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Liliana Jaramillo

English 111.353
Mrs. Brittany Cowan
31 October 2014
Forensic Anthropology
Have you heard about the Hannah Graham case? She has been missing since September
13, 2014. Seen at a Tempo restaurant and bar. Witnesses say they saw her leaving Tempo but
with a man name, Jesse L. LJ Matthew (Washington Post). Police officers believe the
Matthews are responsible for Graham disappearances. Officers went to arrest Matthews and
search his house to find any evidence that will help to find Hannah Graham. While officers are

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:52 PM

Comment [1]: and bar, witnesses
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:52 PM
Comment [2]: that Matthews is
responsible for Grahams disappearances.
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:53 PM
Comment [3]: would
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:53 PM
Comment [4]: were
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:53 PM
Comment [5]: were

searching Matthews house, other officers are searching for Graham. Family members still

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:53 PM

Comment [6]: was

believe that their Hannah Graham is still alive. Officers found remains in southern Albemarle

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:53 PM

Comment [7]: alive, but officers

County, along Old Lynchburg Road (Stewart) (Rogers). Officers send the remains to Medical

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:53 PM

Comment [8]: (Stewart; Rogers)

Examiners Office in Richmond (Rogers). Those remains were found on October 18, 2014. On

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:54 PM

Comment [9]: sent

October 24, the Medical Examiners officers, also know as a Forensic Anthropology, confirmed

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:54 PM

Comment [10]: to the Medical

that the remains is Hannah Graham (Washington Post). Right now officers are connecting 2

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:54 PM

Comment [11]: were

other cases to Hannah Graham. Having the help of the Forensic Anthropology will help officers

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:54 PM

Comment [12]: two

to find out the real murderer of Hannah Graham, Alexis Murphy, and Morgan Harrington (Wise)

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:54 PM

Comment [13]: (Wise; Copley).

(Copley). Officers say Matthew is responsible for these three girls deaths.

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:55 PM

Comment [14]: girls deaths

People wonder, what is Forensic Anthropology? When they hear Anthropology, people
think it is a person that studies old bones, like for example: dinosaur bones. Forensic
Anthropology or Anthropologist are experts in analyzing human remains and for this reason are
integral to a number of different types of forensic investigations (Forensic Anthropologist).

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:01 PM

Comment [15]: this is where you need to
have a thesis statement that pinpoints
exactly what your paper is about. Until now
you are showing us an example of a case
that uses forensic anthropology, but your
thesis should focus mostly on forensic
anthropology since that is the subject of
your paper.
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:05 PM
Comment [16]: delete

Jaramillo | 2
Sometimes forensic anthropologists are called on after mass disasters fro earthquakes and
tsunamis to identify human remains. They are also use for crime scenes to help recover evidence
(Forensic Anthropologist).

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:05 PM

Comment [17]: for
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:06 PM
Comment [18]: used

In order for forensic anthropologist to solve a case, they need humans first. Once they
have one, they need to identify the remains either the victim is a male or female. A way for they
to identify the victim is the female has one extra rib than the male. Anthropology uses their
knowledge of human osteology and anatomy to help medical examiners to identify the time of
death and what occurred after death. To identify these is for the time of death to see if was there
foul play. For what occurred after death, Anthropologist will find any animal near by the victim
to see if it did not chew up any evidences (Walsh-Haney). With that information that the
anthropologist have, it could help them on how the victim dead. Which that information will go
to the FBI, CIA or the people that is taking care of the victim case.
There is not an exact date when Forensic Anthropology began. But Forensic

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:06 PM

Comment [19]: identify whether the
remains of the victim are either male or
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:06 PM
Comment [20]: Anthropologists use their

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:07 PM

Comment [21]: Anthropologists

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:07 PM

Comment [22]: anthropologists
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:07 PM
Comment [23]: delete and capitalize The
information will then go to the

Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution began in 1903 with Ales Hrdicka. Hrdicks is the

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:08 PM

Comment [24]: victims

Smithsonians first physical anthropologist. Now at the Smithsonian, forensic anthropologist

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:08 PM

Comment [25]: Hrdicka

continues to train the next generation of researchers while serving in the FBI, State Department,

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:08 PM

Comment [26]: anthropologists continue
to train

and the national law enforcement (Institution).

