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How your vote counts

Samantha Pitkin

Every vote counts equally

It doesnt matter what
state you live in, your
vote will count equally
no matter what
No more worry for
which party your state
usually votes

Our vote counts

Each vote directly counts towards who wins

There is no longer a middle man when it

comes to voting

A third party candidate has a chance

With electoral votes, a
third party candidate
would have to win over
a whole state to even
get one electoral vote
Third parties can
generate new ideas that
arent thought of by
either of the two main

Voters dont have to worry about

electors changing their mind
Although it hasnt happened recently, electors
can vote for someone other than who they
promised to vote for in certain states
With a popular
vote, you dont
have to worry
about someone
going against
the will of the

Voters feel like they have a voice

Since each vote
counts towards who
wins, some people
will be more inclined
to vote if they feel like
their vote will make a

More focus on the people

The candidate must focus on winning over the

entire population rather than a few swing
states that they see as undecided

Close margins dont equal landslides

A candidate can have a
close popular vote in a
state and still get all
the votes for that state.
So even though it
seems as if the
candidate was greatly
outvoted by the other,
it might have been a
closer race between
the two

Majority wins!
In the current electoral voting system, a candidate can
win even though they arent who the majority of the
population wanted in office
With popular voting, the majority of the people will be
happy because the president received the majority of the

Citizens rather than states

A popular voting system puts voting in the

hands of the citizens of the United States of
America rather than the states themselves or

The country should switch to popular voting
instead of continuing with the current electoral

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