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Online Projects, Collaboration Sites, and Publishing Opportunities

Lesson Idea Template

Name: Chloe Watts
Grade Level: First
Content Area: Science
Standards Addressed: S1L1. Students will investigate the characteristics and basic needs of plants
and animals.
a. Identify the basic needs of a plant. 1. Air 2. Water 3. Light 4. Nutrients
b. Identify the basic needs of an animal. 1. Air 2. Water 3. Food 4. Shelter
c. Identify the parts of a plantroot, stem, leaf, and flower.
d. Compare and describe various animalsappearance, motion, growth, basic needs.

Title of Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity: Journey North

URL of Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity:
Describe how you would Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity in your
classroom: I would direct my students to the main screen of Journey North, and then ask
them to proceed to the Bald Eagles page where they will then research the basic needs of a
Bald Eagle. After that, I will have the students to the exact same thing with the Tulip
Garden page.
What technologies would be required to implement this proposed learning activity in a
classroom? In order to do this assignment, the students must have access to a computer or a
hand held device that is connected to the internet in order to do this assignment.
Describe how the following features are addressed in this learning experience (note: all of them
may not be addressed in the project, but most should be if you are reaching a high LoTi Level.):
a. Collaboration with peers, near-peers, mentors outside their classroom and often
beyond their school: Students will work in partners to gather the data needed and
then post their findings online.
b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation (collecting original data and or
producing original products as a result of engaging in the project): Students will
gather their data and post it on the site.
c. Higher-order thinking: After the students have collected their data, they can create
a poster board or power point of their data and post it to the classroom blog.
d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care about their
product: Posting their data on Journey North and the classroom blog is for all
people who care about science and who will appreciate their data.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
What Level of Technology Implementation best describes this learning activity and Why? Level 6

Refinement is best fit to describe the students work. They will be posting their data online.
How could you implement this proposed learning experience and still comply with your districts
Internet Safety and Student Privacy policies? I would monitor each child as they do research, and
send a letter home to parents to inform them that we will be working on the internet.

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