Final Reflection

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Final Reflection


If I were to teach this class, ideas that I would emphasis would definitely be grammar,

and ethos, pathos, logos. Even though students have graduated from high school and now are on
the way to starting their college career I feel as if some students did not get taught enough
grammar as kids. I know students in college who still to this day struggle with not knowing
where to put commas, semicolons, apostrophes, etc. I feel like grammar is something one must
have a lot of knowledge about especially for the future and their career. I would also emphasis
ethos, pathos, and logos because I feel as if some kids were not taught this in high school. I
remember working on a paper in this class that required to write about ethos, pathos, and logos
and most of the kids were confused about the paper because they were unaware of how to
properly find ethos, pathos, and logos in articles, journals, websites, etc.


A writer that we read and wrote about would be Stephen King. His article 22 Lessons

From Stephen King On How To Be A Great Writer was definitely one of the articles that I
found most helpful. Stephen king cut right to the point on his idea of he thinks a great writer
should do. The advice that he gives that spoke out to me the most would be to take risks and
dont play it safe. He suggests to try anything even if its boring or outrageous and if it doesnt
work then just toss it out. He also stated to write everyday. I know the more you write the better
you become at it. He says if you dont write everyday the excitement for your idea may begin to
fade. I dont have any suggestions for the other readings, I felt like they all were very helpful in
their own particular way and strengthen the reader as a writer.


When I think about what I have learned about writing this semester my mind thinks of

many various things. I learned more this semester than I ever have throughout all of high school.
Ever since I was younger my teachers used to tell me that in my last paragraph of an essay I had
to restate everything that I talked about. Finally, this year I learned that wasnt necessary. I
learned how to correctly peer edit. I learned how to correctly connect to my audience on a
personal level. The more details, the more personal the essay is. I learned that many things are
expressed through different types of genres. Such as gay marriage, its expressed through bumper
stickers, protesting, websites, and articles. I learned more about ethos, pathos, and logos, which
my teacher in high school just briefed over. I can definitely take all that I learned from this
writing class to other classes with me. In the beginning of the semester I felt as if I wasnt a well
enough writer because in high school I was barely assigned to write papers. But now that this
semester is over I feel as if I have a lot more experience with writing and I believe that I have
actually become a stronger writer.


One of my major papers that I have written so far for this class would be my Ethnography

paper about proving that Alpha Delta Pi wasnt just a sorority, but a discourse community as well.
This paper required a lot of outside research. The first step that I took the complete my paper
would be researching about the history of Alpha Delta Pi. Then soon after I interviewed my Big,
who had been a member of Adpi for a year in a half so far, to get feedback about how she felt
about Alpha Delta Pi. I also interviewed a new member to see how much she enjoyed being a
member so far. The feedback that I received from my peers during peer editing session would be
to elaborate on what a Big is, and to explain why Adpi is known as being shady pi. I decided
to follow their advice because it made my paper more understandable. My thoughts on my final

product would be that I am very satisfied with my ethnography paper. I feel that I worked on it
with the best of my ability.


If I were in a class that required a lot of writing, but didnt have time allotted for peer

feedback I would definitely start a writing group with a couple of students in class. One of the
ways I would persuade them to meet would be to express the importance of getting a good grade
on the essays that we are required to write. I would discuss with them how much peer editing
helped me in my first UWRIT class. Just to make sure I have people actually show up to my
writing group I would let them know that there would be food and drinks supplied during the
writing group session. Some behavioral suggestions I would give them to help group members do
well on their papers and grow as writers would be that when they are peer editing do not cover
everything on their peers paper, only address the issues that are most important. Use marginal
comments and a note or letter in the end. I would suggest to not sound like a teacher, but to sound
like you would as if you were speaking to a friend. I would suggest to be specific when revising
over their peers paper, and to not only criticize their paper, but to praise them as well.

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