a Nutshell

We jumped back into the school year after a work week and a week of orientation.
Things have just gone from there. Joshs schedule keeps him busy with IT at BFA
and in the evenings with Mens Choir, Date Night, German Small Group, leading a
Senior guys small groupand serving on the planning committee for the upcoming
International Conference on Computing and Mission (ICCM Europe) for 2015.
Katies Performing Arts Department Team has been very busy as they prepared and
performed the High School Musical three times the weekend of November 6th. It
was a great joy to see the students and her team come together, butit was a lot of
workand she is glad that is was completed successfully! The Performing Arts
Department also had their second Music Recital of the year on Friday, the 28th and
they are looking forward to their Christmas Concert next Sunday, the 7th of
December. It is a busy time for them! One of their staff members, Lauren, who was
supposed to come in the fall, arrived this week, and they will be saying goodbye to
Alli, in the next few weeks. Katie will be taking over the teaching of the HS Choir
and possibly the MS Choir as well. Please pray for her as she especially feels the
need to manage her time well and His strength, grace and wisdom as she works with
staff and students here.
*If you want to live stream the BFA Christmas Concert tomorrowthe link
Katie is experiencing some open doors in her Kadern City Band. On Monday, one
of the ladies shared that she might have a recurrence of cancer. She mentioned
dying and I asked if she did if she knew what would happen. She said she had
guesses but did not know for sure. I told her that I believe you can know for sure
and asked if she was interested in hearing about it over coffee sometime. She said
she was.TBC. Yesterday at rehearsal, some of the younger ladies were braiding
hair and I joined in. As I was braiding, one young lady suggested we should get
together and do our hair before the concert coming up. Im really excited about
possibly hosting these girls and sharing Christ with them, either directly or through
doing hair and nails. I see some open doors! :)
Josh has had the opportunity at work lately to focus on doing research and upgrade
related tasks (his favorite!). The challenge with it is that sometimes improvements
and obvious progress are a long-time in the making, so it can be discouraging at
times when it seems like days go by without much to show for it. But in the end, the
hope is to be able to introduce improvements that will make everyones experience
with the computer systems a little smoother. His main goals right now are making it
easier for people to do things as simple changing a password, and then a system for
handling all of the mobile devices, specifically iPads that are in wide use throughout

Our contact information:

Hauptstrasse 54, 79400 Kandern
Our Website: www.giftedwiththejourney.com
Josh: jnathan@teachbeyond.org
Katie: klnathan88@gmail.com
New Joint E-mail: jknathan14@gmail.com

Joshs Highlight
The IT department has been
able to continue working on
improving the computer
infrastructure. This has meant
new equipment in the dorms
to improve their wireless
coverage. Research is also
being done to improve the
servers at all sites, and employ
Mobile Device Management
software as BFA continues to
add more iPads to the High
School and Middle School

Katies Highlight
I had a few of my BFA band students
show interest in attending the
Kandern City Band with me. They
have been coming to rehearsals with
me. It has been really fun to see them
look forward to it every week and be
disappointed when we dont have
It was also fun to have a few German
community members and one from
Kandern City Band play in our
orchestra pit for our production of
High School Musical.
Our worlds are mixing more, and I
believe that this is good!

German Culture
Featured Pictures Below

Senior Class Trip to Italy

Joshs Small Group

- Our German wedding reception


High School Musical

Soon begins the season of

Weinachtsmarkets. Many towns
will have a Christmas Market of
sorts as the holiday draws near.
Many crafts and decorations of
wood, along with ornaments,
candles, and of course different
types of food can be found at
these markets. It is fun to go and
get a taste of the German culture!

Circle of Friends
We held our wedding reception
here in Germany on October 12th,
a year after Joshs proposal. It was
really fun to celebrate with our
German friends this way and to see
their responsesthe whole Mens
Choir that Josh sings with came
and performed for us! We were
touched and speechless!

1 - Senior Trip to Italy..it was great.they were asking when we could go back. :)

2 - Joshs High School Small Group


3 - Our German Wedding



4 - BFAs High School Musical Production


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