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Teacher Candidate ___Paula Finlinson____ Grade Level _4_ Title __Comprehension_________
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors:
Number of Students: 24
Boys: 11 Girls: 13
Wyatt (WIDA 4)
Liberty: Developmental delay and speech
Wyatt: Speech and SPED
Kaylee: Speech
Jalon: Speech
Emma: Speech
Austin: Speech

High Level Learners:

Special Concerns:
Curtis: Has dysgraphia and dyslexia. Needs everything on
blue paper.
Kyle: Behavior problem. Possibly has ADHD.

Classroom environment:

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan):
Content Walk-Away:
I will write on my graphic organizer to understand our book The Life and Times of the Ant.
Language Walk-Away:
I will write on my graphic organizer to understand our book The Life and Times of the Ant.

Solitary, communication
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students
have learned the Walk-Away? )

tions (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

Observe to make sure that students are paying attention, following along, and filling
in their graphic organizer.

Curtis (dysgraphia): Needs

blue paper for graphic
Liberty (Low-level &
speech IEP): Graphic
organizer will be partially
filled in before she receives
Hiromi (High-level): Have
her do her own research on
the iPad and find 3 more
interesting facts about ants
to add onto her graphic

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

Students will correctly fill in their graphic organizer about the book, The Life and
Times of the Ant.

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

Students will correctly fill in their graphic organizer about the book, The Life and Times
of the Ant.

Wyatt (ELL): His graphic
organizer will have pictures
next to each of the different
Kyle (ADHD): I will tell him
before class that Im going
to use his organizer as an
example. He likes being the
center of attention so this
should help him.
Activate/Building Background Knowledge
How many of you have ever been stung by an ant? Did it feel good? No, it hurt right(SIOP 7)? Well, I went to the park the
other day for a picnic. I was sitting there eating a big juicy watermelon and all of the sudden an aunt crawled right up my
arm and stung me I decided that I wanted to learn more about ants. Wyatt, how do you say ant in Hungarian (SIOP 19)? I
found this fun book all about aunts that were going to read together. Point to graphic organizer. This is a web graphic
organizer. Does everyone remember when we made one of these last week about our other book? Remember that a
graphic organizer helps us keep track or our thoughts and remember our story (SIOP 8). As we read we are going to fill in
our graphic organizer to help us understand and remember the story (SIOP 3, 5). Point to objective written on the board.
Lets read the objective together. Today we will fill in our graphic organizer to help us understand the story The Life and
Times of the Ant(SIOP 1,2).First we need to review a few vocabulary words. The first word is, solitary. Solitary means to
be alone. An example is, doing homework is a solitary task because it should be done alone. Turn to your buddy and use
the word solitary in a sentence. The next word is Communication. Communication is how people or animals talk to each
other. Humans use language as a form of communication. Turn to your neighbor and use communication in a sentence
(SIOP 9).
Formative assessment:
Observe to ensure that all students are listening and paying attention.
Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Curtis: Make sure that he has a blue graphic organizer at his desk.
Liberty: Ask Liberty to share a story about when she saw an ant. She likes to talk and it is good practice for her.
Hiromi: Let her make her own graphic organizer.
Wyatt: Have a picture of an ant on the board with the word ant written underneath. Have graphic organizer written at
the top of his paper.
Kyle: Have Kyle seated at the front so that he can pay better attention.
Focus Lesson I do it
The book that we are going to read today is called, The Life and Times of the Ant. As were reading well occasionally stop
and fill in our graphic organizer. Im going to read first but remember that you need to be following along in your own
book while I read. Read. Stop on page 444. Hmm it looks like this page is going to tell us about how ants communicate.
Lets listen carefully so we can fill in our graphic organizer. Ants use smell that is emited by their antennaes, lets write
that down. Continue writing down touch, sound, and taste that are listed on page 444.
Formative Assessment:
Observe to make sure students are filling in their organizers.
Curtis: Make sure that he is writing on a blue paper. If his hand starts to hurt Ill allow him to use the Chrome Book to
Liberty: Watch her to make sure she is writing down what I am writing down. Her organizer will already be partially
filled in.
Hiromi: Allow her to design her graphic organizer herself instead of using the one that I made.
Wyatt: On his graphic organizer have a picture of an ant in the corner with the word ant written under it. Ask him to
write the word ant in Hungarian next to the picture.
Kyle: Have Kyle show us his organizer on the overhead when he is done with the first part.
Guided Instruction (We Do It)
Page 445 It looks like this page talks about the ant family and how the colony starts. Lets fill out our graphic organizer as
we go. Read. Stop after worker ants. Who has a suggestion of what we should write in our graphic organizer about
worker ants? Allow for wait time (SIOP 18). Write in organizer. Read about male ants. Raise your hand and tell me what

we should write about the male ants. Read queen ants. I think that in my graphic organizer for queen ants I will write
that the queen ant lays eggs and is the mother of all ants.
Formative Assessment:
Observe to make sure students are paying attention. Call on students who raise their hands to answer.
Curtis: Ask Curtis if his hand is feeling okay or if hed like to start using the computer.
Liberty: Ask her a question to make sure that she is engaged and paying attention.
Hiromi: Allow her to read ahead and fill out her organizer by herself.
Wyatt: Have him draw a small picture on his organizer next to where we wrote that queen ants are the mother of all of
the ants.
Kyle: Have him go to the overhead again and show us his paper as an example, then go back to his seat.
Collaborative/cooperative (you do it together)
On the next page you will be reading about what goes on inside an anthill with your table. I want each person to read one
of the passages then stop and discuss with your table what you think should be written in your graphic organizer (SIOP 16,
17). Everybody needs to participate. Ill be wandering around the room to make sure that everyone is participating (SIOP
29, 30).
Formative Assessment:
Observe to make sure that all students are paying attention, reading their part, and contributing to the conversation
while filling in their graphic organizers.
Curtis: Check on his posture and his pencil grip. Remind him to sit tall and hold his pencil properly to reduce the
likelihood of his arm hurting.
Liberty: Discuss with her one-on-one what she thinks should be written in the organizer and why.
Hiromi: Have her wander around the room and help students that raise their hands.
Wyatt: Listen to his tables discussion and help guide him into the conversation if he is struggling.
Kyle: Closely observe his table to make sure that he is participating. If he is struggling, I will have him walk to the back
table so we can work together.
Independent Practice You do it alone)
For the rest of the book I want you to read it on your own. Remember to stop frequently, think about what youve read,
and fill in your graphic organizer (SIOP 4). Ill wander around the room and help those that need help. Work quietly and
Summative assessment:
Students will correctly fill in their graphic organizers.
Curtis: Allow him and a neighbor to work together. The neighbor will be his scribe. Have the pair only write on the other
students paper. Curtis final organizer will not be fully filled out.
Liberty: Pull her to the back of the room and help her finish. Her organizer will be partially filled out by me prior to her
receiving it.
Hiromi: Have her find 3 extra interesting facts to put on her organizer. Allow her to use an iPad.
Wyatt: His organizer doesnt need to be in full sentences. Allow him to use words and pictures.
Kyle: When Kyle is all done, display his organizer at the front of the class as an example.
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Today in class we learned that ants are very interesting creatures. Who can tell us some things they learned about ants
while reading our book and filling in our graphic organizer (SIOP 28)? Can someone remind us what the meaning of
communication is? One more person remind us what the meaning of solitary is (SIOP 27). Remember that when we read
its important to think about what we are reading so that we can comprehend and remember it. Good job today class.

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation
of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment



How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

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