In order to be a forensic anthropologist, of course the person have to take classes to be
one. The first step on being one is to earn a bachelors degree in anthropology. For
undergraduates focus on classes in wide variety areas such as archaeology, cultural and physical
anthropology, and science classes such as genetics, anatomy, and chemistry. Mastering on
osteology, ethnobotany, and dentition is important for someone who wishes to be successful in

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:09 PM

Comment [27]: has
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:09 PM
Comment [28]: delete
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:09 PM
Comment [29]: delete and capitalize
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:09 PM
Comment [30]: in a wide variety of areas
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:10 PM
Comment [31]: delete

Jaramillo | 3
this career. If want to be on the field, the person have to have a masters degree or Ph. D. in
forensic anthropology (Institution).
The outlook on forensic anthropologist, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:10 PM

Comment [32]: If someone wants to be on
the field, this person must have a masters
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:10 PM
Comment [33]: delete and capitalize The
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:11 PM
Comment [34]: percent

projected a 19% growth in employment for anthropologists and archaeologists from 2012 to

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:11 PM

Comment [35]: $61,420

2022. The average salary for anthropologist and archaeologists is $61420 in May 2013, which

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:11 PM

Comment [36]: Those employed by
colleges and universities are considered
academic forensic anthropologists. These
individuals teach classes, and perform
individual research projects.

was according to the BLS. The bottom ten percent earns about $34.320 a year and the top ten
percent earns about $92,730 per year (Portal).
Two main categories for forensic anthropologist are academic and applied. For those who

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:12 PM

Comment [37]: involved in visiting

employed in the academics are world work in college and universities. Those are teaching

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:13 PM

Comment [38]: how the victim died

classes and performing individual research projects. The applied forensic anthropologists are the

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:13 PM

Comment [39]: delete

ones that are involves visiting crime scenes and working directly with human remains to gather
information about how the victim death accord (Forensic Anthropologist).
People see show like, CIS, Castle, Bones ad etc. because those shows have some
romantic in them. But really they do not see how those people are solving a murder. It is not

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:13 PM

Comment [40]: and Bones because those
shows have some romance, but viewers do
not really see how forensic anthropologists
solve murders.
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:14 PM
Comment [41]: justice
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:14 PM
Comment [42]: evidence

about how they make jokes and play around. It is about how they bring the killer to justices. It

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:14 PM

Comment [43]: awkward phrasing. Revise

will take time on finding about how the victim died or how the killer got rid of the evidences but

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:15 PM

Comment [44]: identified

forgot he left a clue, a clue that always but not all the time, to capture the killer. If it wasnt for

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:15 PM

Comment [45]: delete

forensic anthropologists that identify the remains as Hannah Graham, right now there will be

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:15 PM

Comment [46]: would

signs of her or officers looking for her. It could be a gross job to do in this whole world but it is

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:15 PM

Comment [47]: justice

helping people to find justices for their love ones and keeping the world safe for those dangers

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:15 PM

Comment [48]: ones; forensic
anthropologists keep the world safe from
dangerous people.
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:50 PM
Comment [49]: I am noticing that all of
your in-text citations are incorrect if you
dont have the authors name. You need to
use the first few words of the title if you
dont have an authors name (not the
... [1]
publisher). You also have some problems

Jaramillo | 4

"Breakdown of the Hannah Graham Case and What's Next for Jesse Matthew." WHSV RSS.
Khiree Stewart, 25 Oct. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
<> (Stewart)
"FBI, Virginia State Police Investigated Possible Link between Alexis Murphy and Hannah
Graham." WTVR. SCOTT WISE, 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
<>. (Wise)
"Forensic Anthropologist." Forensic Anthropologist. N.p. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 4:50 PM

Comment [50]: Works Cited

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:18 PM

Comment [51]: authors name ALWAYS
goes first in a citation

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:16 PM
Comment [52]: delete

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:18 PM

Comment [53]: authors name ALWAYS
goes first in a citation

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:16 PM
Comment [54]: delete

<>. (Forensic Anthropologist)

"Forensic Anthropology at the Smithsonian." Written in Bone -. Smithsonian Institution, 1 Jan.
2014. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
"Forensic Anthropologist: Job Description, Outlook and Salary." Education Portal. Education

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:16 PM

Comment [55]: delete

Portal. Web. 25 Oct. 2014. <

>. (Portal)
"Remains Identified as Hannah Graham." WAVYTV. Catherine Rogers, 24 Oct. 2014. Web. 26
Oct. 2014. <>.
"Skeleton Keys: How Forensic Anthropologists Identify Victims and Solve Crimes." Science
Careers. Heather Walsh-Haney, 7 June 2002. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:16 PM

Comment [56]:
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:16 PM
Comment [57]: delete
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM
Comment [58]: authors name ALWAYS
goes first in a citation

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:16 PM
Comment [59]: Delete
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM
Comment [60]: authors name ALWAYS
goes first in a citation

Jaramillo | 5
_07/nodoi.14943605155048245125>. (Walsh-Haney)
"Timeline: The Search for Hannah Graham." Washington Post. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM

Comment [61]: delete

<>. (Washington Post)

"What Is Anthropology?" What Is Anthropology? American Anthropological Association, 1 Jan.

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM

Comment [62]: delete

2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. <>.

"What New Charges Will Jesse Matthew Face?" WTKRcom. Darragh Copley, 27 Oct. 2014.
Web. 28 Oct. 2014. <>. (Copley)

Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM

Comment [63]: delete
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM
Comment [64]: authors name ALWAYS
goes first in a citation
Brittany Cowan 11/3/2014 5:17 PM
Comment [65]: delete.

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