CV Patrickdenice 20141206

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Patrick A.

Department of Sociology
University of Washington
211 Savery Hall, Box 353340
Seattle, WA 98195-3340

2251 NW 59th Street

Apartment 305
Seattle, WA 98107

Ph.D., Sociology, University of Washington, in progress
Major exam: Stratification, Race and Ethnicity (with distinction)
Minor exam: Social Statistics, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS)
M.A., Sociology, University of Washington, 2012
Thesis: Does it pay to attend a for-profit college? Horizontal stratification in higher education
Committee: Becky Pettit (chair), Jake Rosenfeld
B.A., Sociology, Italian minor, Boston College, 2008
Summa Cum Laude
Thesis: Consumption patterns of American students recently returned from abroad
Committee: David Karp (chair), Paul Gray
Study abroad: Universit`
a degli Studi di Parma, Italy, Spring 2007

Research and Teaching Interests

Stratification; Sociology of education; Higher education; Education policy; Labor markets; Race and
ethnicity; Quantitative methodology

Reports & Policy Briefs
Gross, Betheny, and Patrick Denice. 2015. Are Denvers Public Schools Meeting All Students Demand
for Schools? Denver, CO: A+ Denver.
Campbell, Christine, Michael DeArmond, and Patrick Denice. 2014. School Leadership in Washington
State: Todays Leaders and Key Challenges They Face. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public
Education, University of Washington.
DeArmond, Michael, Patrick Denice, Christine Campbell. 2014. Missing Out on Strong School Leaders?
A Survey of Principal Hiring and Support in Washington State. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing
Public Education, University of Washington.
*Media coverage: Seattle Times (September 3, 2014)
Denice, Patrick. 2014. Are Charter Schools Working? A Review of the Evidence. Seattle, WA: Center
on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington.
Denice, Patrick, Robin Lake, and Betheny Gross. 2013. Assessing the Outcomes of Charter School
Students with Special Needs: Research Design Brief. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public
Education, University of Washington.
Lake, Robin, Betheny Gross, and Patrick Denice. 2012. New York State Special Education Enrollment
Analysis. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington.
*Media coverage: Education Week (November 21, 2012)

Patrick A. Denice

Research in Progress
Denice, Patrick. Does it pay to attend a for-profit college? Vertical and horizontal stratification in
higher education. (Revise and resubmit, Social Science Research)
*Media coverage: Chronicle of Higher Education (April 29, 2013)
Rosenfeld, Jake, and Patrick Denice. Financial disclosure and earnings inequality: Evidence from the
WERS. (Revise and resubmit, American Sociological Review )
DeArmond, Michael, and Patrick Denice. How do districts recruit and hire principals? Evidence from
Washington State. (Draft available)
Rosenfeld, Jake, and Patrick Denice. Managerial transparency and the gender wage gap. (In progress)
Gross, Betheny, Patrick Denice, and Michael DeArmond. Parents preferences and constraints under
common enrollment systems: Evidence from Denver and New Orleans. (In progress)
Denice, Patrick. Returning to school: Postsecondary education among non-traditionally aged students
as a response to shifting labor market conditions. (In progress)

Conference and Seminar Presentations

Denice, Patrick. How parents choose schools: Evidence from Denver Public Schools common enrollment
system. Paper presented at the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE) seminar
series, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, October 2014.
Denice, Patrick, Michael DeArmond, and Christine Campbell. Wheres the leverage for improving Washingtons principal workforce? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association
(AERA) annual meetings, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.
Denice, Patrick, Michael DeArmond, and Christine Campbell. Wheres the leverage for improving
Washingtons principal workforce? Paper presented at the Association for Education Finance and
Policy (AEFP) annual meetings, San Antonio, TX, March 2014.
Jochim, Ashley, and Patrick Denice. Following the money: Do funding streams shape authority structures in a federalist system? Paper presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management (APPAM) annual research conference, Washington, DC, November 2013.
Denice, Patrick. Does it pay to attend a for-profit college? Horizontal stratification in higher education.
Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meetings, San
Francisco, CA, April 2013.
Denice, Patrick, and Betheny Gross. Growth for everyone: The growth trajectory of New Orleans
schools across different student populations. Paper presented at the Association for Education
Finance and Policy (AEFP) annual meetings, New Orleans, LA, March 2013.
Jochim, Ashley, and Patrick Denice. Following the money: Do funding streams shape authority structures in a federalist system? Poster presented at the Association for Education Finance and Policy
(AEFP) annual meetings, New Orleans, LA, March 2013.
Gross, Betheny, and Patrick Denice. Balanced growth: The recovery trends in New Orleans. Paper
presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meetings, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, April 2012.
Denice, Patrick. Does it pay to attend a for-profit college? Paper presented at the annual University
of Washington Sociology Graduate Student Research Symposium, Seattle, WA, April 2012.

Patrick A. Denice

Honors and Awards

At University of Washington
Emerging Education Policy Scholar, American Enterprise Institute and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute,
Outstanding Performance for the Masters of Arts Degree, Sociology Department, 2013

At Boston College
Phi Beta Kappa, 2008
William A. Gamson Award, highest award given by the sociology department to a senior, 2008
Scholar of the College, mark of distinction on undergraduate senior thesis, 2008
Order of the Cross and Crown, College of Arts and Sciences Honor Society, 2008
Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2007
Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor Society, 2007
Alpha Sigma Nu, National Honor Society of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, 2007
Deans Scholar, awarded for academic performance and faculty recommendation, 2007
Sophomore Scholar, top 3 percent of sophomore class and departmental nomination, 2006

Research Experience
Research Analyst, 2013
Research Assistant, 20112013
Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington
Research Assistant, 2012
Professor Jake Rosenfeld, Sociology Department, University of Washington
Research Assistant, 2011
Professor Becky Pettit, Sociology Department, University of Washington

Teaching Experience
As Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
Sociology 292: Who Gets Ahead? Public Schooling in America, 20102011

Professional Activity
Graduate Student Representative, Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Sociology (criminology
focus), University of Washington, 20142015
Student Advisory Editor, Social Problems, 20112014
Secretary, Sociology Graduate Student Association, University of Washington, 20132014

Patrick A. Denice

Representative to the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS), Sociology Graduate Student
Association, University of Washington, 20122013
Social Committee, Sociology Graduate Student Association, University of Washington, 20102011

Social Problems, British Journal of Sociology, AERA Annual Meetings

Presider. Section on inequality, poverty, and mobility paper session: Labor and inequality. American
Sociological Association (ASA) annual meetings, San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
Chair. Teacher and administrator hiring and workforce management. American Educational Research
Association (AERA) annual meetings, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

American Sociological Association
Society for the Study of Social Problems
Association for Education Finance and Policy
American Educational Research Association

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