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Learning Plan 10

Art Foundations

Jacob Mallett

Grades 9-12

Title: Painting With Paper

Pacing: 3-4 days
Concept: Value
Theme: Value with Color
Concept Questions: How does an artist use symbolism to express an idea? How does an artist create
value in a piece of work?Do colors have different values?
Established Goals:
Art Production: Students will create a collage image of an animal using cut up magazines. This animal
will symbolize a characteristic of the student.

AF.3- Student will employ a variety of subject matter, including cultural or social concepts, to
express ideas in works of art.
AF.5-The student will apply traditional media (e.g., Painting, drawing, ceramics, ect.) and
contemporary media (e.g., relevant technology, digital media) to art-making processes.
AF.6- Student will demonstrate craftsmanship in works of art (e.g., informed use of technical
skills and knowledge when applying media techniques and processes.) Enduring Understanding
Meaningful art making is about exploration, asking questions, problem solving and developing a

Essential Questions/Learning Plan Questions: Is symbolism used by artists to express an idea? Can an
artist show depth with color? Can an artist create value in color without paint or other drawing media?

Pre-assessment: Ability to portray value will be evident in previous project. (Hallway Drawing)
Ongoing assessment: Journals/ sketchbooks Class participation through exit ticket.
Summative assessment: Image of animal is a collage of magazine paper. Craftsmanship is shown by
covering the whole sheet with magazine paper, the magazine paper is not sticking up from the surface
(is glued down). Animal chosen symbolizes the student.
Students will KNOW- Animals can represent human characteristics in many cultures.
Students will UNDERSTAND that- Value can be created using many different media including collage.
Students will DO - Create a collage image of an animal incorporating value and symbolism.


Animal image is created by collage.

Animal symbolizes a characteristic of the student. (evident in artist statement)
Craftsmanship is evident. (Paper is glued down well, covers whole sheet)
Depth is evident through value change.
Effort (Shown through use of many values of color, animal is in an environment, detail is


Day 1
T- Introduce new project. Show example and explain collage and technique. Talk about symbolism. What
is symbolism? Talk about value and compare to hallway drawing. Tell students that in some culture
animals represent human characteristics. Read some examples from handout. (Has not been passed out
yet) Tell them that they will choose an animal either from the list or if they have another animal in mind
that they feel represents them they can choose that animal. Demonstrate technique of creating
painting with paper collage image. Show students that they will first draw the animal and environment
on paper. They will include shading to show where they will create value changes. (Quick sketch to lay
foundation for collage) They will go through magazines to find colors they want to use. They will find
many different values of these colors. They will cut magazine pages into small pieces to create collage.
They will glue pieces of paper down in correct areas. They will match values of pieces of paper to that of
the drawing to create depth through value change. They can build up value throughout image rather
than doing one part at a time. It helps to make sure there is enough paper for each value. Do not use
black , instead use dark value of the color. Pass out handout.
S- Will choose an animal and will draw this animal in an environment on the paper.
S- Once the drawing is done they will begin going through magazines to find colors and values they
need. They will cut out pieces from these pages and decide where each color and value should go. They
will then begin to glue them down using glue sticks.
T- Have students clean up 10 minutes before class ends. Remind students of sketch book assignments
and artist review.

Animal meanings handout
Glue sticks


Open-ended activities

Exploration by interests

Negotiated criteria



Critical thinking

Open-ended activities

Problem solving



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