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Annotated Bibliography

Care.(2010). Arguments For and Against Euthanasia (No 3481417, No 1066963, Sc038911)
Retrieved from
It describes the 3 components of why Euthanasia is being argued. Some people think that
you shouldnt take your own life away, and some think as long as its reasonable. It also said that
in Netherlands Euthanasia is legal and doctors dont always report it.
Love this website it has various pages about Euthanasia like what christians think about it
and the people who are for it. Its divided and makes it easier for me to look at the information.
Will defintetly use this in my paper.
Euthanasia. (2014). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1. Retrieved from

Mercy killing is another word for Euthanasia, a lot of people are against it it talks about
how some people can survive whem having an illness. Having an organ tranplant is a choice for
them, but some people dont see that they have another choice.The 1st voluntary Euthanasia was
in Great Britain in 1935 and the U.S. in 1938.
This article has a little of everything some sentences I dont really understand what there
saying, but I kind of get the point I can always ask someone to make it more simplier for me.
Overall I like what I read gives a good detail of the history and interesting facts. I could use some
facts in my paper.
Newton, H. (2014). Euthanasia: Overview. Points Of View: Euthanasia, 1.Retrieved from

Euthanasia is ending a persons life either through an intentional act or withholding

medical care. This book talks about a few cases where Euthanasia has been involved in. When
the doctor proceeds to inject the lethal dose it was considered murdered. In the past a few doctors
went to jail. The book says some of the countried that have legalized euthanasia.
The electronic book was very helpful it talks about some history, and explains what
Euthanasia consists of. It evens talks about how it is today, some recent cases that had passed
because of euthanasia. I could use this in my paper to talk about some of the history and maybe
some cases also.

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