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rE MYstTic=: MENAGEREE PRT Oe a) Wm MOL Ber Hypno Knives by Freddie Valentine ed by Reverend Tristan hic Cleudo by Voodini Ulines, Essays, Thoughis and more inside... NAG ERLE No:l Summer 2016 ot This e-zine started out as a supplement to my book The Tarot Reader’s Black Book and will feature extra ideas and develop some of the themes explored in the book. After talking to some friends with great ideas, we decided to collaborate and produce this oceasional publication which will also cover other aspects of bizarre magick, occult and paranormal entertainment, articles, anecdotes and even some twists on traditional conjuring. There are some contributions from some of the finest minds in bizarrism here, which you are certain to enjoy. “T would like to express great gratitude to Paul Voodini, Reverend Tristan and Bertoneski for the wonderful design and layout. If you wish to contribute in any way, please email me at ValentineEntertainments© Thope you enjoy this issue; your feedback will be much appreciated. Kedar Untertixe YOUR HUMBLE EDITOR omis Patpricsaly an any magic dealer. As a magic effect, the colour changing knives is certainly ive one, but it is an effect that is prone to suggest to the spectator that they are hich they are . I tried to come up with a presentation which would give the lievable’, albeit false, reason for what is happening. The premise of hypnosis is ing that interests many mystery entertainers and this routine fits in with Ormond IcGill's coficept of ‘hypnotricks’ - effects which appear to be caused by hypnosis which actually ‘The objective of these kinds of effets is to convince the participant that the events are cae by an altered state, making them more susceptible to genuine hypnosis. ie, “Thave used this little piece sometimes for a quick demonstration of mind control or reality being played around with, or a8 a prelude to further hypnotic experiences. I am assuming that "you have prior knowledge of the moves used in colour changing knife routines. ~~ As'you know, the set comes with two knives: the gimmicked one which is black on one side and | white on the other and a normal, white knife, You start with the gimmicked one in your pocket, _puith the white side facing out end the normal knife ina different pocket EMM ceredie Ui ay idle izwtonctrastbmanetayaiesiaehust to \ahow dou ‘what it fale Weer I am going to brieity put you under the influence a» wu ean experience the way that reality can si Net ae qyoutare tn a hypnotic state, Donte, worry am nit going to put you into a full- blown trance, | in fact Oe will be awake the ticle time and you will remember everything. I ears cy thre tataicenltiat Meamtiareeically anyoulcom.e to\'oe eee. “Aly Well vse, thie, This do. Have’ look at this ‘cite penk at? ; _ When they have examined the knife take it back with the hand that is on the same side as the pocket that contains the gimmicked knife. Your hand falls to your side and in a moment you | __ are going to do the cheekiest switch there is, right under their eyes, with the most perfect example of misdirection there ist If you feel uncomfortable doing such a blatant switeh, you "can substitute it for another, but try this first in a one-on-one situation Hold it, Have a good look at “T want you to look Wireetly into my left eye. Keep a fixed gaze. When you feel your eyes guing ‘ out of fictts, I want you to nod your head.” - = eS S are saying this, and the participant is looking directly into your eye, simply switch in your pocket. I usually put it in my front, left side, trouser pocket maybe because I » am left-handed, and put both hanids into my pocket. When both hands are doing the same thing and it could be perceived as a natural gesture to put both ere Jn your pocket during this it doesnt draw attention to the one hand that is itig ‘the deed’. '

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