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SIOP Lesson Plan!


Teacher: Courtney Wildes

Date: December

Grade/Class/Subject: 3-5/ Writing


Standards: W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or

Unit/Theme: Personal and Persuasive Essays

texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and

Content Objective(s): Students will construct
opinions related to a give thesis statement.

Language Objective(s): Students will write

opinions using precise adjectives about ice cream.

Key Vocabulary: essay, thesis statement, opinion


Supplementary Materials: A True Friend essay

handout, writers notebook, interactive white
board, graphic organizer I love ice cream





Adaptation of content


Whole class

Links to background

Guided practice

Small groups

Links to past learning

Independent practice


Strategies incorporated

Comprehensible input












Linked to objectives



Promotes engagement


Lesson Sequence:!
Today you will learn how to write essays. Do any of you have older brothers or sisters? (Thumbs up if you
do.) Well then I am sure that you have heard them talk about writing an essay for a class. Today as a
whole class we will begin to write an essay together. !
Review/ Introduction:!
"We just finished our narrative writing unit. Remember we had a publishing party. Now we will move on
from writing about small moments that have happened in our lives to writing about big ideas.!
Hand out A True Friend essay. This essay will serve as a model for what the students will create at the
end of the unit. Read the essay aloud to the class as the students follow along. Explain to the students that
this is an essay from a fourth grader and by the end of the unit they will be able to create an essay just as
good or even better than this one. !
New Vocabulary:!
Introduce todays new vocabulary words (essay, thesis statement, reasons). !
Write the words on the interactive white board and have the students copy the words into their writers
notebook. !
Discuss the words as a whole class.!
Chorally read the words as a whole class. !
Students will turn to a partner to ask questions that they still have about the vocabulary words. !
Students will then ask questions to the teacher as a whole class.!
Whole Class Practice of New Material:!
Today were all going to work together with a thesis statement that most of use share: I love ice cream.
Introduce todays thesis statement, I love ice cream through the graphic organizer displayed on an
interactive whiteboard. !
Right now we have a thesis statement, I love ice cream. We need to think of reasons to support this thesis
statement. Writers I want you to think I love ice cream because., what is a reason why you love ice
cream? !
*During this time Chunk and Chew the lesson. Allow for the students to talk in small groups, or with
partners about the question presented. !
While students are thinking of the reasons that they love ice cream. Show pictures on the interactive white
board of different ice cream flavors, ice cream toppings, and different ice cream creations.!
Students will raise their hands to offer opinions as to why they love ice cream. As students give their
opinions, choose three opinions to write on the graphic organizer, on the whiteboard.!
Now that the lesson has been modeled for the students, the students will complete the same graphic
organizer. !
Small Group Practice:!
Hand out an I love ice cream" graphic organizer to each student.!
Put the ice cream pictures back on the white board.!
In small groups the students will work on completing their own I love ice cream graphic organizer; filling in
A, B, and C. The groups will be comprised of higher and lower level ESL with non-ESL students. The
higher level and non-ESL students will be able to support the vocabulary needs of the lower level ESL
students. !


The students will discuss their three reasons why they love ice cream and then write the reasons on their
graphic organizer.!
Rotate around the classroom to support the needs of the students.!
Wrap Up:!
Call the class back together to wrap up as a whole group. !
Review the lesson learned, Today you all learned how to write reasons (opinions) for a thesis statement.
You all listed your reasons as to why you love ice cream. Lets share some of these reasons.!
Call on students to share their three reasons that support the thesis statement. !
Tomorrow we will learn how to put our thesis statement and reasons into paragraph form. !
Collect the students I love ice cream graphic organizer to use as an informal assessment.!

The graphic organizers will be reviewed to ensure that students understood how to write opinions to
support the thesis statement. Students spelling on the graphic organizer will be correct. The papers will be
handed back to the students during the following days lesson. The students will use this graphic organizer
to build evidence for each of the opinions state.!

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